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40800 East West Co-ordination

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East-West Co-ordination : Seminars

(1972 - 1992)


Seminars :
IVS GB : East-West Seminar 1972
SCI FRG : East-West Seminar, Berg (Germany) 26.02-1.03.1973
SCI FRG : Preparatory Seminar for volunteers going to socialist countries, Bonn (Germany) 30.06-1.07.73
SCI FRG : The role of voluntary service in the light of present political trends in Europe as a whole, Bonn (Germany) 1.-4.06.1974
SCI FRG : The actual and potential contribution on voluntary service in Europe and youth organization Kendenich (Germany) 2.-5.05.1975
SCI F : Rencontre Est Ouest, Workcamp, St.Girons (France) 16.8-13.9.1981
CCYMSC, EC : Campleader training - an all-European approach, Helsinki (Finland) 15.-17.10.1986
SCI/SIVSAJ : Working for peace together, Study Tour, 24.9.-4.10.1987
SCI/EYE : Youth Peace Seminar, Strasbourg (France) 19.-26.6.1988
CCYMSC : Volunteer Service in changing world, Strasbourg (France) 3.-9.4.1989

(1972 - 1989)


Seminars :
CCYMSC : Study Tour to Eastern Europe, 23.9.-7.10.1984
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, Dworp (Belgium) 15.-17.3.1985
CCYMSC : East-West Seminar, La Forge (France) 22.10.-25.10.1985
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, West-Berlin (Germany) 11.-13.4.1986
CCYMSC: Campleader Training, Helsinki (Finland) 17.-25.10.1986
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, Bad Hönningen (Germany) 23.-26.4.1987
SCI ES: Youth Peace Seminar, Strasbourg (France) 5.-6.3.1988
CCYMSC: Working for Peace together, Study Tour Western Europe, 24.9.-4.10.1987
CCYMSC: Volunteer Service in a Changing World, Strasbourg (France) 3.-9.4.1989
CCYMSC: Seminar of voluntary services from East and West, Sachsenhause (GDR) 11.-17.1990
SCI/MCP/HPC/IYNF: Which peace for which Europe, Budapest (Hungary) 8-14.10.1990
EWWG : Training Seminar, Perm (Russia) 22-29.11.1992

(1984 - 1992)


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