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SCI Archives Catalogue - List of files

43000 Co-ordination in Africa

Archives no.




Partner Organisation in West Africa & other Regions

(1957 - 1991)


Cameroon : Reports of field visits, Reports of Long-term volunteers, Work camps with Young Men Christian Association, Correspondence.

(1957 - 1986)


Burkina Faso : Information on situation.

(1967 - 1985)


Zaïre : Documentation on self-appointed SCI Branch Congo, Reports of Delegates, Correspondence.

(1964 - 1989)


Guinea-Bissao : Investigations.

(1974 - 1976)


Gambia : Investigations.

(1969 - 1975)


Chad (1969), Madagascar (1967), Mali (1967), Niger (1984), Rwanda (1969), Gabon (1979), Liberia (1991)

(1967 - 1991)


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