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News from SCI International Archives informs about recent activities and insights or ideas around archives and the history of SCI.

Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Mar 28, 2012

The turmoil in Western societies around the year 1968, marked by students' revolts and
opposition against US warfare in Vietnam, also left its traces on the SCI movement.
During Easter holidays in 1969, West European and the US branches organised a
Seminar that took place in Uddel, The Netherlands, under the then quite fashionable motto
"The Social and Political Implications of Voluntary Service".

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Posted by Heinz Gabathuler on Jan 7, 2012

SCI Madrid has compiled an exhibition about the humanitarian mission of SCI during the Civil War in Spain (1937-39). It is now being shown at the Centro Cultural "Paco Rabla" in Madrid until 17th February 2012.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on May 29, 2011

Two long standing SCI volunteers left recently us forever Emma Ott (1907-2011) and Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011).

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Feb 2, 2011

This year we celebrate the 80 year anniversary of International Voluntary Service (IVS) Great Britain. On Thursday February 3rd there is a BBC episode which presents the first workcamp in Great Britain.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Sep 25, 2010

The exhibition Pierre Ceresole - a lifetime serving Peace. Around fifty visitors from Australia, France, Germany and Switzerland came to Municipal library of La Chaux-de-Fonds in order to see the 10 panels about Pierre Ceresole and SCI. In addition there seven display cabinets installed with photos, documents and objects from first SCI workcamps.

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Posted by John Myers on Apr 2, 2009

After the break-up of the socialist system at the end of the 1980s, our previous partners in Hungary had simply disappeared, and so SCI was left with hardly any opportunities of cooperation.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Aug 31, 2005

50 years ago started the frist SCI workcamp in Warsaw in cooperation with World Federation of Democratic Youth*. In SCI publication this workcamp is often considered as "the beginning" of the East West exchange in our organisation.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Aug 8, 2005

Today I got a picture for archives, which gives me finally a link to a name, which I know already for a long time: Marcus Jucker.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Jul 5, 2005

I found by chance on internet the thesis of Thomas Möckli about the foundation of the first private organisation for development co-operation in Switzerland called today 'Helvetas' in 1955, which was 50 years ago.

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Posted by Philipp Rodriguez on Jun 20, 2005

Today, there was a request for details about the life of Simone Chaumet. There's is a chance that she will be commemorated in Israel as she saved the life jewish children during WWII in France. Recently a commemorative plaque was installed on the Col du Fanget.

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