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Study pack on SCI for workcamps





This study pack shall help camp co-ordinators to organise a study part on SCI for

worcamp participants. The study pack is designed, so that it can be used for different purposes adapted to the volunteers : presentations, discussion, working in groups and self study.

Aim of the study pack

The idea is, that the campleader organise e.g. a evening on SCI during the workcamp in

order to speak up to 2 hours. The study pack shall be help to organise it. The volunteers shall understand, that SCI has long tradition of organising workcamps and

other activities. The sense and use of workcamps and international volunteering shall be

analysed and a discussion on the idea of SCI shall be started.

The approach of this study pack bases mainly on the history of SCI and refers therefore

often to workcamps or activities in the past. On one hand the basic ideas of SCI will be

explained. On the other hand workcamp participants are asked to compare the situation of

the past with the workcamp and its activities today. At the same time the pack shows the

wide field of SCI activities.

This study pack doesn’t go deeply to specific special subjects of SCI activities like long

term volunteering, North-South exchange etc. Therefore it's recommended present other

documents from SCI branches like the latest newsletter or leaflets.


  • Module A: SCI in the 20th century
    Survey on the development of SCI movement to a world-wide peace organisation. See and understand, that SCI organises workcamps for a long time.
  • Module B: Workcamps in the past and today
    Learn about the differences in workcamp life. Compare with it the situation today.
  • Module C: First workcamp of SCI : Verdun 1920
  • Understand the backgrounds of the first SCI workcamp. Discuss about promotion of peace and reconciliation in SCI nowadays.
  • Module D: Pick and broken sword – the SCI logo
    Discuss the aims of SCI and compare it to other peace organisations. Speak about
    alternative service for conscientious objectors.



Philipp Rodriguez





File Typ



  • pdf Study Pack Text
  • pdf Photos Set 1 (4.9 MB)
  • pdf Photos Set 2 (5.3 MB)
  • pdf Document A: Short Biography of Pierre Ceresole
  • pdf Document B: Pierre Ceresole - International Civilian Service and Mutual Aid (1924)
  • pdf Document C : L’Amitiés – Song of SCI
  • pdf Document D : Self Governance in workcamps – a letter from a volunteer
  • pdf Document E : Reconciliation in workcamp projects today
  • pdf Document F : Excerpt from International Constitution of SCI
    (Version 1998)
  • pdf Document G : War Resister’s International



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