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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Nov 11, 2013

Volunteer of British IVSP in Volos (1946)This years' Internation Comittee Meeting of Service Civil International (SCI) will be held in Greece, remembering 30 years of uninterrupted SCI activity in the country.

The first SCI activists working in Greece, however, were representatives of the British IVSP who went there for doing relief and welfare work shortly after the liberation in 1944.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Oct 13, 2013

Fritz Lampert in Algeria

Fritz Lampert, a well known German paediatrician published his memories in 2011. In chapter 16 he describes his journey to Algeria after independence in 1962. His experience as young physician has been translated to English and is now published on the website of SCI Archives.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Aug 5, 2013

Isn't it normal that many things changed in the long history of the Service Civil International? SCI branches were founded and some has been dissolved as well. Organisational structure were created, modified and dissolved. Even some ideas has changed. However I think some technical and organisational challenges stayed. If you run organisation like SCI then you need e.g. an effective volunteer placement system.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Jun 9, 2013

Gabriel Pretus: Humanitarian Relief in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). 2013

SCI's contribution to humanitarian relief during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) remains an interesting field for academic research in SCI International Archives.

British historian Gabriel Pretus lately published his thesis covering different approaches to humanitarian aid during the Civil War in Spain.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Feb 24, 2013

In my last spotlight I have reported the difficulties SCI encountered in authoritarian South East Asian countries when it wanted to register a new sub-office. But political contestation due to its pacifist ideology has also affected SCI under comparably liberal political circumstances.

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Posted by David Palmer on Dec 17, 2012

The SCI veteran David Palmer has recently been contacted by an Iranian student requesting information about about the reconstruction project, which took place almost 50 years ago in Dousadj.

David writes about his volunteer experience in Iran in 1963 and some of the conclusions she has arrived at in her study.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Nov 2, 2012

A few weeks before the International Committee Meeting in Malaysia starts, it may be interesting to have some backgroud information about the roots of SCI presence in South East Asia.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Oct 5, 2012

From time to time, the SCI Archives website features memories of former workcamp volunteers. Over the past year, Greg Wilkinson, now aged 75, has been working on a blog called 'Lifework Drafts' which includes two years on SCI work-camps in the mid-50s, when he refused military service in Britain. In 1962, Greg returned to SCI and a newly-independent Algeria, before turning to journalism. His workcamp blogs are part of a wider of a wider exploration. Here, we ask what moved him to write these very personal accounts.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Aug 22, 2012

The Archives of SCI France and its Commission for Africa, Asia and Latin America (CAAAL) have recently been made accessible to the public at the Archives Départementales du Val-de-Marne, located in Créteil near Paris.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Jun 2, 2012

Antonio Belmonte, historian and long standing of SCI group in Madrid, published recently a book about the Spanish Civil War with photo from SCI Archives.


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