News 2005
The beginning of Helvetas 1955 (Switzerland)
by Philipp Rodriguez (Jul 5, 2005)
I found by chance on internet the thesis of Thomas Möckli about the foundation of the first private organisation for development co-operation in Switzerland called today 'Helvetas' in 1955, which was 50 years ago.
It's very interesting to read it in the view of SCI. Möckli describes SCI as part of the idealistic cercle , which co-founded Helvetas. E.g. the former SCI secretary Rodolfo Olgiati, which became coordintor of "Schweizer Spende*" after 2nd world war, promoted the idea of a Swiss development aid organisation strongly, because peace and help should be brought also outside Europe after reconstruction.Martin Menzi, former president of SCI Switzerland, worked 20 years in Buhtan for Helvetas. It's remarkable how SCI activists were linked and active in other organisations. I wonder if in other countries of SCI activits played a similar role.
- Helvetas :
- Thesis of T.Möckli, German
* Schweizer Spende - Dons Suisse : was Swiss organisation which raised donations and funds for reconstruction projects in Europe after WWII. SCI was in charge for several projects.