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40800 East West Co-ordination

Archives no.




East-West Co-ordination: Projects

(2001 - 2005)


Summer School Ukraine, August 2001. Application and reports

(2001 - 2003)


Unsuccessful Application “Travelling Training Course on Conflict Resolution”



Seminar “Empowering Youth Leaders with Mediation Skills”, Malyovitsa, Bulgaria, September 2002. Application and report

(2001 - 2003)


Seminar “Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Resolution”, Tbilisi, Georgia, January 2004. Application and report

(2003 - 2005)


Seminar “Best Peace Practice”, Baku, Azerbaijan, November 2003. Application and report

(2003 - 2005)


Study visit to Russia, September 2004. Correspondence, application, report

(2003 - 2005)


Summer School East, Artemovsk, Ukraine, 2004 (project did not take place). Correspondence and application

(2003 - 2005)


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