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SCI Archives Catalogue - List of files

50300 United Nations

Archives no.





Economic and Social Council

(1949 - )


Right of Conscientious Objectors to Military Service

(1949 - 1950)


New Resolution to United Nations Commission on Human Rights on Conscientious Objectors

(1949 - 1950)


The feasibility of Creating an international Corps of Volunteers for Development



Correspondence concerning consultative status with ECOSOC

(1946 - 1970)


Correspondence with UNO, Division Human Rights and ECOSOC

(1946 - 1970)


Dorothy E.Woods : The participation of young people in Community Development.



Volunteers in the Field Programme UNO system : Information Meeting organised by Non-Governmental Section of ECOSOC of the UNO in co-operation with the CCIVS and Youth Service Project



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