the SCI Archives the SCI Archives
Conditions of use

Conditions of use of material of SCI International Archives

Material from SCI International Archives like documents, photos, audio & video tape and the content of this website may be used with the following restrictions:

I) Publication within Service Civil International (SCI)

When using material from SCIIA for activities in the frame of SCI (e.g. SCI international working groups, SCI branches or groups), SCI International Archives have to be mentioned as the source. If possible, year and place of origin of a document, photo or publication have to be indicated.

II) Publication with information about SCI

When using material from SCIIA for publication for a wider public, in addition to SCI International Archives the name "Service Civil International" has to be mentioned in the publication. If possible, year and place of origin of a document, photo or publication have to be indicated.

III) Research

When using material from SCIIA for research aiming at a publication, the SCIIA file number has to be quoted in the publication as shown in the following example "SCIIA 43'271.1". In the list of sources, SCIIA has to be quoted as follows:
"SCIIA - Service Civil International - International Archives, Bibliothèque de la ville, La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland)".
The website may be mentioned as well:
The international Archives reference according to the ISAD-G standard of SCIIA is: "CH NECFBV SCI"

IV) Photos and Media

Authors of photos or media have to be mentioned if known.

V) Other purposes

It is not allowed to use the material for other purposes (e.g. commercial ones) than mentioned here

SCI International Archives
Bibliothèque de la ville
Rue du Progrès 32
CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

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