the SCI Archives the SCI Archives
International Archives


Service Civil International

Service Civil International (SCI) is one of the world's largest international volunteering organisations dedicated to promoting a culture of peace through the organisation and coordination of voluntary projects all over the world. SCI has been organising international voluntary projects since 1920.







SCI Archives

The historical archives of SCI in the Bibliothèque de la Ville La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland) provides an extensive documentation on international volunteering for peace.


Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Dec 23, 2021

sci-virtual-museumIn the frame of of the 100th anniversary of SCI, SCI Archives made the selection of objects and wrote the corresponding texts for Virtual Museum – an online gallery in which physical objects, mainly from the Archives, are displayed.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathluer on Apr 2, 2021

Esnes 1920

The sixth and last report on behalf of the “International Service Group” dates April 15th, 1921, and has been signed by Pierre Ceresole.

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Posted by Heinz Gabathluer on Feb 26, 2021

Esnes 1920

Hubert Parris, one of the leaders of the project alongside with Pierre Ceresole, wrote the fifth report on March 13th.



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Posted by Heinz Gabathluer on Jan 29, 2021

Esnes 1920The fourth regular report, signed by Hubert Parris and directed to the “Movement towards a Christian International”, dated January 20, 1921, lists the participants present in Esnes at that moment.

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Posted by Chandru Raghavan on Jan 7, 2021

menu_vol_kishoreBhupendra Kishore, popularly known as Bhuppy, former Indian branch and Asian Secretary of SCI, a person with many facets, passed away in the evening of December 31, 2020, at his home in New Delhi.

Chandru Raghavan, former International Secretary of SCI, has written an obituary and compiled reactions from friends all around the world read more...

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