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11200 In memoriam of SCI members

Archives no.




In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (I)

Fridolin Trüb, 8.10.1919 - [see also 11114.07] Elisabeth Trüb-Mauch

(1946 - )


Articles, Correspondence

(1946 - )


Fridolin Trüb: Dem Frieden entgegen, 30 Geschichten und eine halbe.
St.Gallen (2009)



Small exhibition on 9 panels about SCI.

(1950 - 1960)


Souvenir plaque for SCI Service in Freiburg



Michael Walther: Fridolin Trüb - Zehn Interviews (August - Dezember 2007) [Website]



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