Archives no. | Content | Period |
10101 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1903 - 1934) |
10101.01 |
P.Ceresole : Über die Bewegung eines materiellen Punktes auf einer gleichförmigen rotierenden Fläche, Inaugural-Dissertation. Zürich (1903) |
(1903) |
10101.02 |
P.Ceresole : Le parallélisme psychophysiologique et l'argument de M. Bergson.
Archives de psychologie, Vol.5, No.18, Geneva (1905) |
(1905) |
10101.03 |
P.Ceresole : Religion et Patriotisme, dernier recours lu à la salle centrale à Lausanne le 2 mai 1917.
Edition de la Fédération Romande des Socialistes Chrétiens No.1, Lausanne (1917) |
(1917) |
10101.04 |
P.Ceresole : Religion et Patriotisme, dernier recours lu à la salle centrale à Lausanne le 2 mai 1917.
Lausanne (1917) |
(1917) |
10101.05 |
P.Ceresole : Une autre Patrie.
Edition de Fédération romande des Socialiste Chrétiens, No.2, Lausanne (1918) |
(1918) |
10101.06 |
P.Ceresole : Article In : Freds-Varden, No.2, Copenhague (1923) p 24-30 |
(1923) |
10101.07 |
Newspaper cuttings on conferences given by P.Ceresole (1925) |
(1925) |
10101.08 |
Article on the appointment of P.Ceresole as teacher at the "Gymnase" in La Chaux-de-Fonds in : La Sentinelle (26.2.1925) |
(1925) |
10101.09 |
P.Ceresole : L'Action révolutionnaire pacifique.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1926 ?) |
(1926) |
10101.10 |
P.Ceresole : Avertissement à nos soldates.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1926 ?) |
(1926) |
10101.11 |
Newspaper cuttings on conferences by P.Ceresole.
Geneva (1927)TEST |
(1927) |
10101.12 |
P.Ceresole : Les Forces de l'esprit Ralph-Waldo Emerson 1803-1882
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1930) |
(1930) |
10101.13 |
P.Ceresole : Union internationale de secours et service international pour la paix; notre préparée pour le comité central de l'A.S.D.N. ... et mise au point le 11 janvier 1933.
Manuscript, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1930 and 1933) |
(1933) |
10101.14 |
P.Ceresole : L'Armée suisse - Quarante-deux questions.
Basel (1931) |
(1931) |
10101.15 |
P.Ceresole : Die Schweizer Armee - 42 Fragen (2nd part).
Nie wieder Krieg No.7, Zurich (7.Juli 1931) |
(1931) |
10101.16 |
P.Ceresole : En Allemagne et aux Indes pour la Paix.
Secrétariat du SCI, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1934) |
(1934) |
10101.17 |
P.Ceresole : An die Freunde des Internationalen Zivildienstes.
Gland (1934) |
(1934) |
10101.18 |
P.Ceresole : (?) Letters in : Enseignement secondaire, Rapport annuel, Année scolaire 1925-1926. La Chaux-de-Fonds (1926) p 83-103 |
(1926) |
10101.19 |
P.Ceresole :
Article in : Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.7/26, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1930) p 7 |
(1930) |
10101.20 |
P.Ceresole : Article in : Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.8/26, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1931) p 6 |
(1931) |
10101.21 |
Newspaper Cuttings concerning P.Ceresole (1932) |
(1932) |
10101.22 |
P.Ceresole : Refusons de préparer le massacre.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 7, No.37, Le Locle (Oct.-Nov.1932) p 1-2 |
(1932) |
10101.23 |
P.Ceresole : La Vengeance du Tribunal 5a.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 7, No.33, Le Locle (1932) p 2-3 |
(1932) |
10101.24 |
P.Ceresole : Héroïsme des autres Militaires.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 7, No.36, Le Locle (1932) p 2 |
(1932) |
10101.25 |
P.Ceresole : Le massacre du 9 Novembre à Geneve.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.38, Le Locle (1933) p 1 |
(1933) |
10101.26a |
P.Ceresole : Déni de justice.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.39, Le Locle (1933) p 1 |
(1933) |
10101.26b |
P.Ceresole : Pour se défendre ... tuer.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.39, Le Locle (1933) p 2 |
(1933) |
10101.26c |
P.Ceresole : La collaboration des autorités militaires au service civil.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.39, Le Locle (1933) |
(1933) |
10101.27a |
P.Ceresole : Service civil 1933.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.41, Le Locle (1933) p 1 |
(1933) |
10101.27b |
P.Ceresole : La fête des sous-officiers.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.41, Le Locle (1934) p 1 |
(1934) |
10101.27c |
P.Ceresole : Le 9 novembre et l'honneur de l'armée.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 8, No.41, Le Locle (1933) p 4 |
(1933) |
10101.28a |
P.Ceresole : Allemagne, socialisme et défense militaire.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 9, No.44, Le Locle (1934) p 1 |
(1934) |
10101.28b |
P.Ceresole : Pour être juste.
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 9, No.44, Le Locle (1934) p 3 |
(1934) |
10101.28c |
P.Ceresole : Si vous pouviez tuer cet homme ...
La Révolution Pacifique, Volume 9, No.44, Le Locle (1934) p 3 |
(1934) |
10101.29 |
L.C.N.Braseth: Poème pour le 50ème anniversaire de Pierre Ceresole.
Traduction libre de Hélène Monastier (1929) |
(1929) |
10101.30 |
N.J.C.Schermerhorn, P.Ceresole: Alternativdienstpflicht und freiwilliger Zivildienst. Zwei Stimmmen. In: Franz Kobler: Gewalt und Gewaltlosigkeit.
Zürich, Leipzig: Rotapfel (1928) |
(1928) |
10101.31 |
P.Ceresole : Practical service.
(1920) |
(1920) |
10101.32 |
Pierre Ceresole in La Chaux-de-fonds: Newspaper articles |
(1926 - 1932) |
10101.A1 |
Pierre Ceresole : Lettres des Indes No.1-28 (October 1934 - December 1935) |
(1934 - 1935) |
10101.A2 |
Pierre Ceresole : Lettres des Indes No.29-52 (January 1936 - August 1937) |
(1936 - 1937) |

10102 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1935 - 1940) |
10102.01 |
P.Ceresole, C.F.Andrews : En Inde sinistrée.
Lausanne (1935) |
(1935) |
10102.02 |
P.Ceresole: En vue de l'Himalaya. Lettres du Bihar.
Lausanne (1936) |
(1936) |
10102.03 |
P.Ceresole : Aux Indes pour la paix vivante, Lettre du Bihar 1935-1937.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1937) |
(1937) |
10102.04 |
P.Ceresole : Le service international pour la Paix.
(1937) |
(1937) |
10102.05 |
P.Ceresole : Religion et Service,
Traduction de l'article publié par "The Friend" à Londres le 21 octobre 1938 |
(1938) |
10102.06 |
A set of letters and newspapers cuttings written by P.Ceresole and others (1935-1938) |
(1938) |
10102.07 |
E. Imbelli: Deux années au secours des enfants d'Espagne.
Le Service civil, No.15, Bern (30.6.1939) - newspaper cutting with Pierre Ceresole's handwritten comments |
(1939) |
10102.08 |
P.Ceresole, Paul Trautvetter : Notre responsabilité, Mémoire adressé à la Cour de cassation pénale fédérale le 15 août 1940.
Neuchâtel (1940) |
(1940) |
10102.10 |
P.Ceresole : Circulaire.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1940) |
(1940) |
10102.11 |
Gebet unseres treuen Friedenskämpfers Pierre Ceresole (1940) |
(1940) |
10102.12 |
P.Ceresole : Internationaler Friedensdienst.
Le Service Civil, No.4, Bern (1.3.1936) p 1-2 |
(1936) |
10102.13 |
P.Ceresole : Service aux Indes 1935/36.
Le Service Civil, No.6, Bern (3.11.1936) p 1-2 |
(1936) |
10102.14 |
P.Ceresole : Aux Indes.
Le Service Civil, No.7/8, Bern (5.3.1937) p 31-32 |
(1937) |
10102.15 |
P.Ceresole : L'importance du mouvement espérantiste , Die Bedeutung der Esperantobewegung.
Le Service Civil, No. 12, Bern (7.6.1938) p 60 |
(1938) |
10102.16 |
P.Ceresole : Nouvelles perspectives.
Le Service Civil, No.17, Bern (1.2.1940) p 1-2 |
(1940) |
10102.17 |
P.Ceresole : Refusons et appelons au refus.
Le Résistant à la Guerre, Volume 10, No.47, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1934/1935) p 1 |
(1934 - 1935) |
10102.18 |
P.Ceresole : Nouvelles de Pierre Ceresole et concernant le travail du SCI.
Le Résistant à la Guerre, Volume 10, No.49, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1935) |
(1935) |
10102.19a |
P.Ceresole : Le travail du Service volontaire international pour la Paix aux Indes, 1934 - 1935.
Le Résistant à la Guerre, Volume 10, No.50, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1935) p 1 |
(1935) |
10102.19b |
P.Ceresole : Lettre No.24.
Le Résistant à la Guerre, Volume 10, No.50, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1935) p 1-2 |
(1935) |
10102.20 |
Mémorandum destiné à accompagner la lettre de présentation d'un candidat au Prix NOBEL de la Paix. |
(1938) |

10103 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1941 - 1950) |
10103.01 |
Satz des Pythagoras bildlich dargestellt gemäss Entwurf von Pierre Ceresole. (1936) |
(1936) |
10103.02 |
Arnold Bolle : Plaidoirie devant le Tribunal de Neuchâtel concernant l'intervention de Pierre Ceresole le Vendredi-Saint 1941.
Geneva (1941) |
(1941) |
10103.03 |
Pierre Ceresole : L'autre Allemagne, Extrait d'une lettre au directeur de la prison Waldshut.
L'Essor, No.39/22, Geneva (8.12.1944) |
(1944) |
10103.04 |
[Various authors] : Hommages à Pierre Ceresole.
L'Essor, No 49/21. Geneva (23.11.1945) |
(1945) |
10103.05 |
[Various authors] : In Memoriam Pierre Ceresole 1879-1945.
Lausanne (1945) |
(1945) |
10103.06 |
Elisabeth Blaser : A la mémoire de Pierre Ceresole.
Rapport annuel du centre d'action pour la paix 1944-1945. Zurich (1946 ?) |
(1946) |
10103.07 |
Pierre Ceresole, August 17th 1879 - October 23rd 1945.
London (1946) |
(1946) |
10103.08 |
Hélène Monastier : Pierre Ceresole, un quaker d'aujourd'hui.
Paris (1947) |
(1947) |
10103.09 |
Pierre Ceresole (edited by P.Bovet and H.Monastier) : Vivre sa vérité, Carnets de Route, 1ère édition.
Neuchâtel (1950) |
(1950) |
10103.10 |
Alice Brügger : Pierre Ceresole, der Nachfolger Henri Dunants.
Manuscript, Zurich (1949) |
(1949) |
10103.11 |
Hélène Monastier : Pierre Ceresole, ein Kämpfer für den Frieden.
Vienna (1950) |
(1950) |
10103.12 |
Therese Lauterburg : Pierre Ceresole und der Internationale Zivildienst.
Manuscript, Zurich ? (1950) |
(1950) |
10103.13 |
Robert Stahler : Pierre Ceresole a vécu sa vérité.
Le Protestant, Geneva (15.11.1950) |
(1950) |
10103.14 |
Pierre Ceresole : Vivre sa vérité, Carnets de Route, 2ème edition.
Neuchatel (1960?) |
(1960) |
10103.15 |
Picture of Pierre Ceresole probably taken at the end of the thirties or early forties |
() |
10103.16a |
Pierre Ceresole : Rotes Kreuz und Zivildienst - Croix-Rouge et Service Civil.
Le Service Civil, No.20/21, Bern (11.4.1942) |
(1942) |
10103.16b |
Pierre Ceresole : Wechsel im Sekretariat - Changement de sécretaire.
Le Service Civil, No.20/21, Bern (11.4.1942) p 2-3 |
(1942) |
10103.17a |
Pierre Ceresole : Rectification - Berichtigung.
Le Service Civil, No.22/23, Bern (15.12.1942) p 1 |
(1942) |
10103.17b |
Pierre Ceresole ? : Une ancienne question - Eine alte Frage.
Le Service Civil, No.22/23, Bern (15.12.1942) p 3-4 |
(1942) |
10103.17c |
Pierre Ceresole ? : Echo aus dem Dienst.
Le Service Civil, No.22/23, Bern (15.12.1942) p 6-7 |
(1942) |
10103.17d |
Pierre Ceresole ? : Etats-Unis et Mexique contre la malaria.
Le Service Civil, No.22/23, Bern (15.12.1942) p 8 |
(1942) |
10103.17e |
Pierre Ceresole ? : Le sens du service civil.
Le Service Civil, No.22/23, Bern (15.12.1942) p 8 |
(1942) |
10103.18 |
I.Pickard, B.Pickard, B.Shaffer: Roots of Swiss Quakerism. In: Quakerism in Switzerland. [about SCI and P.Ceresole]
London (1943) |
(1943) |
10103.19 |
Newspaper Cuttings on Pierre Ceresole: Gazette de Lausanne, Journal de Genève |
(1901 - 1945) |

10104 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1951 - 1961) |
10104.01 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Pierre Ceresole, Ein Mosaikbild.
Manuskript, Basel |
() |
10104.02 |
Fritz Wartenweiler : Umrüsten - Pierre Ceresole
[no year] |
(1961) |
10104.03 |
Pierre Ceresole : For Peace and Truth, Extracts from the notebooks.
Translated and edited by John W.Harvey and Christina Yates, London (1954) |
(1954) |
10104.04 |
Alonso Diez (Editor) : Textes de Hélène Monastier, Pierre Ceresole, Arnold Bolle (et al.).
Lausanne (1954) |
(1954) |
10104.05 |
Hélène Monastier : Pierre Ceresole, le plus grand parmi nous - celui qui sert.
Paris (1960) |
(1960) |
10104.06 |
Hélène Monastier, Edmond Privat, Lise Ceresole, Samuel Gagnebin : Pierre Ceresole d'après sa correspondence.
Neuchâtel (1960) |
(1960) |
10104.07 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Pierre Ceresole 1879-1945.
Der Aufbau, No.42/22, Zurich (1.6.1961) |
(1961) |
10104.08 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Pierre Ceresole, der Gründer des Freiwilligen Internationalen Zivildienstes, ein Kämpfer für Wahrheit und Frieden.
Bad Pyrmont (1961-1962) |
(1961) |
10104.09 |
Pierre Ceresole : L'objection de conscience au service militaire : "Si vous pouviez tuer cet homme".
Le Service Civil, No.57, Bern (December 1952) p 4 |
(1952) |
10104.10 |
Pierre Ceresole : Une autre patrie (Reprint).
Le Service Civil, No.65, Bern (December 1954) p 1 |
(1954) |
10104.11 |
Pierre Ceresole : Aus einem Brief von Pierre Ceresole.
Le Service Civil, No.68, Bern (September 1955) p 6 |
(1955) |
10104.12 |
Pierre Ceresole : Thoughts taken from the correspondance of Pierre Ceresole with his friend P.Chapuis.
Le Service Civil, No.69, Bern (Dezember 1955) p 1 and 3 |
(1955) |
10104.13a |
Edmond Privat : Pierre Ceresole am Werk.
Le Service Civil, German Edition, No.85, Bern (July-September 1960) p 2 |
(1960) |
10104.13b |
Pierre Ceresole : Beiträge Pierre Ceresole, geschrieben 1936-37 : In Indien.
Le Service Civil, German Edition, No.85, Bern (July-September 1960) p 3 |
(1960) |
10104.13c |
Pierre Ceresole : An die Militärbehörden - An unsere Brüder im Waffendienst.
Le Service Civil, German Edition, No.85, Bern (July-September 1960) p 12 |
(1960) |
10104.14 |
Helene Monastier, Dora Willson, Leonard S. Kenworthy: Pierre Ceresole speaks.
Brooklyn, New York (1951) |
(1951) |
10104.15 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard: An Pierre Ceresole, In: Reimereien. [Poem]
Basel: Haldiman & Co (1952?) |
(1952) |
10104.16 |
Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Lausanne: Archives Pierre Ceresole (IS1917), Catalogue Excerpt on Service Civil International |
(1955) |

10105 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1962 - 1979) |
10105.01 |
[Pierre Ceresole] : Pierre Ceresole 1879-1945.
L'Essor, No. 60/13, Geneva (October 1965) |
(1965) |
10105.02 |
[Pierre Ceresole] : 20e anniversaire de la mort de Pierre Ceresole.
Bulletin de SCI France, Paris (1965) |
(1965) |
10105.03 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Pierre Ceresole 1879-1945.
Neue Wege, No.59/10, Zurich (Oktober 1965) |
(1965) |
10105.04 |
Hélène Monastier : Romain Rolland et Pierre Ceresole.
L'Essor, No.60/14, Geneva (12.11.1965) |
(1965) |
10105.05 |
Gillet, Nicholas : Men against War (Pierre Ceresole)(?).
London (1966) |
(1966) |
10105.07 |
Daniel Anet : Pierre Ceresole : La passion de la paix.
Neuchâtel (1969) |
(1969) |
10105.08 |
Hélène Monastier : La victoire posthume du prophète, propos recueillis par Jean-Bernard Desfayes.
24 Heures, Lausanne (18.-19.11.1972) |
(1972) |
10105.09 |
Franz Posset : Gedenkrede zum 30. Todesjahr von M.J.Metzger : für Völkerverständnis und Internationalen Zivildienst in Radevormwald am 16. Juni 1974 |
(1974) |
10105.10 |
Daniel Anet : Pierre Ceresole - Passionate Peacemaker.
Translated and abridged by Marjory Taylor, edited Ethelwyn Best. Madras (1974) |
(1974) |
10105.11 |
Daniel Anet : Centième Anniversaire de la naissance de Pierre Ceresole, Portrait d'un héros.
L'Essor, No. 74/5, La Chaux-de-Fonds (May 1979) |
(1979) |
10105.12 |
Yves Lassueur : Les 100 ans de P.Ceresole : Pierre, baroudeur de la non-violence.
Tribune de Lausanne, Lausanne (17.8.1979) |
(1979) |
10105.13 |
[Pierre Ceresole] : Ein Leben für den Frieden. (1979 ?) |
(1979) |
10105.14 |
Henri Roser : Il y a cent ans, Pierre Ceresole.
Union Pacifiste, No.13/149, Paris ? (December 1979) |
(1979) |
10105.15 |
Fritz Wartenweiler : Pierre Ceresole. |
() |
10105.16 |
Violette Ansermoz-Dubois : Salut & Joie, Hélène Monastier, centième anniversaire de sa naissance.
Lausanne (1982) |
(1982) |
10105.17 |
Circulaire "Les amis de Pierre Ceresole".
Assocation for enabling to publish the book "La passion de la Paix" [see 10105.07], Geneva (September 1968) |
(1968) |
10105.18 |
Circulaire "Les amis de Pierre Ceresole".
Assocation for enabling to publish the book "La passion de la Paix" [see 10105.07], Geneva (December 1968) |
(1968) |
10105.19 |
P.Ceresole : Refus de payer la taxe militaire In : Schweiz, ein Lesebuch, Herausgegeben vom schweizerischen Bundesrat.
Bundeskanzlei, Bern (1975) |
(1975) |
10105.20 |
Blanche W.Shaffer: Ein Treffen mit Pierre Ceresole.
Der Quäker Vol.34 No.4 (April 1960) |
(1960) |
10105.21 |
Wolfgang Harms: Pierre Ceresole und seine Verwirklichung des Zivildienstgedankens
Der Quäker Vol.47 No.1 (1973) |
(1973) |

10106 |
Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole |
(1980 - ) |
10106.01 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Pierre Ceresole, der Gründer des Freiwilligen Internationalen Zivildienstes, ein Kämpfer für Wahrheit und Frieden, 2.Auflg.
Bad Pyrmont (1961-1962) |
(1995) |
10106.02 |
Robert Mächler : Pierre Ceresoles Badener Jahre.
Badener Neujahrsblätter (1987) |
(1987) |
10106.03 |
Robert Mächler : Pierre Ceresole, "das höchste Gewissen der Schweiz".
Schweizer Monatsheft No.7/8 (Juli/August 1987) |
(1987) |
10106.04 |
Robert Mächler : Dokumentarisches zu Pierre Ceresoles Badener Jahren.
Badener Neujahrsblätter (1988) |
(1988) |
10106.05 |
Pierre Ceresole, 1879 Lausanne - 1945 Lutry. In : Badener Autoren und Autorinnen aus 500 Jahren.
Baden Verlag, Baden (1989) |
(1989) |
10106.06 |
Enrico Valsangiacomo : Pierre Ceresole, un pionnier du pacifisme.
Almanach Croix Rouge suisse 1994, Bern (1994) |
(1994) |
10106.07 |
Daniel Anet : "À l'angle droit du chemin de la violence".
Essor No.7/8 (July/August 1989) |
(1989) |
10106.08 |
Robert Mächler : Zwei ungleiche Friedensfreunde - unpolitisches zur Armeefrage.
Badener Tagblatt (9.September 1989) |
(1989) |
10106.09 |
Fridolin Trüb : Vor 50 und 5 Jahren.
Neue Wege (April 1995) |
(1995) |
10106.10 |
Anna Pizzirani : Pierre Ceresole e il Servizio Civil Internazionale, Tesi di Laurea in Filosofia Morale.
Bologna : Università degli Studi di Bologna, Facoltá di scienze politiche (1999).
[see 11116.02] |
(1999) |
10106.11 |
Regina Müller : Cérésoles Vermächtnis.
Leben und Glauben Nr.47 (23.11.2000) |
(2000) |
10106.12 |
Leonard S.Kenworthy : Pierre Ceresole - Pick and Shovel Peacemaker In: Living in the Light,Vol.2.
Kennett Square : Friends General Conference & Quakter Publications (1985) |
(1985) |
10106.13 |
Heidi Blocher : Pierre Ceresole (1879-1945), 350 Jahre Quäkertum.
Entre Amis (Dezember 2002) p2-8 [also Article about Hélène Monastier and Franco Perna] |
(2002) |
10106.14 |
Jean Corminboeuf: Pierre Ceresole (1879-1945) par lui-même, Tome I (1879-1921).
Lausanne (March 2004)
[contains detailed biographical dates] |
(2004) |
10106.15 |
Jean Corminboeuf: Pierre Ceresole: le refus du service militaire au nom des valeurs chrétiennes.
Itinéraires No.50 (2005) |
(2005) |
10106.16 |
Claus Bernet: Pierre Ceresole.
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Volume 14 (2005) Column 432-443 |
(2005) |
10106.17 |
Joel O'Neill: Pierre Ceresole - La question de l'adhésion du Service Civil au RUP [Rassemblement universel pour la Paix]
Université de Fribourg (2008) |
(2008) |
10106.18 |
SCI International Archives: Pierre Ceresole in Germany, The border crossing in 1918, 1933, 1942 and 1944.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (2010) |
(2010) |
10106.19 |
Pierre Cérésole (1879 - 1945): Une vie au service de la paix.
La Chaux-de-Fonds: Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Service Civil International (2010) |
(2010) |
10106.20 |
Pierre Ceresole (1887 – 1945): A lifetime serving Peace.
La Chaux-de-Fonds: Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Service Civil International (2010) |
(2010) |
10106.21 |
Keith R. Maddock: Living Truth, A spiritual portrait of Pierre Ceresole.
Wallingford: Pendle Hill Pamphlet (2005) |
(2005) |
10106.22 |
Geoffrey Durham: Pierre Ceresole In: The Spirit of the Quakers.
New Haven & London: Yale University Press (2010) |
(2010) |
10106.23 |
La Chaux-de-Fonds. Histoires d'une ville de gauche. Neuchâtel: Editions Alphil (2012) |
(2012) |
10106.24 |
Exhibition Pierre Ceresole, Documentation for SCI Anniversary 1920-2010 |
(2010) |
10106.25 |
Pierre Ceresole in Germany for Peace, Documentation for SCI Anniversary 1920-2010 |
(2010) |
10106.26 |
Jean Corminboeuf: Pierre Ceresole. Le dernier saint vaudois? Jogny (CH) : Editions A-Eurysthée. |
(2017) |

10109 |
Publications by P.Ceresole and on SCI in volumes "Nie wieder Krieg" 10109.A Articles written by Pierre Ceresole
10109.B Articles written on SCI-Services |
(1923 - 1928) |
10109.A1 |
Pierre Ceresole : Dienstverweigerung und "Ernstes Wort an unsere Soldaten".
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6-7, Zurich (1925) p 24-26 |
(1925) |
10109.A2 |
Pierre Ceresole : Briefwechsel mit mit Freund M.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.10-11, Zurich (1925) p 37 |
(1925) |
10109.A3 |
Pierre Ceresole : Offener Brief an den Chef des Eidgenössischen Militärdepartement.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.2, Zurich (1926) p 7 |
(1926) |
10109.A4 |
Pierre Ceresole : Die Taten der Sozialisten in La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.4, Zurich (1926) p 15 |
(1926) |
10109.A5 |
Pierre Ceresole : Ein neuer Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8, Zurich (1926) p 39 |
(1926) |
10109.A6 |
Pierre Ceresole : An die Freunde des freiwilligen Zivildienstes.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1927) p 39 |
(1927) |
10109.A7 |
Pierre Ceresole : " Das Heer hat uns in den Jahren 1914-1918 gerettet".
Nie wieder Krieg, No.2, Zurich (1928) p 11-12 |
(1928) |
10109.B01 |
Nie wieder Krieg, No.3, Zurich (1923) p 12 |
(1923) |
10109.B02 |
Der erste schweizerische Zivildienst Vers l'Eglise.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7-8, Zurich (1924) p 34 |
(1924) |
10109.B03 |
Aufruf des Initiativkomitees : Freiwillige für Someo.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.9, Zurich (1924) p 37 |
(1924) |
10109.B04 |
Franz Schmidt : Zivildienst in Someo.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.10, Zurich (1924) p 43 |
(1924) |
10109.B05 |
Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Friedensarbeit : Aus dem trefflichen "Someo" Dienstbüchlein.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8-9, Zurich (1925) p 32 |
(1925) |
10109.B06 |
Hannie Keller : Noch etwas vom Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.10, Zurich (1926) p 50 |
(1926) |
10109.B07 |
Ernst Hörnlimann : Aus dem Zivildienst in Feldis.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8, Zurich (1927) p 43 |
(1927) |
10109.B08 |
Zivildienst-Komitee : Aufruf für freiwilligen Hilfsdienst in Liechtenstein & Graubünden.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.12, Zurich (1927) p 67 |
(1927) |
10109.B09 |
Hélène Monastier : Freiwilliger Hilfsdienst Liechtenstein-Schweiz, An die Frauen und Töchter.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.3, Zurich (1928) p 18 |
(1928) |
10109.B10 |
Ernest Ceresole : Freiwillige Hilfsarbeiten, Tätigkeitsbericht für den Monat April 1928.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1928) p 25 |
(1928) |
10109.B11 |
Max Kleiber : Vom freiwilligen Hilfsdienst Liechtenstein -Schweiz.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1928) p 31 |
(1928) |
10109.B12 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Aus dem freiwilligen Hilfsdienst Liechtenstein-Schweiz.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1928) p 46-47 |
(1928) |
10109.B13 |
Ernest Ceresole : Freiwillige Hilfsarbeiten in Liechtenstein und Graubünden, Tätigkeitsbericht 2.5-17.7.1928.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8, Zurich (1928) p 54-56 |
(1928) |
10109.B14 |
Alexis Danan : Zivildiensteindrücke.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.11, Zurich (1928) p 74 |
(1928) |

10110 |
Publications by P.Ceresole and on SCI in volumes "Nie wieder Krieg" 10110.A Articles written by Pierre Ceresole
10110.B Articles written on SCI-Services |
(1929 - 1937) |
10110.A01 |
Pierre Ceresole (Für das Zivildienst Komitee) : Freiwillige Friedens- und Hilfsdienste 1929.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1929) p 17 |
(1929) |
10110.A02 |
Pierre Ceresole : Aufrichtiger Friedenswille ist nicht achtenswert.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1929) p 22 |
(1929) |
10110.A03 |
Pierre Ceresole (Für das Zivildienst Komitee) : Zivildienst 1931.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.4, Zurich (1931) p 17 |
(1931) |
10110.A04 |
Pierre Ceresole : (Für das Zivildienst Komitee) : Internationaler Zivildienst in Brynmawr (South Wales).
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1931) p 19-20 |
(1931) |
10110.A05 |
Pierre Ceresole : Ein Einwand gegen den Zivildienst in England.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1931) p 22 |
(1931) |
10110.A06 |
Pierre Ceresole : Die Schweizer Armee, 42 Fragen [See 10101.A06].
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1931) p 23 |
(1931) |
10110.A07 |
Pierre Ceresole (Für das Zivildienst Komitee) : Aufruf zum Zivildienst im Unter-Aargau.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1931) p 25 |
(1931) |
10110.A08 |
Pierre Ceresole : Die Schweizer Armee, 42 Fragen (Continuation) [See 10101.A06].
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1931) p 27-28 |
(1931) |
10110.A09 |
Pierre Ceresole : Zivildienst in Safien Platz (Graubünden).
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1932) p 30 |
(1932) |
10110.A10 |
Pierre Ceresole : Töten - um zu verteidigen !
Nie wieder Krieg, No.3, Zurich (1933) p 10 |
(1933) |
10110.B01 |
Oskar Steger : Freiwilliger Hilfsdienst Feldis 1928.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1929) p 27-28 |
(1929) |
10110.B02 |
Eugen Lyrer : Freiwilliger Zivildienst Liechtenstein 1928.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1929) p 28 |
(1929) |
10110.B03 |
Clärly Knuchel : Praktische Friedensarbeit in Norwegen.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1930) p 19 |
(1930) |
10110.B04 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Ein Zivildienstlied.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1930) p 21 |
(1930) |
10110.B05 |
Clärly Knuchel : Freiwilliger Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.11, Zurich (1930) p 41-42 |
(1930) |
10110.B06 |
Hans Meyer : Gründung einer Zivildienst-Vereinigung.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1931) p 22 |
(1931) |
10110.B07 |
Otto Weis : Bericht über den Zivildienst im Unter-Aargau.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7, Zurich (1931) p 29 |
(1931) |
10110.B08 |
Schweizer Zivildienst Komitee : Der internationale Zivildienst im Unter-Aargau.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8, Zurich (1931) p 34 |
(1931) |
10110.B09 |
Lisel Ryser : Bericht über den freiwilligen Zivildienst in Südwales.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.11, Zurich (1931) p 45-47 |
(1931) |
10110.B10 |
Komitee des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Zivildienst 1931.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.11, Zurich (1931) p 47-48 |
(1931) |
10110.B11 |
Internationale Zivildienst Vereinigung : Auszug aus den Statuten.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.12, Zurich (1931) p 50 |
(1931) |
10110.B12 |
Schweizerisches Zivildienst Komitee : Internationaler Zivildienst 1932.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.4/5, Zurich (1932) p 21 |
(1932) |
10110.B13 |
Vom Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1932) p 27 |
(1932) |
10110.B14 |
Komitee des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Internationaler Zivildienst in Safien-Platz (Graubünden).
Nie wieder Krieg, No.10, Zurich (1932) p 40 |
(1932) |
10110.B15 |
Clara Grotz, Wolf Schwemmer : Auf nach Santa Maria ! Zivildienst 1934.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1934) p 31 |
(1934) |
10110.B16 |
Arthur Rich : Was tut der Zivildienst ?
Nie wieder Krieg, No.8, Zurich (1934) p 43 |
(1934) |
10110.B17 |
Zürcher Gruppe des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Verheerung in Hütten, dringlicher Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.9, Zurich (1934) p 50-51 |
(1934) |
10110.B18 |
Erich Steinitz : Offener Brief an Arthur Rich.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.10, Zurich (1934) p 53-54 |
(1934) |
10110.B19 |
Sekretariat des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Der Internationale Zivildienst in diesem Jahr.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.2, Zurich (1935) p 10-11 |
(1935) |
10110.B20 |
Marguerite Wirz : Freizeit - Zivildienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.2, Zurich (1935) p 11 |
(1935) |
10110.B21 |
Sekretariat des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Internationaler Hilfsdienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.3, Zurich (1935) p 15 |
(1935) |
10110.B22 |
Clara Grotz : Offener Brief an die Zivildienst-Freunde.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.4, Zurich (1935) p 23 |
(1935) |
10110.B23 |
Wolf Schwemmer : Hilfsdienst in Hütten.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.4, Zurich (1935) p 25 |
(1935) |
10110.B24 |
Sekretariat des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Aufruf zu freiwilligem Hilfsdienst.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1935) p 30-31 |
(1935) |
10110.B25 |
Sekretariat des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Zivildienst in Litzirüti (Graubünden).
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1935) p 39 |
(1935) |
10110.B26 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Der Zivildienst marschiert.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7/8, Zurich (1935) p 43 |
(1935) |
10110.B27 |
Emile Villard : Friedensarbeit mit Pickel und Schaufel.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.9, Zurich (1935) p 47-48 |
(1935) |
10110.B28 |
Zivildienst 1936.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.5, Zurich (1936) p 29 |
(1936) |
10110.B29 |
Internationaler Zivildienst 1936.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.6, Zurich (1936) p 33 |
(1936) |
10110.B30 |
Rodolfo Olgiati : Internationale Zivildienste.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7/8, Zurich (1936) p 38-39 |
(1936) |
10110.B31 |
Sekretariat des Internationalen Zivildienstes : Zivildienst im Lötschental.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7/8, Zurich (1937) p 41 |
(1937) |
10110.B32 |
Rodolfo Olgiati, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder : Spanien lässt keine Ruh.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.7/8, Zurich (1937) p 43 |
(1937) |
10110.B33 |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder : Die Kinder müssen gerettet werden.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.9, Zurich (1937) p 48-49 |
(1937) |
10110.B34 |
Jakob Rüdisühli : Eine Kinderkolonie in Spanien.
Nie wieder Krieg, No.9, Zurich (1937) p 49-50 |
(1937) |

10111 |
Exchange of letters of P.Ceresole with SCI-members |
(1924 - 1968) |
10111.1 |
Pierre Ceresole : Letters to Clärly Knuchel (1928-1943). |
(1928 - 1943) |
10111.2 |
Pierre Ceresole : Various Letters. |
() |
10111.3 |
Pierre Ceresole : Letters to Leonard Ragaz (1917-1944). [Reproduction from files in Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich, incl. Microfilm 35mm] |
(1917 - 1944) |
10111.4 |
Paul Schenker : Letters to Clärly Knuchel (1929-1937). |
(1929 - 1937) |
10111.5 |
Les amis de Pierre Ceresole (René Bovard, Geneva): Newsletter, Correspondence (1968) |
(1968) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
11101 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1920 - 1939) |
11101.01 |
Hans Amberg, P.Ceresole, K. von Greyerz, T.Ragaz : Exposé des motifs de la petition en faveur du Service civil.
Lausanne (1924) |
(1924) |
11101.02 |
Hans Amberg, P.Ceresole, K. von Greyerz, T.Ragaz : Dienstverweigerung und Zivildienst.
Zurich, Lausanne (1924) |
(1924) |
11101.03 |
Hélène Monastier : Someo.
Zurich (1924) |
(1924) |
11101.04 |
Pierre Ceresole et al : Almens 1926 |
(1926) |
11101.05 |
Ernest Ceresole, Paul Schenker : Schlussbericht über den Dienst Liechtenstein 1928.
Bern (printed / copied Version)
[see also 20261.3] |
(1928) |
11101.06 |
La Libervola Help-Servo en la inunditaj regionoj de Lihtenstejno kaj Svislando 2a de Aprilo gis 5a de Oktobro 1928 -
Der freiwillige Hülfsdienst in den wassergeschädigten Gebieten Liechtensteins und der Schweiz, 2.April - 5.Oktober 1928.
Freiwilliger Hülfsdienst, Basel (1929) |
(1929) |
11101.07 |
Alexis Danan : L'armée des hommes sans haine.
Paris (1929) |
(1929) |
11101.08 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Vom Geist des Zivildienstes.
Zurich (1930) |
(1930) |
11101.09 |
IVS Great Britain : An order of service 3-6 September 1931.
London (1931) |
(1931) |
11101.10 |
La Révolution Pacifique, No.32, Le Locle (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.11 |
Statuts SCI.
(November 1931) |
(1931) |
11101.12 |
Report on international service camp at Brynmawr (South Wales) (1931 ?). |
(1931) |
11101.13 |
Internationale Zivildienste 1930-1931, Lagarde (Südfrankreich), Unter-Aargau (Schweiz), Brynmawr (Wales).
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1931) |
(1931) |
11101.14 |
Albefeuille-Lagarde (Tarn-et-Garonne, France) 1er mai 27 septembre 1930, Annexe : Brynmawr (Pays de Galles), Basse-Argovie Suisse, été 1931.
Lausanne (1931) |
(1931) |
11101.15 |
Therese Lauterburg : Die Frau im internationalen Zivildienst.
Bern (1932/1933) |
(1932 - 1933) |
11101.16 |
[Various Newspapers-cuttings].
Le Locle (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.17 |
Otto Weis : Kurzer Umriss der Geschichte des internationalen freiwilligen Zivildienstes.
Rotherburg a.T. (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.18 |
Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.34, Enfield (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.19 |
La Révolution Pacifique, No.34, Le Locle (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.20a |
Lisel Ryser : Zivildienst im Safiental.
Schweizerische Lehrerinnenzeitung (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.20b |
Clärly Knuchel : Zivildienst in Wales.
Schweizerische Lehrerinnenzeitung (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.21 |
Internationaler Zivildienst 1932 : Safien, Brynmawr & Rhos.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1932) |
(1932) |
11101.22 |
The International Voluntary Service Movement : A history.
London (1933) |
(1933) |
11101.23 |
Pierre Ceresole : SCI 1993 [Newspaper Cuttings]. |
(1933) |
11101.24 |
P.Ceresole [?] : Histoire résumée du service volontaire international.
(1933) |
(1933) |
11101.25 |
La Révolution Pacifique, No.41, Le Locle (1933) |
(1933) |
11101.26 |
Report International Voluntary Service 1933-34.
London (1935) |
(1935) |
11101.27 |
SCI : Waadtländer Jura (Schweiz), Santa Maria i.M. (Graubünden, Schweiz), Hütten (Zürich, Schweiz), Oakengates (Shropshire, England), Blaenavon (Wales), Bihar (British India)
Bern (1934) |
(1934) |
11101.28 |
SCI : Jura Vaudois (Suisse), Santa Maria (Grison, Suisse), Hütten, Oakengates (Shropshire, Angleterre), Blaenavon (Wales), Bihar (Indes).
Bern (1934) |
(1934) |
11101.29 |
Les soeurs du Service civil.
Bern (1935) |
(1935) |
11101.30 |
Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.50, Le Locle (1935) |
(1935) |
11101.31 |
Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.51, Le Locle (1936) |
(1936) |
11101.32 |
Le Résistant à la Guerre, No.53, Le Locle (1937) |
(1937) |
11101.33 |
Libervola Civilia Helpservo Internacia.
Bern (1937) |
(1937) |
11101.34 |
Le Service civil volontaire international.
Paris (1939) |
(1939) |
11101.35 |
Pierre Ceresole et al : Internationale Vereinigung für den Zivildienst und die gegenseitige Hilfe.
Lausanne (1931?) |
(1931) |
11101.36 |
Action Internationale pour le Service Civil et l'entreaide par Pierre Ceresole et autres.
Lausanne (1931?) |
(1931) |
11101.37 |
"Le Service Civil à l’Oeuvre": Postcards from different voluntary Services |
() |
11101.38 |
Henry van Etten : Les Quakers et la Paix.
Sociète des amis (Quakers), Paris (1933) |
(1933) |
11101.39 |
Internationaler Zivildienst: An die Freunde der Zivildienst-Bewegung!
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1931) |
(1931) |
11101.40 |
Ars Laborandi. Some Notes on the Art of Navvying. International Voluntary Service. [NEW FILE] |
(1932) |

11102 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1940 - 1953) |
11102.01 |
Rodolfo Olgiati : Nicht in Spanien hat's begonnen.
Bern (1944) |
(1944) |
11102.02 |
P. Ceresole, E. Reclus : Tour d'horizon SCI 1944.
Bulletin SCI France, Paris (1944) |
(1944) |
11102.03 |
Pierre Ceresole : A nos frères militaires.
L'Essor, No.40/20, Geneva (9.11.45) |
(1945) |
11102.04 |
Pierre Ceresole, photo et appel.
L'Essor, No.41/3, Geneva (1.2.1946) |
(1946) |
11102.05 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Der Internationale Zivildienst, was ist er ? Was will er ?
Zurich (1946) |
(1946) |
11102.06 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Renseignement sur le Mouvement SCI.
Zurich (1946) |
(1946) |
11102.07 |
René Bovard : Du service militaire au service civil.
Le Messager social, Geneva (25.11.1947) |
(1947) |
11102.08 |
Le service civil volontaire international.
Paris (1947) |
(1947) |
11102.09 |
SCVI France : Appel aux hommes de bonne volonté.
Paris (1947 ?) |
(1947) |
11102.10 |
Internationaler Zivildienst : Die Tätigkeit des Schweizerzweiges in den Jahren 1945 bis 1947.
Zurich (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.11 |
Otto Siegfried : Die Dienstverweigerung aus Gewissengründen.
Zurich (1948 ?) |
(1948) |
11102.12 |
Otto Siegfried : Le refus de service pour motifs de conscience.
Zurich (1948 ?) |
(1948) |
11102.13 |
Service Civil International.
Alger (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.14 |
Ethelwyn Best, Bernard Pike : International Voluntary Service for Peace 1920-1946.
London (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.15 |
John Harvey : IVSP - A brief Review of its history and Principles.
London (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.16 |
SCI Switzerland : Pickel und Schaufel als Friedenstifter.
Zurich (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.17 |
SCI France : Vers la Paix par la pelle et la pioche.
Paris (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.18 |
SCI -AFSC Austria : Internationale Freiwillige Arbeitslager in Österreich.
Vienna (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.19 |
Dora Ramser : Vom Zivildienst
Mädchenschule, Bern (1948) p 113 |
(1948) |
11102.20 |
SCI France : Le Service Civil International 1920-1951.
Paris (1951) |
(1951) |
11102.21 |
SCI International Secretariat : Service Civil International.
Paris (1950) |
(1950) |
11102.22 |
International Secretariat : SCVI Texte en grecque et en français.
Paris (1950) |
(1950) |
11102.23 |
Dora Begert, Willy Begert : Notes on the organisation of an SCI service, 2nd Edition.
Paris (1950) |
(1952) |
11102.24 |
Dora Begert, Willy Begert : Notes sur l'organisation d'un chantier du SCI, 2nd Edition.
Paris (1950) |
(1950) |
11102.25 |
Dora Begert, Willy Begert : Wegleitung für die Organisation eines Zivildienstes.
Paris (1950) |
(1950) |
11102.26 |
SCI Austria : Der Internationale Zivildienst.
Vienna (1951 ?) |
(1951) |
11102.27 |
SCI Austria : Internationaler Zivildienst.
Vienna (1952 ?) |
(1952) |
11102.28 |
SCI Netherlands : Wat is IVH ?
Amsterdam (1952) |
(1952) |
11102.29 |
SCI Italy : Servizio Civile Internationale, Branca italiana.
Rome (1952) |
(1952) |
11102.30 |
SCI Switzerland, different ZEFAD-Organisations : Freiwillige Arbeitslager in Lawinengebieten der Schweiz Sommer 1951.
Zurich (1952) |
(1952) |
11102.31 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1953. |
(1953) |
11102.32 |
Devinder Das Chopra, Gopalkrishna, Vija Marayan : SCI at work in India.
Editor A.S. Seshan, SCI-India, New Delhi (1953) |
(1953) |
11102.33 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Arbeit in Indien und Pakistan 1950-51.
Basel (1953) |
(1953) |
11102.34 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Le service civil international en Inde et au Pakistan 1950-51.
Basel (1953) |
(1953) |
11102.35 |
Pierre Martin : En Kabylie, dans les tranchées de la Paix.
Beyrouth (1953) |
(1953) |
11102.36 |
Work and Sing, an International Songbook. 3 Editions
IVWC(UNESCO), Yellow Springs, Ohio (1948) |
(1948) |
11102.37 |
Edmond Privat : Entr'aide au lieu de guerre.
Suisse contemporaine (December 1943) |
(1943) |
11102.38 |
IVSP, J.Harvey, L.Stevenson : Pick and Shovel in India.
London (June, 1949) |
(1949) |
11102.39 |
Camille Drevet : Le Service Civil International.
Centre d'informations Catholique, Paris (21. October 1949) |
(1949) |
11102.40 |
Gabriele von Borries : Der Internationale Zividiens, Organisation und persönliche Erfahrung.
Soziale Frauenschule, München (1951) |
(1951) |
11102.41 |
Willy Begert : Manuel des chantiers internationaux.
Paris : UNESCO (15.March 1951) |
(1951) |
11102.42 |
Willy Begert : Organizing International Voluntary Work Camps - A handbook.
Paris : UNESCO (1950?) |
(1950) |
11102.43 |
Willy Begert : Internationale Freiwilligen-Arbeitslager - Handbuch für den Aufbau.
Paris : UNESCO (1951?) |
(1951) |
11102.44a |
Piet Kruithof: Discovering Friends in I.V.S.P.; Bilthoven 1945. [Reprint with a foreword in German by the author] |
(1945) |
11102.44b |
David S. Richie: Working Together in International Camps. [Reprint with a foreword in German by Piet Kruithof] |
(1951) |

11103 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1954 - 1958) |
11103.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1954.
(1953) |
(1953) |
11103.02 |
IVSP Great Britain : A working way to Peace.
London (1954) |
(1954) |
11103.03 |
IVSP Great Britain : Handbook for India-Pakistan volunteers.
London (1954) |
(1954) |
11103.04 |
La Calabre et la Lucanie, SCI à Donisi.
Gazette de Lausanne, Geneva (4.3.1954) |
(1954) |
11103.05 |
No. spécial consacré au SCI.
L'Essor, No.49/7, Geneva (1954) |
(1954) |
11103.06 |
No. spécial consacré au SCI (translated into German, duplicated).
L'Essor, No.49/7, Geneva (1954)
Heppenheim (1954) |
(1954) |
11103.07 |
SCI, a brief review of its history and principles.
Zurich (1954 ?) |
(1954) |
11103.08 |
Le SCI, bref rappel de son histoire et de ses principes.
Zurich (1954 ?) |
(1954) |
11103.09 |
Der IZD, kurze Zusammenfassung seiner Geschichte und seiner Idee.
Zurich (1954 ?) |
(1954) |
11103.10 |
SCI, a brief review of its history and principles (Greek Version).
London (1954 ?) |
(1954) |
11103.11 |
SCI India : Resume of work done in India.
Delhi (1955) |
(1955) |
11103.12 |
SCI India : Slum rehabilitation in Madras.
New Delhi (1955 ?) |
(1955) |
11103.13 |
Hélène Monastier : Paix, Pelle et Pioche, Histoire du Service Civil International 1919-1954.
Service Civil International : Lausanne (1955) |
(1955) |
11103.14 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1955. |
(1954) |
11103.15 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1956. |
(1955) |
11103.16 |
SCI Germany : Inernationaler Zivildienst, Dienste 1956.
Bückeburg (1956) |
(1956) |
11103.17 |
SCI en Inde et Pakistan.
Umanita in camino, No.I/3 Ottobre-dicembre, bolletino del 'Centro Vita', Firenze (1956) |
(1956) |
11103.18 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1957. |
(1956) |
11103.19 |
SCI en Inde et au Pakistan 1950-1951
Umanita in camino, No.II/, Gennaio-Marzo, bolletino del 'Centro Vita', Firenze (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.20 |
SCI International Secretariat : Libervola Internacia civila servo.
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.21 |
SCI France : Jeunes, moins jeunes, le SCI vous offre ...
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.22 |
SCI France : SCI chantiers 1957.
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.23 |
SCI International Secretariat : Leaflet on SCI in Spanish language (duplicated).
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.24 |
SCI International Secretariat : Leaflet on SCI in Polish language (duplicated).
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.25 |
SCI International Secretariat : Leaflet on SCI in Russian language (duplicated).
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.26 |
SCI International Secretariat : Bulletin in Polish language (duplicated).
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.27 |
SCI International Secretariat: Información sobre los objetivos y organización
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.28 |
SCI International Secretariat : [the same as 11103.27 in polish language]
Clichy/Seine (1957) |
(1957) |
11103.29 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar (1958). |
(1957) |
11103.30 |
SCI Germany : Internationaler Zivildienst.
Hamburg (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.31 |
SCI International Secretariat : Service Civil International - International Volunteer Service.
Clichy/Seine (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.32 |
Georges Douart : Opération "Amitié".
Librairie Flon, Paris (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.33 |
SCI India : What is SCI ?
Paridabad/Panjab (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.34 |
SCI India : Calcutta Branch.
Calcutta (1958 ?) |
(1958) |
11103.35 |
Max Parker : Organising and directing work camps in South East Asia.
Sevagram/Wardha B.S. (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.36 |
SCI Switzerland : Mit Pickel und Schaufel ...
Zurich (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.37 |
SCI Switzerland : Avec pelle et piochel ...
Zurich (1958) |
(1958) |
11103.38 |
IVH Netherlands : Werkkampen internationale vrijwillige hulpdienst.
Amsterdam (1958 ?) |
(1958) |
11103.39 |
Il intervient de son lit de douleur pour les objecteurs. Liberté, 26 décembre 1958. (Article on David Hoggett, SCI volunteer who won the Nansen Medal of United Nations.) [NEW FILE] |
(1958) |

11104 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1959 - 1960) |
11104.01 |
IVSP Great Britain : What is IVSP.
London (1959 ?) |
(1959) |
11104.02 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1959. |
(1958) |
11104.03 |
ID Norway : Hjelp til Algeries flyktninger, syke og sårede.
Oslo (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.04 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI brief history in Polish language.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.05 |
SCI France : Pas de paroles, des actes, Chantiers de weekend 1958.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.06 |
SCI France : Retour à la vie dans le Queyras.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.07 |
SCI Switzerland :
Entdecke Deinen Nachbarn, Wochenendienste.
Zurich (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.08 |
Virgilio Galassi: Un campo di lavoro volontario nell'Unione Sovietica. Estratto da "Volontà", 12 / 1958, Edizioni RL - Volontà, Genova-Nervi
(1958) |
11104.09 |
SCI International Secretariat : Brochure illustrée sur le SCI.
Paris (1959 ?) |
(1959) |
11104.10 |
ID Norway : Noe for deg I sommer?
Oslo (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.11 |
SCI France : Dans le Gard sinistré.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.12 |
SCI Switzerland : Patenschaften zu Gunsten algerischer Flüchtlingskinder.
Zurich (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.13 |
SCI Israel : The forty days of Tselafon (Diary).
Haifa (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.14 |
SCI France : Action d'Urgence.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.15 |
SCI France : Construction, Amelioration de l'habitat.
Paris (1959) |
(1959) |
11104.16 |
Virgilio Galassi : Agosto in Morocco con gli algerini.
Volontà, 10 / 1959, Edizioni RL, Genova-Nervi
(1959) |
11104.17 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1960. |
(1959) |
11104.18 |
René Bovard : Les exigences de l'idée du Service civil.
L'Essor, Nr.55/1, Geneva (15.1.1960) |
(1960) |
11104.19 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI list of services 1959.
Zurich (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.20 |
SCI India : Tondiarpet project by Madras Group.
Madras (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.21 |
SCI India : The pilot welfare extension project Cherian Nagar.
Madras (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.22 |
IVH Netherlands : Vrijwillige internationale werkkampen.
Amsterdam (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.23 |
SCI Japan : SCI with picks and showels to plant in the mind of men (Japanese language).
Tokyo (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.24 |
SCI France, SCI Belgium : Ouvriers, Etudiants, venez rejoindre ....
Paris (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.25 |
SCI France, SCI Belgium : Pas de paroles - des actes.
Brussels (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.26 |
SCI Germany : Zivildienst in Europa und Übersee.
Hamburg (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.27 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI Polish bulletin No.3
Clichy/Seine (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.28 |
SCI France : Sets of posters concerning precaution.
Paris (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.29 |
IVS Great Britain : 100'000 days.
London (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.30 |
SCI France : Corps international volontaire d'intervention.
Paris (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.31 |
IVS Great Britain : Emergency service.
London (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.32 |
IVS Great Britain : This is IVS.
London (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.33 |
SCI France : Le service civil international Hautes-Pyrénées.
Tarbes (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.34 |
IVS Great Britain : Export Yourself !
London (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.35 |
IVS Great Britain, J.North : A tiny army of strangers.
London (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.36 |
ID Norway : Noe for deg i sommer ?
Oslo (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.37 |
ID Norway : Vil du?
Oslo (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.38 |
SCI Germany : IZD SCI deutscher Zweig.
Stuttgart (1960 ?) |
(1960) |
11104.39 |
SCI Germany : Internationaler Zivildienst als Träger des zivilen Ersatzdienstes.
Hamburg (1965) |
(1965) |
11104.40 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : Service Civil International.
New Delhi (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.41 |
SCI Pakistan : Information on SCI.
Lahore (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.42 |
SCI Switzerland : 40 Jahre SCI 1920 - 1960.
St.Gallen (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.43 |
SCI International Secretariat : Le travail du SCI des régions en voie de développement.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.44 |
Virgilio Galassi : Un mese in Polonia (Part I).
Volontà, No.XIII/12, Genova (December 1960) |
(1960) |
11104.45 |
William James : The equivalent of war (reprint).
IVS USA, Cabot/Vermont (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.46 |
SCI International Secretariat : List of books by P.Ceresole and publications by SCI 1924 - 1959.
Clichy/Seine (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.47 |
East - West Songs.
IVWC (UNESCO) Paris (1960) |
(1960) |
11104.48 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Le combattant non violent - Les possibilités d'une résistance non militaire.
Brochures du Conseil suisse de la Paix No.1, La Concorde, Lausanne (1959?) |
(1959) |
11104.49 |
Ralph Hegnauer: Wehrhaft durch gewaltloses Verhalten? Möglichkeiten des nichtmilitärischen Widerstandes. Schriftenreihe des Schweizerischen Friedensrates Nr. 1. Zürich 1960 (German Version of 11104.48) |
(1960) |
11104.50 |
Bénigno Cacérès: Regards neufs sur les Autodidactes. Paris, Editions du Seuil 1960. (includes a chapter about Georges Douart's "Opération Amitié") |
(1960) |

11105 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1961 - 1964) |
11105.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1961. |
(1960) |
11105.02 |
Virgilio Galassi : Un mese in Polonia (Part II).
Volontà, No. XIV/1, Genova (January 1961) |
(1961) |
11105.03 |
Virgilio Galassi : Un mese in Polonia.
Volontà, No. XIII/12 and XIV/1, Edizioni RL, Genova (January 1961) |
(1961) |
11105.04 |
SCI Germany : 40 Jahre Dienst am Mitmenschen.
Hamburg (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.05 |
IVS Great Britain : Homes for Algerian refugees.
Oxford (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.06 |
SCI India : Service Civil International India.
New Delhi (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.07 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : Inside SCI India (duplicated).
New Delhi (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.08 |
SCI International Secretariat : Services and Work Camps 1960.
Zurich (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.09 |
SCI Japan : [Leaflet on SCI in Japanese language].
Tokio (1961 ?) |
(1961) |
11105.10 |
Georges Douart : Du Kolkhoze au Kibboutz.
Librairie Plon, Paris (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.11 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : Tibetan refugees in India, a report of SCI-Volunteers among the Tibetan.
New Delhi (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.12 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1962. |
(1962) |
11105.13 |
SCI International Secretariat : Services and Work Camps 1961.
Zurich (1962) |
(1962) |
11105.14 |
SCI Germany : Sie arbeiten.
Hamburg (1962 ?) |
(1962) |
11105.15 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1963.
Neuchâtel (1962) |
(1962) |
11105.16 |
SCI International Secretariat : Algeria 1963, An appeal for funds for relief and reconstruction work by the SCI.
Zurich (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.17 |
IVS Great Britain : Will you help ?
London (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.18 |
SCI International Secretariat : Services and Work Camps 1962.
Zurich (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.19 |
SCI France : Qu'est-ce que le SCI?
Paris (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.20 |
SCI Germany : IZD, nicht Worte sondern Taten.
Hamburg (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.21 |
SCI Italy : Campi di lavoro : "Aiutare ad aiutarsi".
Rome (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.22 |
IVS Great Britain : What is IVS ?
London (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.23 |
IVS Great Britain : International Voluntary Service Christmas Cards.
London (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.24 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : What is SCI ? Peace through "Deeds not words".
Kuala Lumpur (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.25 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1964.
Neuchâtel (1963) |
(1963) |
11105.26 |
SCI International Secretariat : Services and Work Camps 1963.
Zurich (1964) |
(1964) |
11105.27 |
SCI Germany : Internationaler Zivildienst 1964.
Hamburg (1964) |
(1964) |
11105.28 |
SCI France, SCI Belgium : Pas de paroles, des actes !
Clichy/Seine (1964) |
(1964) |
11105.29 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI with and for refugees.
Zurich, Amsterdam (1964) |
(1964) |
11105.30 |
SCI France : SCI Fiche culturelle No.1.
Paris (1963/1964 ?) |
(1964) |
11105.31 |
SCI Italy : Aiutare ad aiutarsi, Campi di lavoro volontario.
Rome (April 1964) |
(1964) |
11105.32 |
Georges Douart : Unternehmen Freundschaft.
Baden : Grote (1961) |
(1961) |
11105.33 |
Dorothy Guiborat : International Voluntary Service In: Educational Youth Travel.
Paris : UNESCO (21.10.1961) p24. |
(1961) |
11105.34 |
United Nations Student Association, London: Voluntary Service, a Guide by R. Dembitzer |
(1963) |

11106 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1965 - 1968) |
11106.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1965.
Neuchâtel (1964) |
(1964) |
11106.02 |
SCI India, The Swallows Sweden : Urban Rehabilitation, Project 1964-1965.
Madras (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.03 |
SCI France : Pas des paroles, des actes.
Paris (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.04 |
SCI France : Equipes internationales d'urgence.
Paris (1965 ?) |
(1965) |
11106.05 |
SCI International Secretariat : Services and Work Camps 1964.
Zurich (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.06 |
SCI Italy : Campi di lavoro volontario SCI.
Rome (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.07 |
SCI Austria : Community Development.
Vienna (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.08 |
SCI International Secretariat : This is SCI [duplicated, Fund-raising Brochure].
Zurich (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.09 |
SCI France : Savez-vous que ... [Small Poster].
Paris (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.10 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1966.
Neuchâtel (1965) |
(1965) |
11106.11 |
Hélène Monastier, Alice Brügger : Paix, Pelle et Pioche, Histoire du Service civil international de 1919 à 1965.
Service Civil International (1966) |
(1965) |
11106.12 |
SCI Switzerland : Schweizerische Vereinigung für internationalen Zivildienst.
Zurich (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.13 |
International SCI Secretariat : Service Civil International 1965.
Zurich (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.14 |
SCI Germany : IZD Entwicklungshilfe, beispielsweise Algerien.
München (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.15 |
SCI Austria : Internationaler Zivildienst 1966.
Vienna (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.16 |
SCI France : SCI, Algérie 1966.
Paris (1966 ?) |
(1966) |
11106.17 |
SCI India : SCI India Branch 1965-1966, Souvenir.
New Delhi (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.18 |
SCI Italy : Campi di lavoro volontario SCI.
Rome (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.19 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1967.
Neuchâtel (1966) |
(1966) |
11106.20 |
SCI International Secretariat : Service Civil International 1966.
Zurich (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.21 |
SCI Germany : Fund-raising bedeutet ... und bedeutet nicht ...
Bonn (1968/1969) |
(1968 - 1969) |
11106.22 |
SCI Switzerland : IZD - Nicht Worte sondern Taten.
Zurich (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.23 |
SCI Italy : Campi di lavoro volontario SCI.
Rome (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.24 |
SCI Germany : [Sets of Posters].
Stuttgart (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.25 |
SCI France : Qu'est-ce que le SCI?
Paris (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.26 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1968.
Neuchâtel (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.27 |
Versöhnungsbund (Editor) : SCI In : Versöhnung und Friede
Jahrbuch für Friedensarbeit, No.2, Minden (February 1968) p 75-89 |
(1968) |
11106.28 |
SCI European Secretariat : SCI Report 1967 .... Programme 1968.
Luxembourg (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.29 |
SCI European Secretariat : SCI Rapport 1967 .... Programme 1968.
Luxembourg (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.30 |
SCI Germany : Ein Haarschnitt bedeutet keine politische Meinungsbildung [Small Poster].
Bonn (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.31 |
Arthur Gillette : One million volunteers, the story of volunteer youth service.
Penguin Books, Harmondsworth/Middleesex UK (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.32 |
SCI Italy : Lavoro e assistenza negli ospedali psichiatrici, Servizio Civile Internazionale.
Rome (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.33 |
SCI India : What is SCI? Peace through "Deeds not words".
New Delhi (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.34 |
SCI International Secretariat : International understanding in action, SCI a brief review of its history & principles.
Zurich (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.35 |
SCI International Secretariat : La comprehension internationale en action : SCI une brève revue de son histoire et de ses princinples.
Zurich (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.36 |
Glyn Roberts : Volunteers and Neo-colonialism, An inquiry of foreign volunteers in the Third World.
Wright & Sons, Cadishead, Manchester (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.37 |
Fritz Wartenweiler : Herzberg - " Positive Resultate" "Der Sturm der Zeit stellt Aufgaben".
(1965 ?) |
(1965) |
11106.38 |
Conseil de la Cooperation culturelle : La jeunesse européenne dans les chantiers internationaux de volontaires.
Conseil d'Europe, Strasbourg (1967) |
(1967) |
11106.39 |
Michael Adams : Voluntary Service Overseas, the story of the first ten years.
Faber and Faber Ltd., London (1968) |
(1968) |
11106.40 |
Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklungsländer : Freiwillige Jugenddienste in Entwicklungsländern - Bericht über eine Tagung der Deutschen Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung e.V., Bergneustadt, Heimvolkshochschule 15.-17.November 1965.
Bonn (1956) |
(1965) |
11106.41 |
Glyn Roberts: Volunteers in Africa and Asia, A field study.
London : Stanhope (1965) |
(1965) |

11107 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1969 - 1970) |
11107.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1969.
Neuchâtel (1968) |
(1968) |
11107.02 |
SCI-Austria : Internationaler Zivildienst, Arbeitsbericht 1967/1968,
Vienna (1969) |
(1968) |
11107.03 |
SCI International Secretariat : Report 1968/ Tentative programme 1969.
Luxembourg (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.04 |
SCI International Secretariat : Rapport 1968/ Programme provisoire 1969.
Luxembourg (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.05 |
SCI Germany : Dokumentation I, Internationale Arbeitsseminare in Heimen für geistig und körperlich Behinderte.
Bonn (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.06 |
SCI International Secretariat : [Information leaflet on SCI in english].
Luxembourg (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.07 |
SCI International Secretariat : [Information leaflet on SCI in french].
Luxembourg (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.08 |
IVS Great Britain : Working internationally.
London (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.09 |
Ruben Dembitzer: SCI Voluntary Service: Study of the situation. Assessment of opportunities. Proposals for action in Africa South of the Sahara. Final Report, SCI International Secretariat, Zurich |
(1969) |
11107.10 |
SCI India : How far will you go to help?
New Delhi (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.11 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1970.
Neuchâtel (1969) |
(1969) |
11107.12 |
Paul Henderson : Historique du SCI [Manuscript translated from english].
IVS Great Britain, London (1970 ?) |
(1970) |
11107.13 |
SCI International Secretariat : Reporting 1969 / Provisional programme 1970.
London (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.14 |
SCI International Secretariat : Rapport 1969 / Programme provisoire 1970.
London (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.15 |
SCI India : 1920-1970 Fifty years of international voluntary work camps for peace.
New Delhi (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.16 |
IVS Great Britain : International voluntary service, History 1920-1970.
London(1970) |
(1970) |
11107.17 |
SCI France : Attention! Si vous êtes femme ou homme de coeur, si vous prenez ...
Paris (1970 ?) |
(1970) |
11107.18 |
SCI International Secretariat : [Sets of stickers 1920-1970 in an envelop]
Zurich (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.19 |
SCI India : Peace in practice 1920-1970, The story of the first 50 years of Service Civil International.
New Delhi (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.20 |
SCI France : 1920-1970 [Green Cover].
Paris (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.21 |
SCI France : 1920-1970 [Orange Cover].
Paris (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.22 |
SCI France : 50 ans de lutte et d'échecs pour des militants
Paris (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.23 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : We shall live in peace, SCI 1920-1970.
Colombo (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.24 |
IVS Great Britain : Let's face it ... Now!
London (1970 ?) |
(1970) |
11107.25 |
IVS Great Britain : The history of SCI
London (1970 ?) |
(1970) |
11107.26 |
Exhibition at UNESCO : 50 Years of international work camps in the service of peace.
Paris (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.27 |
Exhibition at UNESCO : 50 ans de chantiers internationaux au service de la paix.
Paris (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.28 |
SCI India : Maharashtra Branch, Fifity years of service of peace.
Bombay (1970) |
(1970) |
11107.29 |
Glyn Roberts: Volontaires et neo-colonialisme, une enquête sur le rôle des volontaires étrangers dans le Tiers-Monde.
SCI Belgium and CISCOD, Brussels (1970) |
(1970) |

11108A |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1971 - 1979) |
11108A.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1971.
Neuchâtel (1970) |
(1971) |
11108A.02 |
SCI Asian Secretary : Diary 1971.
Colombo (1970) |
(1970) |
11108A.03 |
SCI France : Action d'Urgence, les catastrophes naturelles.
Paris (1971) |
(1971) |
11108A.04 |
IVS Great Britain : Help them to help themselves trough work camps.
London (1971 ?) |
(1971) |
11108A.05 |
IVS Great Britain : Help us to help them to help themselves in Britain.
London (1971 ?) |
(1971) |
11108A.06 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1972.
Neuchâtel (1971) |
(1971) |
11108A.07 |
IVS Great Britain : Help us to help them to help themselves overseas.
London (1972 ?) |
(1972) |
11108A.08 |
IVS Great Britain : Want to make a move? Move overseas with IVS ...
London (1972 ?) |
(1972) |
11108A.09 |
SCI France : Des Vacances à Moulès.
Paris (1972) |
(1972) |
11108A.10 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI pocket Calendar 1973.
Neuchâtel (1972) |
(1972) |
11108A.11 |
IVS Great Britain : Medical volunteers in the third world.
London (1973 ?) |
(1973) |
11108A.12 |
SCI India : What is SCI?
New Delhi (1973 ?) |
(1973) |
11108A.13 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1974.
Neuchâtel (1973) |
(1973) |
11108A.14 |
SCI International Secretary : SCI 1973 Annual Report [duplicated].
Bodio/CH (1974) |
(1974) |
11108A.15 |
SCI Switzerland :
Zivildienst-Konzept, Vorschläge zur Schaffung eines Zivildienste in der Schweiz (german issue).
-Proposition pour un service civil , proposition pour la creation d'un Service Civil en Suisse (French issue)
Basel (1974) |
(1974) |
11108A.16 |
ID Norway : Vil du ... dra på arbeidsleir med ID?
Oslo (1974) |
(1974) |
11108A.17 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1975.
Neuchâtel (1974) |
(1974) |
11108A.18 |
SCI International Secretary : Deeds - not words, Review/Revue 1971-1974.
Bodio/CH (1975) |
(1975) |
11108A.19 |
SCI France : Action d'Urgence internationale.
Paris (1975 ?) |
(1975) |
11108A.20 |
SCI Germany : Der SCI stellt sich vor.
Cologne (1975) |
(1975) |
11108A.21 |
Als Freiwillige in Gemeinschaftsdiensten.
Arbeitskreis "Lernen und Helfen in Übersee", Bonn (1975) p 14 |
(1975) |
11108A.22 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1976.
Neuchâtel (1975) |
(1975) |
11108A.23 |
SCI Switzerland : Bulletin No.151, La Chaux-de-Fonds (April 1976) p 11 |
(1976) |
11108A.24 |
SCI Switzerland : Bulletin No.152, La Chaux-de-Fonds (Mai 1976) p 6-7 |
(1976) |
11108A.25 |
SCI International Secretariat, Harry Hill : Service Civil International (Reprint).
Luxembourg Weekly Review, No.13, Luxembourg (2.July 1976) |
(1976) |
11108A.26 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1977.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1976) |
(1976) |
11108A.27 |
SCI International Secretary : Service Civil International.
Luxembourg (1977) |
(1977) |
11108A.28 |
VIA Belgium : Internationale werkkampen van VIA.
Antwerpen (1977 ?) |
(1977) |
11108A.29 |
(Commission for Cooperation with Youth Movements in Socialist Countries)
Bonn (1977 ?) |
(1977) |
11108A.30 |
SCI India : International understanding through action.
New Delhi (1977 ?) |
(1977) |
11108A.31 |
Felix Schwemmer : Wolfgang Schwemmer 1891-1976, Ein Leben für andere.
Winden/CH (1977) |
(1977) |
11108A.32 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1978.
La Chaux.-de-Fonds (1977) |
(1977) |
11108A.33 |
SCI International Secretary : Service Civil International [in English].
Luxembourg (1978) |
(1978) |
11108A.34 |
SCI International Secretary : Service Civil International [in French].
Luxembourg (1978) |
(1978) |
11108A.35 |
SCI Germany : Internationale Workcamps und Friedensdienste.
Bonn (1978) |
(1978) |
11108A.36 |
SCI CCYMSC : Gemeinsam arbeiten, politisch handeln.
Bonn (1978 ?) |
(1978) |
11108A.37 |
SCI Switzerland : Was ist Zivildienst? Vorschläge zur Schaffung eines Zivildienstes in der Schweiz, 2. gekürzte Auflage.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1978) |
(1978) |
11108A.38 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI pocket Calendar 1979.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1978) |
(1978) |
11108A.39 |
SCI International Secretary : Service Civil International.
Luxembourg (1979) |
(1979) |
11108A.40 |
SCI Germany : Der SCI und Afrika, Programm-Übersicht.
Bonn (1979) |
(1979) |
11108A.41 |
SCI Germany : SCI, Jugend aus Ost und West, gemeinsam für Abrüstung und Frieden.
Bonn (1979) |
(1979) |
11108A.42 |
SCI Switzerland : Ernstfall Frieden, eine Ausstellung zum Thema Zivildienst.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1979) |
(1979) |
11108A.43 |
SCI Northern Ireland Co-ordination Committees : [?].
Belfast (1979 ?) |
(1979) |
11108A.44 |
SCI International Secretary : SCI the recent past, the present and the future.
Luxembourg (1979 ?) |
(1979) |
11108A.45 |
SCI International Secretary : SCI, le passé récent, le présent et l'avenir.
Luxembourg (1979 ?) |
(1979) |
11108A.46 |
Daniel Anet : Centième Anniversaire de la naissance de Pierre Ceresole [duplicated].
L'Essor, No.5, La Chaux-de-Fonds (May 1979) |
(1979) |
11108A.47 |
Ralph Hegnauer : Geschichte und Entwicklung des SCI.
Virus (antimilitarist monthly Magazine), No.18, Zurich (September 1979) |
(1979) |

11108B |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1971 - 1979) |
11108B.48 |
VIA Netherlands : Het Jubelboekje, 33 years of SCI, 10 jaar VIA |
(1979) |
11108B.49 |
CCIVS, EVI : Thinking about Power.
London, Paris (1973?) |
(1973) |
11108B.50 |
Dorothea Woods : Volunteers in Education and Health.
CCIVS, Paris (1971) |
(1971) |
11108B.51 |
Glyn Roberts : Questioning development - Notes for volunteers and others concerned the theory and practice of change.
Hampshire : Alver (1974) |
(1974) |
11108B.52 |
Hein van Wijk : How to violate the human rights : military jurisprudence in Greece.
Luxembourg : SCI International Secretary (1976?) |
(1976) |
11108B.53 |
Hein van Wijk : Le droit à objection de conscience en Europe.
Luxembourg : SCI International Secretary (1977) |
(1977) |
11108B.54 |
Peter Schorre : Internationale Jugendarbeit im Rahmen freiwilliger Friedensdienste.
Fachhochschule Köln, Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik, Köln (1976?) |
(1976) |
11108B.55 |
Monika Frickenstein, Ingrid Münch, Margitta Preiss, Christian Tornau : Theorie und Praxis der Freiwilligenarbeit als eine Form der internationalen Jugendbegegnung.
Fachhochschule Köln, Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik, Köln (1977) |
(1977) |
11108B.56 |
Helga Seyfarth : Internationale Workcamps im Rahmen emanzipatorischer Jugendarbeit und ihr pädagogischer Auftrag.
Bochum (1976) |
(1976) |
11108B.57 |
Freiwilligenarbeit und soziales Lernen, Möglichkeiten für soziales Lernen am Beispiel der Internationalen Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste e.V. (IJGD).
Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften, Universität Frankfurt/Main (Oktober 1976) |
(1976) |
11108B.58 |
Pädagogische Hochschule Berlin, Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste : Die Organisation von Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für ehrenamtliche Kräfte am Beispiel der Internationalen Friedensdienste.
Berlin (Juni 1978) |
(1978) |
11108B.59 |
Overseas Development Group : The British Volunteer Programme, An Evaluation.
University of East Anglia (April 1978) |
(1978) |
11108B.60 |
Dorothea E. Woods : International Research on Volunteers Abroad In:International Journal of Comparative Sociology XXI, p3.4 (1979?) |
(1979) |

11109 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1980 - 1983) |
11109.01 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1980.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1979) |
(1979) |
11109.02 |
SCI International Secretariat : [SCI leaflet, reprint of old leaflet].
Luxembourg (1980) |
(1980) |
11109.03 |
SCI International Secretariat : Service Civil International.
Luxembourg (1980) |
(1980) |
11109.04 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1981.
Fribourg (1980) |
(1980) |
11109.05 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI papillon.
Luxembourg (1981) |
(1981) |
11109.06 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI leaflet.
Luxembourg (1981) |
(1981) |
11109.07 |
SCI International Secretariat: Portugal - Espanha. (1981) |
(1981) |
11109.08 |
SCI International Secretariat: Portugal - Spain.(1981?) |
(1981) |
11109.09 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1982.
Fribourg (1981) |
(1981) |
11109.10 |
SCI International Secretariat : International Workcamp listing 1982.
Canterbury (1982) |
(1982) |
11109.11 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1983.
Fribourg (1982) |
(1982) |
11109.12 |
Franco Perna : SCI involvement in Africa.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.13 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : SCI Involvement in Emergency Work in Sri Lanka, Batticaloa Project.
Colombo (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.14 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI 1983, International Workcamps.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.15 |
SCI Austria : Internationale Freiwilligendienste.
Vienna (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.16 |
SCI Austria : Internationale Freiwilligendienste.
Vienna (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.17 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI Voluntary Work for Peace.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.18 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI Travail Volontaire pour la Paix.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.19 |
SCI Switzerland : Zivildienst ja.
Fribourg (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.20 |
SCI East-West Commission : Let's go East - Join hands for peace.
Bonn (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.21 |
SCI International Secretariat, Franco Perna : Engagement du SCI en Afrique.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.22 |
SCI Germany : Aktionskomitee für die Entwicklung der Dörfer in der Region Bamba-Thialène [with 7 maps].
Bonn (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.23 |
SCI Insurance Commission : Guidelines on the SCI Insurance Scheme.
Canterbury (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.24 |
SCI France : Branche Française - Le SCI une histoire ...
Paris (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.25 |
SCI France : Vivre et travailler ensemble; sur la partcipation des personnes handicappées au travail volontaire.
Paris (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.26 |
SCI European Secretariat, SCI France, SCI Belgium : Travail volontaire pour la Paix - Le monde en crise.
(1983 ?) |
(1983) |
11109.27 |
SCI Germany : Friedensarbeit in Solidaritätscamp mit dem südlichen Afrika.
Bonn (1980). |
(1980) |
11109.28 |
CCIVS : New Trends in Voluntary Service.
Paris (1981?) |
(1981) |
11109.29 |
Franz,Waltraut : Das Workcamp - Ein Feld für autonomes Lernen.
Fachhochschule für Sozialwesen, Esslingen/Neckar (Oktober 1982) |
(1982) |
11109.30 |
SCI Asian Secretariat : SCI involvement in emergency work in Sri Lanka - Batticaloa Projekt - "Cyclone Disaster of 1978 and the challenge it was"
Colombo (1983) |
(1983) |
11109.31 |
Inez Boon Ulfsby: Et håndslag til Finnmark, Fredsvennenes Hjelpetjeneste under gjenreisningen 1946-1947. [on voluntary assistance in Finmark by IAL Sweden]
Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag (1982) |
(1982) |
11109.32 |
Harry Perry: 50 years of workcamps - a celebration.
IVS UK, Leicester (1981) |
(1981) |
11109.33 |
Rückblick für die Zukunft. Wandlung und Wirken des Schweizerischen Friedensrates in 35 Jahren. Zürich: Schweizerischer Friedensrat (Bd. 7 der Schriftenreihe) |
(1981) |

11110 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1984 - 1986) |
11110.01 |
SCI CCYMSC : Face to Face, SCI meets Partner Organizations in South-Eastern Europe.
Bonn (1984) |
(1984) |
11110.02 |
Karoline Becker : Freiwilligenarbeit in Internationalen Workcamps des Service Civil International - Ein Beitrag zu antifaschistischer Bildungsarbeit und zur Friedenserziehung.
Bonn : Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (1986) |
(1986) |
11110.03 |
SCI Switzerland : Neue und alte Spiele.
Bern (1986) |
(1986) |
11110.04 |
SCI Switzerland : Traditionnels et "New Games".
Bern (1986) |
(1986) |
11110.05 |
SCI Germany : US Reader, Friedens- und Freiwilligenarbeit in den USA.
Bonn (1985) |
(1985) |
11110.06 |
SCI Germany : Internationale Workcamps des Service Civil International - Ein Leitfaden für Projekte.
Bonn (1985) |
(1985) |
11110.07 |
SCI : Living and working together, about integration of disabled people into voluntary work.
Helsinki (1984) |
(1984) |
11110.08 |
SCI Germany : SCI Camp Begleiter, Lernziel : Interkulturelle Cooperation.
Bonn (1984) |
(1984) |
11110.09 |
Bruno Hanses : Struktur und Funktion der internationalen Jugendarbeit, eine problemorientierte Analyse des Service Civil International -Deutscher Zweig e.V., Magisterarbeit.
Bonn : Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (1985?) |
(1985) |
11110.10 |
SCI CCYMSC : Taking stock 30 years East-West cooperation - Results, problems, perspectives.
Bonn (1985?) |
(1985) |
11110.11 |
SCI Asian Coordination : Animation - an Asian regional programme, 1986-88 consolidated report.
Bangalore (December 1988) |
(1988) |
11110.12 |
SCI International Resource Centre : Women's Support Services.
Bangalore (December 1988) |
(1988) |
11110.13 |
SCI Switzerland : Service Civil international (French and German versions).
(1984) |
11110.14 |
SCI CCYMSC : SCI 1983/84 - A biennial report on east-west cooperation.
Bonn (1984) |
(1984) |
11110.15 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1984.
Fribourg (1983) |
(1983) |
11110.16 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1985.
Fribourg (1984) |
(1984) |
11110.17 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1986.
Bern (1985) |
(1985) |
11110.18 |
SCI CCYMSC : Anatomy of a work-campleader, Seminar Report.
Finland (1986) |
(1986) |
11110.19 |
SCI Germany: Ökologie und Frieden.
Bonn (1985?) |
(1985) |

11111 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1987 - 1987) |
11111.01 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1987.
Bern (1986) |
(1987) |
11111.02 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI livre de cuisine.
Bern (1987?) |
(1987) |
11111.03 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Kochbuch.
Bern (1987?) |
(1987) |
11111.04 |
Aktionsgemeinschaft für den Frieden, Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung, SCI Germany : Aktion Umrüstung - Unimog II - im UNO-Friedensjahr 1986, Infotour gegen Rüstungsexporte. Dokumentation
Bonn (1987) |
(1987) |
11111.05 |
Etienne Reclus, SCI France : 50 ans au service de la paix 1930-1980, Les mémoires de la Branche Française.
Paris (1987) |
(1987) |
11111.06 |
SCI International Secretariat : SCI Ideas and Actions.
Amsterdam (1987) |
(1987) |
11111.07 |
Karoline Becker : SCI Camp-Begleiter, Lernziel interkulturelle Cooperation.
Bonn : SCI Germany (1987?) |
(1987) |

11112 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1988 - 1989) |
11112.01 |
SCI SEED : Introduction on African workcamp organizations and possibilities for cooperation.
Antwerp (1988?) |
(1988) |
11112.02 |
L.S.Sarawathi : Youth Induction Programme.
Bangalore (December 1989?) |
(1989) |
11112.03 |
SCI SEED : SCI International Solidarity Campaign with SWAPO - Namibia, Solidarity for Change.
Antwerp (1988) |
(1988) |
11112.04 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1988.
Bern (1987) |
(1987) |
11112.05 |
SCI Switzerland : Pocket Calendar 1989.
Bern (1988) |
(1988) |
11112.06 |
SCI European Secretariat : Keywords- A guide to European SCI and European Youth Structures.
Antwerp (1989) |
(1989) |
11112.07 |
ID Norway : 50 års frivillig innsats - Internasjonal Dugnad 1939 - 1989.
Oslo (May 1989) |
(1989) |
11112.08 |
CCIVS : Manuel du responsable de chantier.
Paris : UNESCO (1988) |
(1988) |
11112.09 |
VIA Netherlands : Volunteering as a way of life, Seminar report.
Harleem (25.9.89) |
(1989) |
11112.10 |
SIW Netherlands : International Volunteer Projects, Seminar Report.
Utrecht (1989) |
(1989) |
11112.11 |
SCI Germany : Perestroika Hautnah - Leben und Arbeiten in der Sowjetunion.
Bonn (1989). |
(1989) |
11112.12 |
SCI Germany : Internationale Workcamps - Ein Leitfaden für Projekte.
Bonn (1988?) |
(1988) |
11112.13 |
CCIVS: Campleader Handbook
Paris (1987) |
(1987) |
11112.14 |
SCI International Secretariat: SCI Voluntary Work for Peace. Leaflet. Bangalore. |
(1988) |

11113 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1990 - 1992) |
11113.01 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1990.
Bern (1989). |
(1990) |
11113.02 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1991.
Bern (1990). |
(1990) |
11113.03 |
SCI India : Service Civil International 1920-1990 - A Souvenir, Years of Voluntary Service - for Peace and Reconciliation.
New Delhi (1990) |
(1991) |
11113.04 |
SCI Germany : Internationale Workcamps - Ein Leitfaden für Projekte.
Bonn (1990?) |
(1990) |
11113.05 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1992.
Bern (1991). |
(1991) |
11113.06 |
SCI GATE : Cheap jack 92 - the city guide to east and west - tips from volunteers for volunteers. |
(1992) |
11113.07 |
SCI Long Term Resource Center : Medium and Long Term Volunteering, a handbook for SCI activists and volunteers. 1st edition
Amsterdam (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.08 |
SCI Germany : Der Service Civil International in Asien und Afrika.
Bonn (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.09 |
SCI Switzerland : Weltweit für den Frieden tätig.
Bern (1992). |
(1992) |
11113.10 |
SCI Germany, Working Group USA : Umwelt und Landraub, Eine SCI-Studienfahrt zu UreinwohnerInnen und Naturräumen im Westen Nordamerikas.
Bonn (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.11 |
Jackie West, Thomas Wobben :"We're not ready!" - A guide for people with disabilities, Voluntary Organisations and all Volunteers on integration and Volunteering.
Mobility International (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.12 |
SCI International Secretariat & Resource Center : Workcamps, a study.
Bangalore (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.13 |
SCI Germany, GATE : Bericht über den Besuch der Tischler aus Minsk/Weissrussland in der Tischlerei Apostelkirche der "Autonomen Jugendwerkstätten Hamburg e.V vom 9.-23.19.92.
Bonn (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.14 |
"New Structures for a changing world", SCI Seminar Report.
Hungary (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.15 |
Guido Koller : Die Schweizerische Entwicklungshilfe in Ceylon/ Sri Lanka 1948-1975, Lizentiatsarbeit.
Bern : University of Bern (1992) |
(1992) |
11113.17 |
SCI Hamburg, Ralf Classen: Spielkameraden, Prämien, Kaninchenführer, Ansichten der SS. Jugendcamp Neuengamme.
Hamburg (1990) |
(1990) |
11113.18 |
SCI Germany: Kopfstütze & Handlanger, Handbuch für TeamerInnen in internationalen Workcamps.
Bonn (1991) |
(1991) |

11114 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1993 - 1995) |
11114.01 |
SCI Germany : Nichts ist vergessen - Stop Rassismus, Ideen und Erfahrungen aus der Antirassismus-Arbeit des SCI.
Hamburg (1994). |
(1994) |
11114.02 |
Theodor Michaltscheff: Die unverwüstliche Opposition. Geschichte der bundesdeutschen Friedensbewegung 1945-1960 (Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Stefan Appelius). Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg. |
(1994) |
11114.04 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard : Pierre Ceresole, der Gründer des Freiwilligen Internationalen Zivildienstes, ein Kämpfer für Wahrheit und Frieden. 2nd edition
Bad Pyrmont : L.Friedrich (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.05 |
Regina Müller : Friedensarbeit und Dritte Welt, der SCI in Indien, 1934-1937 und ab 1950. In : Von der Entwicklungshilfe zur Entwicklungspolitik, Studien und Quellen.
Bern : Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv (1993) |
(1993) |
11114.07 |
Katharina Rengel (Hg.) : Hoffen heisst Handeln - Friedensarbeit in der Schweiz seit 1945, 50 Jahre Schweizerischer Friedensrat. [Swiss Peace Council]
Zürich : Schweizerischer Friedensrat (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.08 |
K.Hainke : Grenzen der innovativen gesellschaftspolitschen Arbeit der Freiwilligenorganisation Service Civil International.
Berlin : Technische Universität (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.11 |
SCI : 50 years of voluntary work. Internationales Treffen der ehemaligen Freiwilligen vom IZD in Odensjö, Schweden, September 1994. |
(1994) |
11114.12 |
Thorsten Werner : Berichte über Langzeitfreiwilligendienste mit dem Service Civil International.
Dresden (1994) |
(1994) |
11114.13 |
Fritz Baumann : Der internationale Zivildienst in Griechenland von Juli bis Dezember 1947 - Ein Erlebnisbericht, zusammengestellt von Fritz Baumann aus seinen damaligen Briefen an die Angehörigen.
Zürich (Januar 1993) |
(1993) |
11114.16 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 1993.
Bern (1992). |
(1992) |
11114.17 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1994.
Bern (1993). |
(1994) |
11114.18 |
SCI Switzerland / Schweizerischer Friedensrat: SCI Pocket Calendar 1995.
Bern, Zürich (1994). |
(1994) |
11114.19 |
SCI Germany : Kopfstütze & Handlanger - Handbuch für CampbegleiterInnen.
Bonn (1994) |
(1994) |
11114.22 |
SCI European Coordination : The development of Voluntary Service, Seminar Report.
Antwerp (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.24 |
SCI Asian Coordination : South - South Exchanges.
Bangalore (IND) (January 1993) |
(1993) |
11114.25 |
SCI Germany: Games and exercises |
(1995) |
11114.25a |
SCI Germany: Games and exercises, Second edition. [NEW FILE] |
(2001) |
11114.26 |
Lisbeth Vroemen : We kunnen pas echt in Vrede geloven als we eraan beginnen.
Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.27 |
SCI, YAP: Pilot project poverty and social exclusion - The Integration of the volunteer element.
Belgium (1995) |
(1995) |
11114.28 |
Women's International Network: The Women's workcamp handbook
Antwerp (1993) |
(1993) |
11114.29 |
Roberto Sabatini: 40 anni di lavoro volontario. La storia del SCI in Italia
Rom: Edizioni Servizio Civile Internazionale (1995) |
(1995) |

11115 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1996 - 1998) |
11115.01 |
Cornelia Schneider : Service Civil International, Diplomarbeit.
Baldegg (1997) |
(1997) |
11115.02 |
Sévérine Hervelin : Etre militant socio-éducatif à Alger, Approche des politiques sociales et militantisme socio-éducatifs Alger 1945-1956, Mémoire de Maîtrise.
Paris : Unversity of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (1996) |
(1996) |
11115.03 |
Dr. Maswoodur Rahman Prince : Health Manual and Information on AIDS, An exceptional book on Primary Health Care, Tropical and Infectious diseases with description/treatment and prevention of many diseases along with special information on AIDS and Family Planning Methods.
Moudubi Health and Agricultural Development, SCI Bangladesh (1997?) |
(1997) |
11115.04 |
Massimo Rubboli : Ricostruzione e Riconciliazione. Il contributo delle organizzazioni di volontariato straniere alla ricostruzione in Provincia di Chieti dal 1945 al 1948. Chieti - Ortona - Palenta.
Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa (1998) |
(1998) |
11115.05 |
Anne Yammine : Des pacifistes en guerre : Les actions des civilistes à travers leur bulletin Le Service Civil.
Fribourg : Université Fribourg, Histoire Contemporaines (1998) |
(1998) |
11115.06 |
SCI Germany : Dokumentation einer internationalen antifaschistischen Radtour entlang des Todesmarsches, Juli - August 1996.
Bonn (1996) |
(1996) |
11115.07 |
Basil Eastland, Derek Edwards, David Sainty : Volunteers for peace, Field reports on relief work in Europe 1944 to 1949 by International Voluntary Service for Peace (I.V.S.).
Kelso : Curlew (1998) |
(1998) |
11115.08 |
SCI Italy : Donne e Mediterraneo.
Rome (1998) |
(1998) |
11115.09 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1996.
Bern (1995). |
(1995) |
11115.10 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1997.
Bern (1996). |
(1996) |
11115.11 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1998.
Bern (1997). |
(1997) |
11115.12 |
SCI Switzerland :SCI Pocket Calendar 1999.
Bern (1998). |
(1998) |
11115.13 |
GATE : Management, Handbook for activities in voluntary organisations.
Bonn (1997) |
(1997) |
11115.14 |
P.Rodriguez, Der holländische Zweig des SCI, Ein Essay über die Freiwilligen-Organisation VIA Nederland. Thun (September 1996). |
(1996) |
11115.15 |
Lisbeth Vroemen : The Youth Exchange Handbook.
Youth and Unemployment Working Group/SCI (June 1998) |
(1998) |
11115.16 |
SCI Long Term Resource Centre : Medium and Long Term Volunteering, a handbook for SCI activists and volunteers. 2nd edition |
(1996) |
11115.17 |
GATE: Mezhdunarodnaya Grazhdanskaya Sluzhba (Brochure on SCI in Russian language) [first edition] |
(1998) |
11115.18 |
CCIVS: South-South North-South Seminar. Kampala, 1.-6. October 1997 [see also 46107.3] |
(1997) |

11116 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(1999 - 2001) |
11116.01 |
Heinz Gabathuler : Das Archiv des Service Civil International (SCI) in La Chaux-de-Fonds - Eine Fundgrube zur Sozialgeschichte unseres Jahrhunderts.
Zürich : traverse No.2 (1999) |
(1999) |
11116.02 |
Anna Pizzirani : Pierre Ceresole e il Servizio Civil Internationazionale, Tesi di Laurea in Filosofia Morale.
Bologna : Università degli Studi di Bologna, Facoltá di scienze politiche (1999). |
(1999) |
11116.03a |
Eva Furrer : Construire la Paix - Le Service Civil International en Algérie et la (re-) construction du village Béni Hamou - El Fas.
Lausanne : Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (Septembre 1999) |
(1999) |
11116.03b |
Eva Furrer: Working for Peace. Service Civil International in Algeria and the Reconstruction of Beni Hamou-El Fas (English translation by David Palmer, 2016) |
(1999) |
11116.04 |
Antonia Schmidlin : Eine andere Schweiz, HelferInnen, Kriegskinder und humanitäre Politik 1933-1942.
Zürich : Chronos (1999) |
(1999) |
11116.05 |
Ralph Hegnauer : A Lifelong Volunteer, Biography and Thought of a Passionate Peacemaker.
Rome (1999) |
(1999) |
11116.06 |
Astrid Astolfi : Reconstruction après la guerre, L'exemple de Pakrac (Croatie).
Genève : Edition ies / Paris : L'Harmattan (1999) [see also 20931.2-4] |
(1999) |
11116.07 |
Tanja Michalczyk : Evaluation internationaler antirassistischer Jugend- und Erwachsenenarbeit am Beispiel des Service Civil International dt.zweig e.V.
Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Erziehungwissenschaft (1999) |
(1999) |
11116.08 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 2000.
Bern (1999). |
(1999) |
11116.09 |
IAL Sweden : Frivilligt arbete för fred - en bok om Internationella Arbetslag.
Stockholm (2000) |
(2000) |
11116.10 |
SCI France, J.P.Petit : Service Civil International - Quel héritage? Approches - Un mouvement, ceux qui l'ont crée, ceux qui en ont influencé l'orientation.
Paris (January 2001) |
(2001) |
11116.11 |
Idy Hegnauer : Das Leben schreibt Geschichten. Affoltern am Albis (2001) |
(2001) |
11116.12 |
SCI IS : SCI's Fundraising Handbook, 1st Edition.
Antwerpen (Februar 2001) |
(2001) |
11116.13 |
SCI IS : Sustainable Funding for SCI, Seminar Report, Reichenau, Austria, 19-23. October 2000 |
(2000) |
11116.14 |
SCI IS, Sava: Volunteering in the Balkans, 1st Edition.
Antwerp, Amsterdam (February 2001) |
(2001) |
11116.15 |
IAL Sweden : How to be Environmentally Sensitive at Workcamps, A Guide for Camp Leader, Hosts and Volunteers.
Stockholm (2001?) |
(2001) |
11116.16 |
SCI India : Souvenir SCI , 60th International Committee Meeting 6th-9th December 2000, Bangalore India
New Delhi (2000) |
(2000) |
11116.17 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 2001.
Bern (2000) |
(2000) |
11116.18 |
SCI Germany : Kopfstütze & Handlanger - Handbuch für CampbegleiterInnen.
Bonn (December 1999) |
(1999) |
11116.19 |
Michael Kimmig : Anleiten, leiten, begleiten - Handbuch für SeminarleiterInnen.
Bonn : SCI Germany (1999) |
(1999) |
11116.20 |
GATE: Mezhdunarodnaya Grazhdanskaya Sluzhba (Brochure on SCI in Russian language) [second edition] |
(1999) |
11116.21 |
SCI Germany: Lead & Let Lead. Camp Leader Manual. A Guide to Organisation and Self-Organisation |
(2000) |
11116.22 |
SCI Germany / POET: Co-ordinating together. A manual for training co-ordinators [see also 40821.3] |
(2000) |
11116.23a |
SCI France: Guide for Greenlife in Workcamps. French edition. (English version) [see also 11116.15] |
(2001) |
11116.23b |
SCI France: Guide for Geenlife in Workcamps. Edition française (French version) [see also 11116.15] |
(2001) |
11116.24 |
Australian Volunteers at Work. 101 Stories, edited by Joy Noble and Roger Dick. Kent Town (South Australia): Wakefield Press (includes chapter “Workcamps for Peace”, portraying Rita Warleigh, IVP Australia). |
(2000) |

11117 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2001 - 2002) |
11117.01 |
Nina Santner : La motivation des volontaires du Service Civil International de 1920 à 1990 - Du pacifisme au tourisme? Mémoire de licence.
Fribourg : Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Fribourg (2001)
[incl. CD-ROM with database] |
(2001) |
11117.02 |
OWA Poland : We break the barriers, wystawa fotograficzna, w ramach obozu wolontariackiego "We can dance".
Booklet about integration of disabled people "We can dance" (2001) |
(2001) |
11117.03 |
OWA Poland : Handbook for leaders of lessons on the refugee issue.
Poznan (2001).
[for Polish und Russian version see 33701] |
(2001) |
11117.04 |
Jean-Pierre Petit : Origines des relations du S.C.I. avec les associations du Maghreb (1947 - 1974). Premier partie
Paris (2001). |
(2001) |
11117.05 |
Monique Hervo : Chronique du Bidonville, Nanterre en Guerre d'Algérie (1959 - 1962).
Paris : Éditions du Seuil (2001). |
(2001) |
11117.06 |
Mauro Cerutti, Sébastien Guex, Peter Huber : La Suisse et l'Espagne de la République à Franco (1936-1946).
Lausanne : Editions Antipodes (2001)
[Articles about Swiss relief activities during Civil War] |
(2001) |
11117.07 |
OWA Poland : National Minorities in Poland.
Poznan (2001)
[for Polish version see 33701ff] |
(2001) |
11117.08 |
OWA Poland : Refugees resource brochure.
Poznan (November 2001)
[for Polish version see 33701ff] |
(2001) |
11117.09 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 2002.
Bern (2001). |
(2001) |
11117.10 |
SCI F / CAAAL : Aides mémoire concernant les origines et l'actualité de l'islam, Documentation de Formation.
Paris (2002) |
(2002) |
11117.11 |
SCI IS : SCI North-South Exchanges Guide.
Antwerp (2002 ?) |
(2002) |
11117.12 |
SCI F / CAAAL : En vue d'aider à une recherche en groupes par régions. Quelques réflexion et questions concernant 'Les relations interculturelles', Documentation de formation.
Paris (2002) |
(2002) |
11117.13 |
GATE: Conflict Resolution - Resource Pack.
Poznan (2002) |
(2002) |
11117.14 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2003.
Bern (2002). |
(2002) |
11117.15 |
Jean-Pierre Petit : Origines des relations du S.C.I. avec les associations du Maghreb (1975 - 1985). Seconde partie
Paris (2002). |
(2002) |
11117.16 |
Christoph Zehnder : Der Nord/Süd Austausch des Service Civil International, Diplomarbeit.
Zürich : Höhere Fachschule für Touristik (IST) (April 2002) |
(2002) |
11117.17 |
SCI Nepal : Diary with directory 2002. |
(2002) |
11117.18 |
SCI Africa Working Group: Training of SCI for volunteers to Africa, a compilation.
Antwerp (2001) |
(2001) |
11117.19 |
SCI IS, Sava: Volunteering in the Balkans, 2nd edition. Antwerp, Amsterdam (November 2002) |
(2002) |
11117.20 |
AVSO, EIP, YFJ: Step by step to long-term voluntary service (Info booklet) |
(2001) |

11118 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2003 - 2003) |
11118.01 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2004.
Bern (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.02 |
Lisbeth Vroemen: Someone had an Idea - Connecting Vision and Action in SCI.
Amsterdam: VIA Netherlands (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.03 |
GATE: Human Right Messengers.
Poznan (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.04a |
SCI Romania, AVSO: Living Europe - Experiences of youth voluntary service in East and West.
Bucuresti, Brussels (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.04b |
SCI Romania, AVSO / SCI Polska: Europa Tetniaca Zyciem (in Polish language) |
(2003) |
11118.05 |
Piet van der Have: The workcamps after the floods in Zeeland April 1953 - August 1954, a general survey 50 years later. [Documentation]
Haarlem (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.06 |
Jenni Virtanen: Guide for greener SCI.
Vantaa (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.07 |
Jenni Virtanen: Volunteer's guide for green life.
Vantaa (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.08 |
OWA Poland, Malgorzata Malczewska: "How to teach about refugees?" Training event. Rózni - Równi Educational Programme.
Poznan (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.09 |
OWA Poland: Handbook for leaders of lessons on human rights issue. Rózni - Równi Educational Programme.
Poznan (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.10 |
OWA Poland, Izabela Idzik: Training event "How to teach about human rights?". Rózni - Równi Educational Programme.
Poznan (2003) |
(2003) |
11118.11 |
GATE: Managing Projects. Guidelines for prep-teams |
(2003) |
11118.12 |
GATE: What makes the difference? New strategies to combat racism and xenophobia. |
(2003) |
11118.3 |
Heinz Gabathuler: Zivildienst. In: E.Carigiet et al (ed.), Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zürich: rotpunktverlag |
(2003) |

11119 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2004 - 2008) |
11119.01 |
SCI IS & SCI Italy: Calendario interculturale per la pace 2006 Intercultural peace calendar.
Antwerp, Rome (2005) |
(2005) |
11119.02 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 2005.
Bern (2004) |
(2004) |
11119.03 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2006.
Bern (2005) |
(2005) |
11119.04 |
Voluntariat: Kam gremo? Z Voluntariatom.[SCI Slovenia]
Ljubljana (December 2005) |
(2005) |
11119.05 |
SCI IS: Working for peace calendar, November 2004 - October 2005.
Antwerp (2004) |
(2004) |
11119.06 |
SCI IS: Peace Education Policy.
Antwerp (2005)
(2005) |
11119.07 |
Thomas Möckli: 50 Jahre Helvetas, Inspiratorin schweizerischer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Spannungsfeld von struktureller Abhängigkeit und entwicklungspolitischer Vision. Lizenziatsarbeit
Mett-Oberschlatt (2004) [see SCI on p20-29] |
(2004) |
11119.08 |
SCI IS: Space for peace, resource pack: Introduction, Human Rights, Discrimination, Racism.
Antwerp (2004) |
(2004) |
11119.09 |
GATE: Conflict Resolution, Best peace practice in SCI.
Poznan (2004). |
(2004) |
11119.10 |
SCI Greece, Marteen Stam, Antonios Sifakis: The Greek experience in international volunteering 1944-2003.
Athens (2004) |
(2004) |
11119.11a |
GATE: Long Term Volunteering in SCI - a handbook for SCI activists and volunteers.
Poznan (2004) [English Version] |
(2004) |
11119.11b |
GATE: Long Term Volunteering in SCI - a handbook for SCI activists and volunteers.
Poznan (2004) [Russian Version] |
(2004) |
11119.12 |
IVS GB / Alternativa V: Introduction of SCI to the North Caucasus Region of Russia. Contact Making Seminar 17-21 April 2005, Snovyanka, Ukraine |
(2005) |
11119.13 |
Volunteers’ Centre Zagreb: The SEEYN Workcamp Handbook. 2nd modified edition |
(2004) |
11119.4 |
Tristan Castanier i Palau: Femmes en exil, mères des camps. Elisabeth Eidenbenz et la maternité suisse d’Elne (1939-1944). Canet (France): Editions Trabucaire. |
(2008) |

11120 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2006 - 2010) |
11120.01 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2007.
Bern (2006) |
(2006) |
11120.02 |
OWA Poland: Study part in workcamp, Methods to learn about SCI and peace.
Poznan (2006) |
(2006) |
11120.03 |
Olivier Bertrand: Utopie Pelle et Pioche, 30 ans de service volontaire avec le SCI, Paris (2007) [Manuscript] |
(2007) |
11120.03a |
Olivier Bertrand: Breaking down Barriers. 30 Years of Voluntary Service with SCI. Draft versions, October 2007 [Manuscript] |
(2007) |
11120.04 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2008.
Bern (2007) |
(2007) |
11120.05 |
Hrvojka Begović: Volonterski Centar Zagreb 1996-2006, Prvih Deset Godina.
Zagreb (2007) |
(2007) |
11120.06 |
Bernd Haunfelder: Schweizer Hilfe für Deutschland 1917-1933 und 1944-1957. Aufrufe, Berichte, Briefe, Erinnerungen, Reden. Münster: Aschenhoff Verlag |
(2010) |
11120.07 |
Karin Jenni: Zivildienst als Friedensdienst: Die Tätigkeiten des SCI für einen anerkannten Zivildienst.Lizentiatsarbeit
Fribourg (2008) |
(2008) |
11120.08 |
IVP Australia: A guide to international volunteering.
Surry Hill (2007) |
(2007) |
11120.09 |
SCI , VCV Vojvodina, Centre for Intercultural Dialogue: Peace Messengers Handbook (2009) |
(2009) |
11120.10 |
Olivier Bertrand: Breaking down barriers 1945-1975, 30 years of voluntary service for peace with Service Civil International.
Paris (2008) |
(2009) |
11120.10a |
Piet van der Have: International Voluntary Workcamps 1945-1975. [Pamphlet containing criticism of Olivier Bertrand’s “Breaking down Barriers”]. Haarlem NL |
(2010) |
11120.11 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2009 |
(2008) |
11120.12 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2010 |
(2009) |
11120.13 |
SCI D Youth Transcending New Frontiers. Final report |
(2009) |
11120.14 |
Volunteers’ Centre Zagreb: Volunteer Management Handbook |
(2006) |
11120.15 |
Frédéric Goldbronn: La Maternité d‘Elne. Les Origines du Film. In : La Contemporaine 2008/1, No. 89-90 |
(2008) |
11120.16 |
SCI Germany: Handbuch für Langzeitfreiwillige in Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika und Nahost. Bonn [no year, published around 2009] |
(2009) |

11121 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2010 - 2015) |
11121.01 |
Pierre Cérésole (1879 - 1945): Une vie au service de la paix. La Chaux-de-Fonds: Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Service Civil International (2010) |
(2010) |
11121.02 |
Pierre Ceresole (1887 – 1945): A lifetime serving Peace. La Chaux-de-Fonds: Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Service Civil International (2010) |
(2010) |
11121.03 |
Assumpta Montellà: Elisabeth Eidenbenz. Més enllà de la Maternitat d'Elna. Badalona: Ara Llibres [see also 20392.7a / b] |
(2011) |
11121.04 |
SCI IS: 90 Years of volunteering for peace and intercultural understanding.
Antwerp (2011) |
(2011) |
11121.05 |
Antonio Belmonte: Contra Fuego y Espanto. La acción humanitaria que salvó miles de vidas en la Guerra Civil. Temporae, Madrid 2012 |
(2012) |
11121.06 |
Gabriel Pretus: Humanitarian Relief in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston (NY) 2013 |
(2013) |
11121.07 |
Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum, Vaduz: Im Dienst des Friedens. Überwindet das Böse mit dem Guten. Haakon Nederland's Eindrücke nach der Rheinkatastrophe von 1927. (Exhibition brochure on the Liechtenstein service, in German and English) |
(2013) |
11121.08 |
Gaia Kosovo: Living together with Positive Stories. Stories that make a difference. (Book containing a collection of interviews and portraits made during a project in Kosovo, summer 2012) |
(2012) |
11121.09 |
Christine Kuhn: Motive und Bedürfnisse von Volunteer Tourists. Freiwilligenarbeit im Ausland zwischen Hilfe und Ferien. Bachelorarbeit (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur) |
(2013) |
11121.10 |
John Field: Working men's bodies. Work camps in Britain 1880-1940. Manchester / New York: Manchester University Press |
(2013) |
11121.11 |
Gaia Kosovo: Heart Hand Spoon. Roma Cookbook (Book containing cooking recipes from different countries collected during a project with Roma families in Kosovo, summer 2013) |
(2013) |
11121.12 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2011 |
(2010) |
11121.13 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2012 |
(2011) |
11121.14 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2013 |
(2012) |
11121.15 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2014 |
(2013) |
11121.16 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2015 |
(2014) |
11121.17 |
Miran Ipavec: Hitchhiking Tales from European Roads. My first Light Second. Kanal / Slovenia [self-published] (The author is a former SCI Slovenia board member. The book includes stories from workcamps in the Netherlands, Finland, and Northern Ireland) |
(2014) |
11121.18 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2016 |
(2015) |
11121.19 |
International Fellowhip of Reconciliation / Constance 1914-2014: 100 ans pour la nonviolence |
(2014) |
11121.20 |
SCI IS: Portfolio of intercultural competences. Compiled by Grazyna Pulawska |
(2011) |

11122 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2011 - 2017) |
11122.01 |
José Martìnez Cobo: Des enfants dans la tourmente. Toulouse et le Secours suisse aux enfants dans le sud de la France. 1939-1947, suivi du «Rapport Richard Gilg». Toulouse: Editions Le Pas d’oiseau |
(2015) |
11122.02 |
Maria Ojuel Solsona: La Evacuaciòn de Niños a Francia al Final de la Guerra Civil Española: El Caso de la Colonia Suiza del Château du Lac en Sigean (1939-40). Article published in Migraciones y Exilios, num 15 [see also 11203.14] |
(2015) |
11122.02a |
Quan érem refugiats. Published in L’Avenç, December 2016 (previously unpublished photos from the Spanish Civil War and the Swiss maternities in France) |
(2016) |
11122.03 |
VCV Serbia / Gaia Kosovo: Magic hands (Book containing pictures and stories of craftswomen from two villages in Vojvodina and Kosovo) |
(2015) |
11122.04 |
SCI Italy: The forgotten among the forgotten 2. A project about Roma and Sinti persecution and current situation in Europe |
(2011) |
11122.05 |
SCI Italy / OWA Poland / Zavod Voluntariat Slovenia and others: Yourope for Rights. Active Citizenship in Europe between human rights and migration policies |
(2011) |
11122.06 |
SCI Italy / SCI Germany / SCI Hellas / Utilapu Hungary and others: Female R-Existence. A gender focus on Nazi-fascism persecution |
(2012) |
11122.07 |
SCI Greece / SCI Catalunya / Utilapu Hungary / SCI Italy and others: Open doors. Social Inclusion and the construction of European identity. A research on forced migration to activate civil society |
(2013) |
11122.08a |
SCI IS: Climate for Peace Toolkit. How to Organize Sustainable Workcamps |
(2014) |
11122.08b |
SCI IS: Climate for Peace Inspirations. How to organize activities for climate justice and sustainable living. |
(2015) |
11122.09 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2017 |
(2016) |
11122.10 |
SCI IS: Grapheazy. A visual facilitation tool developed by Mauro Carta on behalf of SCI with the support of The Pool of Trainers and Facilitators of SCI. |
(2015) |
11122.11 |
Alicia Alted Vigil / Dolores Fernández Martínez (eds): Tiempos de exilio y solidaridad: la Maternidad Suiza de Elna (1939-1944). Madrid: Universidad nacional de educación a distancia (UNED)(book and DVD with documentary on the Maternity of Elne) |
(2014) |
11122.12 |
José Martìnez Cobo: El Socorro Suizo a los niños en la zona sur de Francia (1939-1947). El Informe Parera. Madrid: Universidad nacional de educación a distancia (UNED) |
(2017) |
11122.13 |
Autour de la Maternité d’Elne. L’action humanitaire de la guerre d’Espagne à nos jours. (Exils et migratons ibériques au XXe siècle, Nouvelle série no. 7). [France :] Riveneuve éditions. (Collection of contributions by various authors, including Antonia Schmidlin, José Martínez-Cobo, Natascha Schmöller, and others) |
(2015) |
11122.14 |
SCI Madrid: Calendario solidario 2017. Table calendar with volunteers‘ quotes |
(2016) |

11123 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2017 - 2019) |
11123.01 |
Vollzugsstelle für den Zivildienst: 20 Jahre Zivildienst in Geschichten. Bern: Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik (Collection of contributions by various authors on 20 years of Alternative Service in Switzerland, including an article by Karin Jenni on SCI: „Mit Pickel und Schaufel für den Frieden“. All articles in German, French and Italian) |
(2017) |
11123.02 |
Arthur Villard. Ein Leben für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit / Une vie pour la paix et la justice. 1917-1995. In memoriam publication at the occasion of his 100th anniversary, edited by an ad hoc working group, Biel / Bienne |
(2017) |
11123.03 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2018 |
(2017) |
11123.04 |
Nigel Watt: The first communist in Fort Jameson. Recollections of Africa and other Places 1955-2018. London: Books of Africa. |
(2018) |
11123.05 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2019 |
(2018) |
11123.06 |
Roser Ros i Vilanova / Jordi Vila Delclos / Maria Ojuel Solsona: Elna, la maternitat. [Book for children, in Catalan and French]. Barcelona: Memorial democratic |
(2018) |
11123.07 |
SCI IS: SCI – Moving Forward (Info booklet on SCI) |
(2018) |
11123.08 |
Eleonor Marcussen: Cooperation and Pacifism in a Colonial Context: Service Civil International and Work Camps in Bihar, 1934-1937. In: Rafael Klöber / Manju Ludwig (eds.), Her Story, Historical Scholarship between South Asia and Europe. Festschrift in honour of Gita Dharampal-Frick, xasia-ebooks, Heidelberg |
(2018) |
11123.09 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2020 |
(2019) |
11123.10a |
SCI IS : Free to be you and me. Toolkit for youth workers, volunteer coordinators and trainers |
(2019) |
11123.10b |
SCI IS : Free to be you and me. Toolkit for youth workers, volunteer coordinators and trainers. Short version |
(2019) |
11123.11 |
Ina Boesch, Ruedi Brassel, Ruedi Epple, Peter Weishaupt: Haus Gartenhof in Zürich. Raum für vernetzte Friedensarbeit. Zürich: Chronos |
(2019) |
11123.12 |
Maria Ojuel: Fugir de Catalunya. Un testimoniatge de l’èxode de 1939 redescobert. L’Avenç 455, Març 2019 |
(2019) |
11123.13 |
Jean-Luc Portmann: Histoire de l‘Objection de Conscience en Suisse au 20ème Siècle. Aspects historiques, politiques et juridiques. [Neuchâtel] |
(2017) |
11123.14 |
SCI IS. Time to face Gendered Realities. Findings and recommendations for making SCI activities more safe and inclusive |
(2019) |
11123.15 |
Luis Manuel Calvo Salgado : Swiss humanitarian aid during the Spanish Civil War: The journey of Anna Siemsen and Regina Kägi-Fuchsmann. Culture & History Digital Journal, 8(2). [NEW FILE] |
(2019) |
11123.16 |
SCI IS: Building Bridges. Overview 2016/2017. Projects and activities, BB workcamps and more! [NEW FILE] |
(2018) |

11124 |
Publications by and on SCI |
(2019 - 2020) |
11124.1 |
Words about Deeds. 100 years of International Voluntary Service for Peace. Service Civil International 1920-2020. Published by SCI International Secretariat and SCI International Archives. Antwerpen / La Chaux-de-Fonds [1st impression] December 2019 |
(2019) |
11124.2 |
Words about Deeds. 100 years of International Voluntary Service for Peace. Service Civil International 1920-2020. Published by SCI International Secretariat and SCI International Archives. Antwerpen / La Chaux-de-Fonds. Second edition March 2020 |
(2020) |
11124.2a |
Piet van der Have: More Words & a Register of Names. [Register of names for the second edition of “Words about Deeds”] |
(2020) |
11124.3 |
Tony O’Herlithy, Jutta Ströter-Bender, Kulturamt Saarbrücken (ed.): Das Danke-Buch aus Saarbrücken, 1946. Eine Erinnerung an den Hungerwinter. Tectum-Verlag Baden-Baden |
(2020) |
11124.4 |
SCI Germany: 100 Jahre SCI. Geburtstagskalender. |
(2020) |
11124.5 |
Jean-Luc Portmann: Histoire des Groupes pacifistes / non-violents en Suisse. [Neuchâtel] |
(2020) |
11124.6 |
SCI Switzerland : SCI Pocket Calendar 2021 |
(2020) |
11124.7 |
“Es war ein Ort, an dem alles grau war...“ Die Deportation der badischen Jüdinnen und Juden nach Gurs im Oktober 1940. Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart. |
(2020) |

11125 |
Publications by and on SCI. |
(2020 - ) |
11125.01 |
Nusi Cornelissens: Bringing Niertjes to the Netherlands. Dutch Community Holidays for the Northern Irish during the Troubles. Master Thesis at National University of Ireland, Cork, September 2020. |
(2020) |
11125.02 |
SCI India West Bengal Group: Centennial Anniversary Commemorative Souvenir. Edited by Tapas Kumar Sur, Hoogly, West Bengal |
(2021) |
11125.03 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2022 [NEW FILE] |
(2021) |
11125.04 |
Maria Ojuel: L’Album de la Ruth: Ruth von Wild i l’ajuda suïssa als infants de la guerra. [Catalan, with French translation] Barcelona : Memorial Democratic de la Generalitat de Catalunya. [NEW FILE] |
(2021) |
11125.05 |
Roger Gwynn: Golden Bengal. First impressions 1964-1965. Acre Press. [NEW FILE] |
(2021) |
11125.06 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2023. [NEW FILE] |
(2022) |
11125.07 |
SCI IS: Street Action Kit. From Dreams to Action. [NEW FILE] |
(2022) |
11125.08 |
SCI IS: Free to be You and Me. A living toolkit for group leaders. [NEW FILE] |
(2022) |
11125.09 |
SCI Switzerland: SCI Pocket Calendar 2024. [NEW FILE] |
(2023) |
11125.10 |
SCI Pocket Calendar 2025 [NEW FILE] |
(2024) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
11201A |
In memoriam of SCI members born before 1900 (I) Publications and obituary notices |
(1900) |
11201A.01 |
Elisabeth Blaser, Le Locle
10.August 1880 - 25.December 1982 (Switzerland) |
() |
11201A.02 |
Otto Weis, Müllheim (Germany)
- 24.11.1942 |
() |
11201A.03 |
Clärly Knuchel, Basel (Switzerland)
- 31.3.1971 |
() |
11201A.04 |
Ernst Schönholzer, Zürich
25.8.1891 - 1.9.1975 |
() |
11201A.05 |
Premysl Pitter, Prag - Zürich
21.6.1895 - 15.2.1976 |
() |
11201A.06 |
Cornelius (Kees) Boeke, Bilthoven (Netherlands)
25.09.1884 - 03.07.1966 |
() |
11201A.07 |
Eugen Heinz, Bucholtwelmen (Germany), 18.1.1893 - 22.8.1967
[includes workcamp files: Hamburg-Köhlbrand 1947, Duisburg-Maria in der Drucht 1947, Berlin-Schöneberg 1948, Ratingen II 1948, Heiligenhaus 1951, Langenhorst 1952]
() |

11201B |
In memoriam of SCI members born before 1900 (II) Publications and obituary notices |
() |
11201B.01 |
Leo Bächler-Gysin, Kriens-Luzern (Switzerland)
8.1893 - 1992 |
() |
11201B.02 |
Ethelwyn Best
6.8.1893 - 9.3.1993 |
() |
11201B.03 |
Alfred Bietenholz-Gerhard, Basel (Switzerland)
1890 - 1968 |
() |
11201B.04 |
Alice Brügger, Zurich (Switzerland)
2.12.1896 - 13.10.1988 |
() |
11201B.05 |
Jean Inebnit, Le Locle - Leeds (Switzerland, Great Britain)
5.7.1890 - 6.3.1982 |
() |
11201B.06 |
Dina Isler, Aarau (Switzerland)
22.2.1891 - 11.10.1972 |
() |
11201B.07 |
Therese Lauterburg, Bern (Switzerland)
16.5.1898 - 6.12.1970 |
() |
11201B.08 |
Hélène Monastier, Lausanne (Switzerland)
2.12.1882 - 7.3.1976
Hélène Monastier : Mon itinéraire spirituel, manuscripte lu à une retraite d'AMIS (?) à la Prise-Immer (Neuchâtel) en Septembre 1964.
Lausanne (1968) |
() |
11201B.09 |
Edmond Privat, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
1889 - 1962 |
() |
11201B.10 |
Henri Roser, Paris (France)
11.2.1899 - 6.1.1981 |
() |
11201B.11 |
Elisabeth Rotten, Saanen (Bern, Switzerland))
15.2.1882 - 2.5.1984 |
() |
11201B.12 |
Paul Schenker, Aarau (Switzerland)
- 4.1937 |
() |
11201B.13 |
Wolfgang Schwemmer-Braun, Zürich (Switzerland)
1891 - 1976 |
() |
11201B.14 |
Clara Waldvogel, Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
1889-1972 |
() |
11201B.15 |
Nikolaus Ehlen, Velbert
9.12.1886 - 18.10.1965 |
() |

11202 |
In memoriam of SCI members born 1900-1909 |
(1900 - 1909) |
11202.01 |
René Bovard, Geneva (Switzerland)
23.4.1900 - 13.8.1983 |
() |
11202.02 |
Heinrich Carstens, Hamburg (Germany)
4.6.1904 - 25.2.2000 |
() |
11202.03 |
Maurice Dubois, Le Locle (Switzerland)
17.7.1905 -Nov.1997 |
() |
11202.06 |
Albert Streckeisen, Bern (Switzerland)
1900 - |
() |
11202.07 |
Ernst Wolf, Basel (Switzerland)
1903 - 9.7.1988 |
() |
11202.08 |
Gertrud Luckner, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
26.9.1900 - 31.8.1995 |
() |
11202.09 |
Pierre Ernest Oppliger (Switzerland, India)
1906 - 19.9.1993 |
() |
11202.10 |
Paul Piot, Lausanne (Switzerland)
- 1960 |
() |
11202.11 |
Idy Hegnauer Häberling, Obfelden am Albis (Switzerland)
12.3.1909 - 19.11.2006 |
() |
11202.12 |
Fridtjof Sursen-Mörtl, Davos (Switzerland)
1907 - 27.8.1987 |
() |
11202.13 |
Olga Fierz, Baden & Affoltern am Albis (Switzerland)
1900 - 1990 |
() |
11202.14 |
Anton Meining, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
15.08.1908 - 10.10.2003 |
() |
11202.15 |
Emma Ott, Bern (Switzerland) 20.11.1907-15.05.2011 |
() |
11202.16 |
Margrit Mauderli, Allschwil CH, 1908-2001 |
() |

11203 |
In memoriam of SCI members born 1910-1919 |
(1910 - 1919) |
11203.01 |
Derek Edwards Farnham, Surrey (Great Britain)
15.1.1915 - 18.10.1994 |
() |
11203.02 |
Jim Forrester, James Brabazon, 5th Earl of Verulam, St.Albans (Great Britain)
11.10.1910 - 13.10.1960 |
() |
11203.03 |
Elisabeth Kasser, Berner Oberland (Switzerland)
11.5.1910 - 15.5.1992 |
() |
11203.04 |
Etienne Reclus, Paris (France)
1911 - 11.10.1994 |
() |
11203.05 |
Ingebjörg Sletten-Fossvedt, Oslo (Norway) 19.10.1910 - 3.10.1988 |
() |
11203.06 |
Marcus Jucker, Basel (Switzerland), 12.07.1914 - 06.01.1987 |
() |
11203.07 |
Ralph Hegnauer, Aarau (Switzerland) [see 11251]
22.9.1910 -17.11.1997 |
() |
11203.08 |
Fritz Baumann, Zürich (Switzerland). [see estate 11300]
1913 - 1994 |
() |
11203.09 |
Max-Henri Béguin, La Chaux-de-Fonds
1918 - 10.2.2000 |
() |
11203.10 |
Otto Siegfried, Zürich
14.3.1916 - 2.12.1998 |
() |
11203.11a |
Pierre Ulysse Rasquier, Nice (France)
Pierre Ulysse Rasquier: Parcours ou billet pour une vie, récits et témoinages, premier tome 1918-1946.
Nice(1998) |
() |
11203.11b |
Pierre Ulysse Rasquier: Parcours ou billet pour une vie, récits et témoinages, deuxième tome 1946-1970. Nice(2000) |
() |
11203.11c |
Pierre Ulysse Rasquier: Parcours ou billet pour une vie, récits et témoinages, troisème tome 1970-2002.
Nice(1998) |
() |
11203.12 |
Simone Tanner-Chaumet, Bouzaréah (Algeria)
1916? - 25.05.1962
Emil Tanner, Bouzaréah (Algeria)
14.04.1921 - 25.05.1962
() |
11203.13 |
Helena Kanyar Becker (ed.): Vergessene Frauen. Humanitäre Kinderhilfe und offizielle Flüchtlingspolitik 1917-1948. Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2010
Contributions on Elisabeth Eidenbenz, Elsbeth Kasser, Rösli Näf, Friedel Bohny-Reiter, Emma Ott, Ruth von Wild, and others |
() |
11203.14 |
Ruth von Wild, Catalonia / Switzerland, 1912-1983 |
() |
11203.15 |
David Sainty, Great Britain, 8.9.1916 - April 2013 |
() |
11203.16 |
Willy Begert, Geneva 1913 – 18.3.1975 |
() |
11203.17 |
Hans and Mary Bruderer-Hutchinson, 1918-2013 / 1914-2013, Switzerland / Great Britain |
() |

11204 |
In memoriam of SCI members born 1920-1929 |
(1920 - 1929) |
11204.01 |
Hanny Strupler-Zimmermann, Basel (Switzerland) 1928-1987 |
() |
11204.02 |
Asta Mangal Bajracharya, Kathmandu (Nepal) 28.07.1924-2001 |
() |
11204.03 |
Hans-Ulrich Smoltczyk, Berlin, Stuttgart, Böblingen (Germany) 21.10.1928- |
() |
11204.04 |
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Zürich (Switzerland) 8.July 1926 -24.August 2004 [see also 64301.7] |
() |
11204.05 |
Markus Mattmüller, Basel (Switzerland) 18.07.1928 - 30.Oktober 2003 |
() |
11204.06 |
Chris Hollaender, Castricum (Netherlands)
26.12.1924 - 16.8.2009 |
() |
11204.07 |
Bertram Schröter, Flensburg (Germany)
22.4.1928 - |
() |
11204.08 |
Basil Eastland, Birmingham (Great Britain), 4.8.1920 - 7.9.1996 |
() |
11204.09 |
Marius and Marianne Boelsma-Studinger, Netherlands / Switzerland
1927 - 2014 / 1925 - 2009 [see also 11264.5] |
() |
11204.10 |
Elizabeth Neuenschwander (Switzerland), 1929-
Roland Jeanneret: Von Schanghai nach Kabul. Ein Leben für andere. Elizabeth Neuenschwander. Buchverlag Lokwort, Bern, 2011 |
() |
11204.11 |
Albert Ratz (France), 1927-2010 |
() |
11204.12 |
Navam Appadurai, Sri Lanka, 1920-1983 |
() |
11204.13 |
Franz Oehler, Switzerland, 1923- |
() |
11204.14 |
Martin Menzi, Thun 1929 - 2024 |
() |
11204.15 |
Rolf E. Wilhelm, Switzerland, 1927-2016 |
() |
11204.16 |
Susanne Lutz, Switzerland, 1929- [NEW FILE] |
() |
11204.17 |
Jean-Bernard Moreau (France), 1928- ? and Anne Moreau-Dethier (Belgium), 1931- ?
Contains notebook of Anne Dethier who spent one year in 1949/50 in several European countries and among others participated in SCI workcamps in England, Austria, Germany and Saarland. [NEW FILE] |
() |
11204.18 |
Nelly Forget, France, 1929- [NEW FILE] |
() |

11205 |
In memoriam of SCI members born 1930-1939 |
(1930 - 1939) |
11205.01 |
Hansjörg Braunschweig, Basel-Zürich, 8.1.1930 - Feb.1999 [see also 11114.07] |
() |
11205.02 |
Theodor von Fellenberg 1935 - 2023
Therese von Fellenberg-Schai 1933 - 2019 |
() |
11205.03 |
Verena Ritter, Switzerland, 1934-2015 |
() |
11205.04 |
Claude Gacond, La Chaux-de-Fonds 1931 - |
() |
11205.05 |
Franco Perna, Italy, 10.10.1937 - |
() |
11205.06 |
Gerson Kadzo Gu-Konu, Kuma-Adame (Togo) - Ho (Ghana), 1932-30.07.2006 |
() |
11205.07 |
Jean-Pierre Petit, 1930 (?) - , Paris (France) |
() |
11205.08 |
Nelly Minder, Switzerland, 1931-2017 |
() |
11205.09 |
Mohammed Sahnoun, Algeria, 1930-2018 |
() |
11205.11 |
Pierluigi Vagliani, Italy, 1932- |
() |
11205.12 |
Joke Mollet-Blomkwist, Netherlands / Switzerland, 1936- |
() |
11205.13 |
Jürg Meyer, Switzerland, 1939-2021 [NEW FILE] |
() |

11206 |
In memoriam of SCI members born 1940-1949 |
(1940 - 1949) |
11206.01 |
Hans Frieder Dietz, Bielefeld (Germany) 11.10.1942 - |
() |
11206.02 |
Thomas Brons, Nürnberg (Germany)
11.11.1943 - |
() |
11206.03 |
Werner Rügemer, Germany, 4.9.1941- |
() |
11206.2 |
Angelika Dietz geb. Peus, Germany, 30.7.1952- |
() |

11250 |
In memoriam of Rodolfo Olgiati-Schneider, Poschiavo (Switzerland) 30.06.1905 - 31.05.1986 |
(1905 - 1986) |
11250.1 |
Books, Booklets, Newspaper Cuttings, Reports, Correspondence. Compiled by Ralph Hegnauer |
(1905 - 1986) |
11250.2 |
Various documents. Compiled by Fridolin Trüb |
(1905 - 1986) |

11251 |
In memoriam of Ralph Hegnauer, Aarau (Switzerland) 22.9.1910 - 17.11.1997 |
(1910 - 1997) |
11251.11 |
Articles, various texts. |
(1950 - 1997) |
11251.12 |
Vision Days in commemoration of Ralph Hegnauer, Easter 11.-12.4.1998, Herzberg |
(1998) |
11251.2 |
Booklets, Bulletins. |
(1960 - 1999) |
11251.3 |
Excerpts from letters to his wife, Idy Hegnauer, and thoughts (Gedanken im Vorübergehen) |
(1945 - 1996) |
11251.4 |
Memorial plaque for a tree planted in honour of Ralph Hegnauer during the Vision days |
(1998) |

11252 |
Hegnauer Solidarity Fund Established in memoriam of Ralph Hegnauer, SCI activist 1937-1997, for projects corresponding to the aims and objectives of SCI. |
(1998 - 2005) |
11252.11 |
Minutes, Correspondence |
(1998 - 2005) |
11252.12 |
Financial Reports |
(1998 - 2005) |
11252.13 |
Project Applications |
(1998 - 2004) |

11260 |
In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (I) Fridolin Trüb, 8.10.1919 - [see also 11114.07]
Elisabeth Trüb-Mauch |
(1946 - ) |
11260.1 |
Articles, Correspondence |
(1946 - ) |
11260.2 |
Fridolin Trüb: Dem Frieden entgegen, 30 Geschichten und eine halbe.
St.Gallen (2009) |
(2009) |
11260.3 |
Small exhibition on 9 panels about SCI. |
(1950 - 1960) |
11260.4 |
Souvenir plaque for SCI Service in Freiburg |
(1947) |
11260.5 |
Michael Walther: Fridolin Trüb - Zehn Interviews (August - Dezember 2007) [Website] |
(2007) |

11261 |
In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (II) |
(1946 - 1957) |
11261.01 |
Service in St.Stephan (Switzerland) 1946: Diary |
(1946) |
11261.02 |
Service in Souburg, Walcheren (Netherlands) 1946: Diary |
(1946) |
11261.03 |
Service in Saarbrücken (Germany) 1947: Diary, Reports, Correspondence, Sketches |
(1947) |
11261.04 |
Service in Freiburg (Germany) 1947: Diary, Reports, Correspondence |
(1947) |
11261.05 |
Service in Schauinsland Freiburg, Germany) April 1948: Diary, Reports |
(1948) |
11261.06 |
Service in St.Nazaire (France) July-August 1948: Diary |
(1948) |
11261.07 |
Service in Hühnerfeld (Saarland, Germany) 1949: Diary, Reports |
(1949) |
11261.08 |
Service in Bordeaux-l'Alouette (France) 1950: Diary, Reports |
(1950) |
11261.09 |
Services in Zedlach / Matrei(Austria) 1953 |
(1953) |
11261.10 |
Services in Blons (Austria) 1954 and Mathon (Switzerland) 1957: Diary |
(1954 - 1957) |

11262 |
In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (III) |
(1946 - 1959) |
11262.1 |
Photo Album: St.Stephan (Switzerland) 1945-1946, Soubourg (Walcheren,Netherlands) 1946, Saarbrücken (Germany 1946-1947 |
(1945 - 1947) |
11262.2 |
Photo Album: Freiburg (Germany) 1947, Schauinsland (Germany) 1948, St.Nazaire (France) 1948, Hühnerfeld (Germany) 1949 |
(1947 - 1949) |
11262.3 |
Photo Album: Pessac-Bordeaux (France) 1950, SCI Delegates Meeting in Ludweiler (Germany) 1951, Donaueschingen (Germany) 1951, Zernez (Switzerland) 1951, Zedlach Matrei (Austria) 1953, Schmerikon (Switzerland) 1953 |
(1950 - 1953) |
11262.4 |
Photo Album: Blons (Austria) 1954, Wabern (Switzerland) 1957, Mathon (Switzerland) 1957, Neukirch an der Thur (Switzerland) 1958, Vilters (Switzerland) 1959 |
(1954 - 1959) |
11262.5 |
Photo Album: St.Stephan (Switzerland), Metz (France), Saarbrücken (Germany), Raon-l'Etape (France) |
(1946) |
11262.6 |
Photo Album: St.Stephan (Switzerland) |
(1945) |
11262.7 |
New year greeting prints for friends and family [incomplete]. [NEW FILE] |
(1976 - 2013) |

11263 |
In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (IV) |
(1945 - 1954) |
11263.11 |
Sketchbook: St.Stephan, Vinelz (Switzerland) |
(1945) |
11263.12 |
Sketchbook: St.Stephan (Switzerland), Souburg (Walcheren, Netherlands) |
(1946) |
11263.13 |
Sketchbook: Souburg (Walcheren, Netherlands) |
(1946) |
11263.14 |
Sketchbook: Freiburg 1947, Schauinsland 1948 (Germany) |
(1947 - 1948) |
11263.15 |
Sketchbook: St.Nazaire, Paris, Noisy sur Oise (France) |
(1948) |
11263.16 |
Sketchbook: Hühnerfeld, Saarland (Germany) |
(1949) |
11263.17 |
Sketchbook: Pessac, Bordeaux (France), Zedlach Matrei (Austria) |
(1950 - 1951) |
11263.18 |
Sketchbook: Blons (Austria) |
(1954) |
11263.21 |
Devastation and flooding in Walcheren (Netherlands): Book with Newspaper Cuttings, Postcards and Photos |
(1944 - 1946) |
11263.22 |
Devastation and flooding in Walcheren (Netherlands): Booklets, Maps, Newspaper Cuttings, Postcards |
(1946) |
11263.3 |
Swiss relief action in Saarbrücken (Germany): Book with Newspaper cuttings, sketches, Photos, Documents |
(1946 - 1948) |

11264 |
In memoriam of Elisabeth and Fridolin Trüb-Mauch, St.Gallen (Switzerland) (V) |
(1965 - 1984) |
11264.1 |
Alternative Service Campaign: Newspaper cuttings, correspondence |
(1977 - 1981) |
11264.2 |
Alternative Service Campaign: Newspaper cuttings |
(1977 - 1981) |
11264.3 |
Alternative Service Campaign: Campaigning material, newspaper cuttings |
(1979 - 1984) |
11264.4 |
Alternative Service Campaign: Correspondence, newspaper cuttings |
(1978 - 1982) |
11264.5 |
Letters by Fridolin and Liesbeth Trüb to (and from) Marius and Marianne Boelsma. [NEW FILE] |
(1977 - 2012) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
0 |
SCI Services |
(2004) |

20201 |
SCI Services The 3rd and 4th number in the Index are the numbers of the year |
(1920 - 1924) |
20201.1 |
Esnes / Verdun (France) |
(1920) |
20201.2 |
Les Ormonts (Switzerland). |
(1924) |
20201.3 |
Someo (Switzerland). |
(1924) |
20201.4 |
Movement towards a Christian International (Bilthoven Conferences): Practical Services - Minutes, Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence
[see also 11201A.06] |
(1919 - 1920) |

20261 |
SCI Services |
(1926 - 1929) |
20261.1 |
Almens (Switzerland) 8.8.-1.9.1926
Feldis (Switzerland) July-September 1927
Schaan & Vaduz (Liechtenstein), 2.4.-5.10.1928
Gamprin (Liechtenstein), 30.5.-21.8.1928
Feldis (Switzerland) 9.7.-28.8.1928
Ringgenberg (Switzerland), 27.7.-29.9.1928
Feldis (Switzerland) 17.6.-31.8.1929 |
(1926 - 1929) |
20261.2 |
Booklets |
(1926 - 1928) |
20261.3 |
Ernest Ceresole, Paul Schenker : Schlussbericht über den Dienst Liechtenstein 1928. Bern (manuscript) |
(1928) |
20261.4 |
C. [Clärly] Knuchel: Vom freiwilligen Hilfsdienst in Liechtenstein. Printed article
[see also 10109] |
(1928) |

20301 |
SCI Services |
(1930) |
20301.1 |
Albefeuille-Lagarde (France) 01.05.-27.09.1930 |
(1930) |
20301.2 |
Booklets, Leaflets, Pamphlets |
(1931) |

20311 |
SCI Services |
(1931) |
20311.1 |
Eden Oranienburg (Germany), 15.-23.7.1931
Brynmawr, Wales (Great Britain) 27.6.-22.9.1931
Klingnau, Aargau (Switzerland) 12.6.-17.10.1931 |
(1931) |
20311.2 |
Klingnau 1931: Newspaper Cuttings |
(1931) |
20311.3 |
Brynmawr 1931: Newspaper cuttings |
(1931) |
20311.4 |
Brynmawr 1931: Booklets |
(1931) |

20321 |
SCI Services |
(1932 - 1933) |
20321.1 |
Rhosllanerchrugog, Wales (Great Britain) |
(1932) |
20321.2 |
Safien-Platz, Graubünden (Switzerland) 18.7.-22.10.1932 |
(1932) |
20321.3 |
Oakengates (Great Britain) 2.7.-22.9.1933 |
(1933) |
20321.4 |
Newspaper cuttings on various SCI Services |
(1930 - 1932) |

20341 |
SCI Services |
(1934) |
20341.1 |
Mont Bailly, Vaud (Switzerland) 7.5.-31.5.34 |
(1934) |
20341.2 |
Rhos-Llanerchrugog, Wales (Great Britain) May 1934 |
(1934) |
20341.3 |
Les Amburnex, Vaud (Switzerland) 1.6.-30.9.34 |
(1934) |

20342 |
SCI Services |
(1934) |
20342.1 |
Santa Maria, Graubünden (Switzerland) 18.6.-30.9.34 |
(1934) |
20342.2 |
Oakengates (Great Britain), July - September 1934 |
(1934) |
20342.3 |
Blaenavon (Great Britain) 16.7.-29.9.34 |
(1934) |
20342.4 |
Hütten, Zürich (Switzerland), 1.10.-17.11.34 |
(1934) |
20342.6 |
Sonathi, Muzzaffarpur, Bihar (India) 1934 - 1936 |
(1934 - 1936) |

20351 |
SCI Services |
(1935) |
20351.1 |
Hütten, Zürich (Switzerland)23.04.-17.07.1935
Mont Bailly, Vaud (Switzerland) 29.04.-02.06.1935
Les Amburnex, Vaud, (Switzerland) 03.06.-03.10.1935 |
(1935) |
20351.2 |
Oakengates (Great Britain), June-September 1935
Litzirüti, Graubünden (Switzerland), 27.06.-12.10.1935 |
(1935) |
20351.3 |
Oakengates: Construction site map |
(1935) |

20361 |
SCI Services |
(1936) |
20361.1 |
Oakengates (Great Britain) 1.1.-31.12.36 |
(1936) |
20361.2 |
Mont Bailly, Vaud (Switzerland), 4.5.-25.5.36 |
(1936) |
20361.3 |
Les Amburnex, Vaud (Switzerland) 26.5.-29.10.36 |
(1936) |
20361.4 |
Robinson, Seine (France) 27.6.-16.10.36 |
(1936) |
20361.5 |
Selma, Graubünden (Switzerland) 9.7.-29.8.36 |
(1936) |
20361.6 |
Litzirüti, Graubünden (Switzerland) 8.7.-6.9.36 |
(1936) |
20361.7 |
Gateshead-on-Tyne (Great Britain) 19.7.-4.10.36 |
(1936) |
20361.8 |
Mont Bailly / Marchairuz: Camp reports and volunteer lists |
(1936) |

20362 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (I) SCI's co-operation in various activities for child-welfare during the Spanish Civil War and following corresponding relief work in France.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder, Ayuda Suiza a los niños de España (SCI) : |
(1936 - 1942) |
20362.1 |
Origin and Begin : Correspondence and reports. |
(1936) |
20362.2 |
Correspondence and reports (January - March). |
(1937) |
20362.3a |
Begin of work in Spain :
Reports and Correspondance (April - June). |
(1937) |
20362.3b |
Reports and Correspondance (July-September). |
(1937) |
20362.3c |
Reports and Correspondance (October - December). |
(1937) |

20363 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (II) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder, Ayuda Suiza a los niños de España (SCI) (Office in Bern, later in Zurich) : |
(1936 - 1942) |
20363.1 |
Correspondence with team in Burjasot Valencia. |
(1937) |
20363.2 |
Correspondence with team in Burjasot Valencia (January - June). |
(1938) |
20363.3 |
Correspondence with team in Burjasot Valencia (July - December). |
(1938) |
20363.4 |
Correspondence with team in Burjasot Valencia (January - June). |
(1939) |
20363.5 |
Correspondence of team in Spain with SCI in Bern (April - December). |
(1937) |
20363.6 |
Correspondence of team in Spain with SCI in Bern (January - May). |
(1938 - 1939) |

20364 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (III) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder, Ayuda Suiza a los niños de España (SCI) : |
(1936 - 1942) |
20364.1 |
General correspondence between team-members. |
(1938 - 1939) |
20364.2 |
Conferences of representatives of Foreign Relief Agencies in Spain (June - February). |
(1937 - 1938) |
20364.3 |
Volunteers. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20364.4 |
Statistics of evacuated persons. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20364.5 |
Correspondence with Embassies. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20364.6 |
Correspondence with Swiss Embassy. |
(1937 - 1941) |
20364.7 |
SCI Switzerland : Minutes of meetings concerning work in Spain. |
(1936 - 1939) |
20364.8 |
Spanish Authorities. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20364.9 |
Swiss Authorities. |
(1937 - 1939) |

20365 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (IV) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder, Ayuda Suiza a los niños de España, International Commission for Assistance of Child Refugees in Spain (ICACRS) : |
(1936 - 1942) |
20365.1 |
Correspondance, Reports, Minutes (May - December). |
(1938) |
20365.2 |
Correspondance, Reports, Minutes (January - June). |
(1939) |
20365.3 |
Donations of Food and goods from various organisations. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20365.4 |
Internationale Commission for Assistance of Spanish Child Refugees in France : Correspondance, Reports, Minutes (July - December). |
(1939) |
20365.5 |
Correspondance, Reports, Minutes (January - May). |
(1939) |

20366 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (V) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Spanienkinder, Ayuda Suiza a los niños de España, International Commission for Assistance of Child Refugees in Spain (ICACRS) : |
(1936 - 1942) |
20366.1 |
Distribution of food and clothing in Republican Spain (excluding Madrid). |
(1937 - 1939) |
20366.2 |
Distribution of food, particulary flour for the population of Madrid. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20366.3 |
Comedor - Canteen for Children, pregnant women and aged persons at Madrid. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20366.4 |
Feeding Programmes in Catalonia. |
(1937 - 1939) |
20366.5 |
Transport services : Evacuation and food transports, Official admission and insurance. |
(1937 - 1940) |
20366.6 |
Samples of various forms, registration cards for distribution; administration & Transport documents. |
(1937 - 1939) |

20367 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (VI) Relief activities for child refugees in the South of France (1939-1942) |
(1936 - 1942) |
20367.1 |
Reports, Letters with secretariats in Switzerland (7th March - 15th June). |
(1940) |
20367.2 |
Maternité at Brouilla (Perpignan) and Elne (P.O.) South of France : Correspondence with SCI secretariat in Bern. |
(1939 - 1940) |
20367.3 |
Secours aux Enfants Espagnols en France : French and International Organisations (Mai - July 1939).
Funds for refugees in France (1941). |
(1939 - 1941) |
20367.4 |
Secours Suisse aux Enfants victimes de la guerre : Délégation à Toulouse : Reports and correspondance. |
(1940 - 1941) |
20367.5 |
Spain - France : Finances. |
(1937 - 1940) |

20368 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (VII) |
(1936 - 1942) |
20368.1 |
Newspaper-Cuttings. |
(1936) |
20368.2 |
Newspaper-Cuttings (January - May). |
(1937) |
20368.3 |
Newspaper-Cuttings (June - July). |
(1937) |
20368.4 |
Newspaper-Cuttings (August - December). |
(1937) |
20368.5 |
Newspaper-Cuttings. |
(1938) |
20368.6 |
Newspaper-Cuttings. |
(1939) |

20369 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (VIII) |
(1936 - 1945) |
20369.1 |
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für kriegsgeschädigte Kinder, Cartel Suisse de Secours aux Enfants victimes de la guerre en France. |
(1939 - 1942) |
20369.2 |
Croix-Rouge Suisse, Secours aux enfants en France. |
(1941 - 1944) |
20369.3 |
Esther Schärer : Croix Rouge, Secours aux Enfants en France.
Lizenzarbeit (October 1986) |
(1986) |
20369.4 |
Book review and press comment. |
(1944 - 1945) |

20371 |
SCI Services |
(1937 - 1939) |
20371.01 |
Gletscherstaffel-Blatten, Lötschental, Wallis (Switzerland) 26.7.-25.9.37 |
(1937) |
20371.02 |
Herzberg, Aargau (Switzerland) 10.10.-23.10.37 [Women's workcamp - sewing clothes for Spain] |
(1937) |
20371.03 |
Puigcerdá, Catalonia (Spain) 27.12.37 - 15.3.38 |
(1937 - 1938) |
20371.04 |
Oakengates, Shropshire (Great Britain) 3.4.-22.10.1938 |
(1938) |
20371.05 |
Brynmawr, Wales (Great Britain) 11.7.-17.9.38 |
(1938) |
20371.06 |
Bergli bei Menzingen, Zug (Switzerland) 20.12.38-10.7.39 [Agricultural School for Refugees of Germany and Austria] |
(1938 - 1939) |
20371.07 |
Soisy sur Seine (France) June -December 1939 (?) |
(1939) |
20371.08 |
Mjølfjell, Bergensbahn (Norway), 28.6.-2.9.39 |
(1939) |
20371.09 |
Brynmawr, Wales (Great Britain) July-December 1939 |
(1939) |
20371.10 |
Carclew (Great Britain) July-September 1939 |
(1939) |

20391 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (IX) Relief activities for child refugees in Spain and South of France (Retrospect) |
(1937 - 1995) |
20391.1 |
Former volunteers in Spain and France: Reports, Correspondence |
(1975 - 1997) |
20391.2 |
Former volunteers in Spain and France: Newspaper cuttings |
(1944 - 2008) |
20391.3a |
Die Schweizerische Kinderhilfe in Frankreich (ursrpünglich unbesetzte Zone) 1939/40-1947, ab 1942 unter der Leitung des schweizerischen Roten Kreuzes Kinderhilfe, Dossier edited by Richard Gilg in German Language on the Swiss Help in South France 1939-1947. |
(1990) |
20391.3b |
Le Secours Suisse aux Enfants dans le sud de France 1939-1947, Depuis 1942 sous la direction de la Croix Rouge Suisse-Secours aux Enfants, Dossier in French Language edited by Hélène Sylvie Perret. |
(1995) |
20391.3c |
Friedel Bohny-Reiter: Rivesaltes 1941-1942, Camp d'interenment Maréchal Joffre, Auszüge aus meinen Tagebüchern. (1989) |
(1989) |

20392 |
SCI Services in Spain and France 1937-1942 (X) Relief activities for child refugees in Spain and South of France (Retrospect) |
(1980 - ) |
20392.1 |
A.Hardmeier : Schweizer/Innen im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, Semesterarbeit 1990/91. |
(1991) |
20392.2 |
A.Bohny : Le Secours Suisse 1941/1944 In:P.Bolle (Ed.) Le Plateau Vivarais-Lignon - Acceuil et Résistance 1939-1944 p192-215, Actes du Colloque du Chambon-Sur-Lignon, Société d'Histoire de La Montagne. |
(1992) |
20392.3 |
SCI Archives: Correspondence with René Steiner (Bern) and others on archives matters |
(1980 - 1997) |
20392.4 |
Schweizer Freiwillige im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, Exhibition in the Town Hall of Zurich 24.April-10.June 1994. |
(1994) |
20392.5 |
Friedel Bohny-Reiter, Erhard Roy Wiehn (Editor) : Vorhof der Vernichtung, Tagebuch einer Schweizer Schwester im französischen Internierungslager Rivesaltes 1941-1942.
Konstanz : Hartung-Gorre (1995) |
(1995) |
20392.6 |
Friedel Bohny-Reiter : Journal de Rivesaltes.
Carouge-Genève : Editions Zoe (1993) |
(1993) |
20392.7a |
Assumpta Montellà i Carlos: La Maternitat d'Elna, bressol dels exiliats.
Badalona: Ara Libres (2005)[Catalan version] [see also 11121.03] |
(2005) |
20392.7b |
Assumpta Montellà: La Maternidad de Elna, La historia de la mujer que salvó la vida a 597 niños.
Badalona: Ara Llibres (2007) [Spanish version] [see also 11121.03] |
(2007) |

20401 |
SCI Services |
(1940 - 1945) |
20401.1 |
Switzerland and Great Britain. |
(1940 - 1944) |
20401.2 |
Switzerland, France, Germany, Netherlands. |
(1945) |

20451 |
SCI Services |
(1945 - 1948) |
20451.11 |
Greece 29.1.-15.10.46 |
(1946) |
20451.12 |
Ecurcey, Doubs (France) 26.6.45-20.2.46 |
(1946) |
20451.13 |
Raon l'Etape, Vosges (France) 16.10.45-30.9.46 |
(1945 - 1945) |
20451.14 |
Souburg I & II, Walcheren (Netherlands) End of 1945 - 15.11.46 |
(1945 - 1946) |
20451.2 |
Aktion Schweizer Spende in Saarbrücken, Saarland (Germany) 26 December 1945 -28 April 1948 [see also 60801.1] |
(1945 - 1948) |
20451.3 |
Aktion Schweizer Spende, Saarland: Various documents |
(1945 - 1948) |

20452 |
SCI Services (IVSP Relief Team in Germany I) IVSP Relief Team in the Netherlands (1945) and Germany (1945-1949) |
(1945 - 1946) |
20452.1 |
Reports, Correspondence between IVSP Relief Team and IVSP in London & Leeds |
(1945 - 1946) |

20453 |
SCI Services (IVSP Relief Team in Germany II) |
(1947 - 1949) |
20453.1 |
Reports, Correspondence between IVSP Relief Team and IVSP in London & Leeds |
(1947 - 1949) |

20461 |
SCI Services |
(1945 - 1947) |
20461.11 |
Great Britain : Long Term Service in London 1.1.-29.11.46 and 18 workcamps. |
(1946) |
20461.12 |
Friedland (British Zone, Germany) 25.2.-24.3.46 [IVSP Workcamp with German Students in a Refugee Centre] |
(1946) |
20461.13 |
Germany : Long Term Service in British Zone of Germany (IVSP) :
Bremke 5.11.45 - 1.3.46
Kevelaer 27.1.-Sept.46
Berlin 29.1.-1947
West Bevern 1.3.-7.9.46 |
(1945 - 1947) |
20461.14 |
Germany : 5 Summer Workcamps in British Zone of Germany :
Rendsburg 5.8.-23.9.46
Twisteden-Geldern 5.8.-14.9.46
Meschede 5.8.-30.9.46
Köhlbrand-Hamburg 5.8.-29.9.46
Berlin-Nikolassee 10.8.-10.9.46 |
(1946) |
20461.15 |
Finmark (Norway) 4.5.-6.11.46 |
(1946) |
20461.16 |
Czechoslovakia :
Stítina (Silésie) 12.7.-25.10.46
Olesovice (Praha) 31.10.-10.11.46
Steknice (Bohémie) 11.11.-15.12.46 |
(1946) |
20461.17 |
Netherlands: Souburg; Wieringen |
(1946) |
20461.18 |
Pescara (Italy) 12.8.-31.8.46 |
(1946) |
20461.21 |
Arcegno, Ticino (Switzerland) 28.2.-22.3.46 |
(1946) |
20461.22 |
St.Stephan-Ried, Simmental (Switzerland) 29.4.-20.8.46 |
(1946) |
20461.23 |
Metz, Moselle (France) 1.6.-15.10.46 |
(1946) |
20461.24 |
Trogen, Appenzell (Switzerland) 29.7.-17.8.46 |
(1946) |
20461.25 |
Saint-Mandrier, Var (France) 14.2.-15.6.46; La Coûme, Pyrénées orientales (France) 17.6.- January 1947 |
(1946 - 1947) |
20461.26 |
Châteaudun, Eure & Loire (France) 8.7.-25.11.46 |
(1946) |
20461.27 |
St.Ghislain, Mons (Belgium) 20.7.-17.8.46 |
(1946) |
20461.3 |
Walter Müller-Bringmann: Das Buch von Friedland. Göttingen 1956 |
(1946) |
20461.4 |
Tagebuch des Studenteneinsatzes beim I.V.S.P. im Flüchtlingslager Friedland. [Facsimile of the workcamp diary; original donated by SCI IA for the Museum in Friedland] |
(1946) |
20461.5 |
Ralf Zünder: Eichkamp! 60 Jahre Internationales Studentenheim in Berlin 1947-2007. Öhringen 2007 [referring to IVSP / SCI service in Berlin in 1946] |
(1946) |
20461.6 |
Grenzdurchgangslager Friedland 1945-1995. Hannover 1995 |
(1946) |
20461.7 |
Fluchtpunkt Friedland. Das Heft zur Ausstellung. Museum Friedland 2016 |
(1946) |

20471 |
SCI Services |
(1947) |
20471.1 |
Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France |
(1947) |
20471.2 |
Italy (Ortona), England, Scottland, Norway, Switzerland (St.Stephan), Austria (Wien) |
(1947) |

20481 |
SCI Services |
(1948) |
20481.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany |
(1948) |
20481.2 |
Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland |
(1948) |
20481.3 |
Week-end services in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy |
(1948) |

20491 |
SCI Services |
(1949) |
20491.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain. [see also 11204.17] |
(1949) |

20492 |
SCI Services |
(1949) |
20492.1 |
Greece, Italy, Netherlandes, Norway, Switzerland |
(1949) |

20501 |
SCI Services |
(1950) |
20501.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Great Britain, India, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Saarland (Germany), Switzerland |
(1950) |
20501.2 |
Workcamps 1950: General overview, Workcamp Donaueschingen D (printed matters), Workcamp Frenkendorf CH (diary) [NEW FILE] |
(1950) |
20501.3 |
Workcamps by IAL Sweden in Sweden and Finland: Documents, diaries [NEW FILE] |
(1950) |

20511 |
SCI Services |
(1951) |
20511.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany |
(1951) |
20511.2 |
Great Britain, India, Italy, Netherlands, Pakistan, Switzerland |
(1951) |
20511.3 |
Documentation on Services in Swiss regions hit by avalanches |
(1951) |

20521 |
SCI Services |
(1952) |
20521.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Denmark, France, Great Britain, India |
(1952) |
20521.2 |
Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Switzerland |
(1952) |

20531 |
SCI Services |
(1953) |
20531.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Italy |
(1953) |

20532 |
SCI Services |
(1953) |
20532.1 |
Norway, Pakistan, Switzerland |
(1953) |
20532.2 |
Floods in the Zeeland (Netherlands): Reports, Correspondence, Financial Reports [see also 11307] |
(1953) |
20532.3 |
Floods in the Zeeland (Netherlands) : Maps, Plans |
(1953) |
20532.4 |
Floods in the Zeeland (Netherlands): Books, Leaflets, Newspaper Cuttings |
(1953) |

20541 |
SCI Services |
(1954) |
20541.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece |
(1954) |
20541.2 |
India, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Switzerland |
(1954) |

20551 |
SCI Services |
(1955) |
20551.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy |
(1955) |
20551.2 |
Lebanon, Jordan, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland |
(1955) |

20561 |
SCI Services |
(1956) |
20561.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Tunisia, USA |
(1956) |

20571 |
SCI Services |
(1957) |

20581 |
SCI Services |
(1958) |
20581.1 |
Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece |
(1958) |
20581.2 |
India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, USA |
(1958) |
20581.3 |
Workcamp Biezanow, Poland [NEW FILE] |
(1958) |

20582 |
SCI Services |
(1958) |
20582.1 |
Switzerland: Ritzingen, Selkingen, Verossaz, Chevrens-Anières |
(1958) |
20582.2 |
Switzerland: Läufelfingen, Basel "Milchsuppe", Basel "Sommercasino", Neukirch an der Thur |
(1958) |

20583 |
SCI Services in Tunisia and Morocco 1958-1962 (I) Homes for Algerian Refugee Children and Youngster in Tunisia and Morocco |
(1958 - 1962) |
20583.1 |
Origin, Reports of Delegates and Long-Term Volunteers, Circulars. |
(1958 - 1962) |
20583.2 |
Newsletter No.1-12. [see 20632.1 for No.13-23]. |
(1959 - 1962) |

20584 |
SCI Services in Tunisia and Morocco 1958-1962 (II) |
(1958 - 1962) |
20584.1 |
Correspondence between Delegates-Key-Volunteers and headquarters in Zurich. |
(1958 - 1962) |
20584.2 |
Publicity. |
(1958 - 1963) |
20584.3 |
Cash Book "La Marsa". |
(1959 - 1962) |

20585 |
SCI Services in Tunisia and Morocco 1958-1962 (III) |
(1958 - 1962) |
20585.1 |
Volunteers. |
(1958 - 1962) |
20585.2 |
Correspondence with SCI Branches, UGTA, OXFAM, Red Crescent/Red Cross, Hakima Hasnaoui and various Organisations.
Financial Reports.
Shipments of donated goods and Cars. |
(1958 - 1962) |

20586 |
Emergency Action 1958-1988 (I) |
(1958 - 1971) |
20586.1 |
SCI Emergency Team : Minutes of Annual General and Committee Meetings, Reports, Financial statements, Correspondence. |
(1958 - 1966) |
20586.1a |
SCI International Commission for Emergency Action : Minutes of Annual General and Committee Meetings, Reports, Financial statements, Correspondence. |
(1967 - 1969) |
20586.2 |
Minutes of Annual General and Committee Meetings, Reports, Financial statements, Correspondence. |
(1970 - 1971) |
20586.3 |
Leaflets, Pamphlets |
(1958 - 1986) |

20587 |
Emergency Action 1958-1988 (II) |
(1972 - 1981) |
20587.1 |
SCI International Commission for Emergency Action : Minutes of Annual General and Committee Meetings, Reports, Financial statements, Correspondence. |
(1972 - 1975) |
20587.2 |
Minutes of Annual General and Committee Meetings, Reports, Financial statements, Correspondence. |
(1976 - 1981) |

20588 |
Emergency Action 1958-1988 (III) CMS - Corps Mondial de Secours = WAC - World Assistance Corps |
(1971 - 1987) |
20588.1 |
CMS : Origin, Minutes, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1971 - 1988) |
20588.2 |
CMS : Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1970 - 1977) |
20588.3 |
Trainings on Emergency Actions: Reports, Leaflets |
(1970 - 1987) |

20589 |
Emergency Action 1958-1988 (IV) AUI - Action d'Urgence Internationale = IEA - International Emergency Aid |
(1977 - 1988) |
20589.1 |
AUI : Origin, Minutes, Reports, Correspondence |
(1977 - 1988) |
20589.2 |
AUI : Cataclysme, Bulletin No.0-17 (incomplete) |
(1981 - 1988) |
20589.3 |
AUI : Leaflets, Pamphlets. |
(1977 - 1988) |
20589.4 |
AUI Groupe Romand (Switzerland) : Minutes, Reports, Correspondence |
(1984 - 1987) |

20591 |
SCI Services |
(1959) |
20591.1 |
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain |
(1959) |
20591.2 |
Greece, India, Italy, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Morocco, Poland, Tunisia, USA |
(1959) |

20592 |
SCI Services |
(1959) |
20592.1 |
Switzerland: Chevrens-Anières, Restiberg, Blitzingen, Rütibühl-Herrliberg |
(1959) |
20592.2 |
Switzerland: Vilters, Santa Maria, Lausanne, Ocourt-Epiquerez |
(1959) |

20601 |
SCI Services |
(1960) |
20601.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Ceylon, France, Germany, Great Britain |
(1960) |
20601.2 |
Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan |
(1960) |

20602 |
SCI Services |
(1960) |
20602.1 |
Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Togo, Tunisia, USSR |
(1960) |
20602.2 |
Switzerland: Restiberg ob Linthal, Ondallaz, Augio, Braggio, Santa Maria, Ocourt, Regensberg, Hilterfingen |
(1960) |

20611 |
SCI Services |
(1961) |
20611.1 |
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain |
(1961) |
20611.2 |
Greece |
(1961) |

20612 |
SCI Services |
(1961) |
20612.1 |
Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mauritius, Morroco, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Togo, Yugoslavia |
(1961) |
20612.2 |
Switzerland: Reichenburg, Hilterfingen, Spinas bei Bevers, Davos-Frauenkirch, Samedan, Andiast, Feldis, Bergün |
(1961) |
20612.3 |
Workcamp Jibrail, Lebanon: Documents, correspondence [NEW FILE] |
(1961) |

20621 |
SCI Services |
(1962) |
20621.1 |
Austria, Ceylon, Ireland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece |
(1962) |

20622 |
SCI Services |
(1962) |
20622.1 |
Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Norway, East-Pakistan, Poland, Togo, Tunisia, USA, USSR,
Switzerland: Herzberg, Savognin, Andiast, Bergün, Stafelalp, Fetan, Münchenbuchsee, Turbachtal
(1962) |

20623 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (I) SCI's activities in the District of Sebdou, Département de Tlemcen (West Algeria), after the independence war : Construction of houses, relatively extended medical service for a population of 60000 persons and some attempts of so-called Community development including primary teaching |
(1962 - 1968) |
20623.1 |
Begin of investigations and relief work by SCI Long-term Volunteers working at that time with Algerian Refugee children in Morocco.
Monthly and general reports by SCI Delegation in Tlemcen (1st and 2nd set). |
(1962 - 1967) |

20624 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (II) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20624.1 |
Reports of vistors. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20624.2 |
Delegation's circular letters to SCI branches. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20624.3 |
Reports and Minutes of Team meetings. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20624.4 |
Projects. |
(1961 - 1965) |

20625 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (III) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20625.1 |
Correspondence SCI Delegation at Tlemcen with SCI Headquarters in Zurich. |
(1962 - 1963) |
20625.2 |
Correspondence SCI Delegation at Tlemcen with SCI Headquarters in Zurich. |
(1964 - 1968) |

20626 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (IV) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20626.1 |
Correspondence SCI Delegation at Tlemcen with SCI Branches : Germany. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20626.2 |
Great Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Norway, Sweden, USA, Japan. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20626.3 |
Correspondence SCI Delegation at Tlemcen with various organizations. |
(1962 - 1967) |

20627 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (V) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20627.1 |
Re-construction of a war destroyed village called Beni Hamou, formerly Es Fear near El Khemis, Département de Tlemcen : Long-term project including several short-term voluntary work camps. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20627.2 |
Community development activities. |
(1964 - 1967) |
20627.21 |
Sidi Larbi. |
(1964 - 1967) |
20627.22 |
Ain Djedja. |
(1964) |
20627.23 |
Workshop at Sebdou. |
(1965 - 1967) |
20627.24 |
Workshop at Beni Hamou. |
(1965 - 1967) |
20627.25 |
Various investigations. |
(1962 - 1965) |
20627.3 |
Jan Teich : Der Ort Matmora - Beni Hediel, Eine siedlungs- und sozialgeographische Untersuchung aus dem algerisch-marokkanischen Grenzgebiet.
Hamburg (1965?) |
(1965) |

20627A |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (Va) [20 sheets in seperate big size folder] |
(1963) |
20627A.1 |
Outline and plans of El Fass, drawed by Gloria Daiana Ramo, copy for SCI delegate in Tlemcen (1963) |
(1963) |

20628 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (VI) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20628.1 |
Medical Activities : Reports, Correspondence, Meeting of Medical Team ( including Report : The situation after one year after the withdrawal of SCI 26th March 1969). |
(1962 - 1967) |
20628.2 |
Teaching in Sidi Larbi, El Khemis, Ain Djedja, Oran and Tlemcen. |
(1962 - 1967) |

20629 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (VII) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20629.1 |
Volunteers A - E : Lists of Volunteers, circulars, forms. |
(1962 - 1968) |
20629.2 |
Volunteers F - L : Lists of Volunteers, circulars, forms. |
(1962 - 1968) |

20630 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (VIII) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20630.1 |
Volunteers M - Z : Lists of Volunteers, circulars, forms. |
(1962 - 1968) |
20630.21 |
Algerian authorities. |
(1962 - 1968) |
20630.22 |
Centre National de la Jeunesse du Front Libération National (FLN). |
(1965 - 1966) |
20630.23 |
Croissant Rouge Algérien. |
(1963 - 1964) |
20630.24 |
Services diplomatiques. |
(1963 - 1967) |
20630.25 |
Council of International Agencies (CWA). |
(1962 - 1967) |

20631 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (IX) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20631.1 |
Fundraising documents. |
(1962) |
20631.21 |
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM). |
(1963 - 1967) |
20631.22 |
Various Donors. |
(1962 - 1965) |

20632 |
SCI Services in West Algeria 1962-1968 (X) |
(1962 - 1968) |
20632.1 |
Newsletter "Nord Afrika Berichte" No.13-23. [Missing No.20, see 20583.2 for No.1-12] |
(1962 - 1968) |
20632.2 |
Publicity. |
(1962 - 1967) |
20632.3 |
Transport of donated goods, Lorries and cars. |
(1962 - 1968) |
20632.4 |
Financial Reports. |
(1962 - 1967) |

20633 |
SCI Services |
(1963) |
20633.1 |
Austria, Ceylon, Germany, France, Great Britain, Greece |
(1963) |
20633.2 |
GDR, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mauritius, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, USA, USSR, Yugoslavia |
(1963) |

20641 |
SCI Services |
(1964) |
20641.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bechuanaland, Ceylon, East Pakistan, France, Germany GDR, Germany FRG, Great Britain |
(1964) |
20641.2 |
Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, Poland |
(1964) |

20642 |
SCI Services |
(1964) |
20642.1 |
Swaziland, Switzerland, Thailand, Yugoslavia |
(1964) |

20650 |
SCI Services |
(1965) |
20650.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Ceylon, Germany GDR, Germany FRG, France, Great Britain |
(1965) |

20651 |
SCI Services |
(1965) |
20651.1 |
India, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, East Pakistan, Poland, Senegal, USA, Yugoslavia |
(1965) |
20651.2 |
Switzerland: Gwatt, Herzberg, Bedretto, Waltensburg, Andiast, Fanas, Albinen, Uri, Pfynwald, Montreux, Renens |
(1965) |

20652 |
SCI Services in Children Homes of Tunisia 1965-1975 (I) Technical assistance activities. Training, "while doing" of Tunisian Nurses and Educator in Homes for underprivileged Children. |
(1965 - 1975) |
20652.1 |
Origin, Reports of Delegates. |
(1965 - 1972) |
20652.2 |
Reports by European Long-term skilled volunteers in Tunisian Childrens Homes. |
(1966 - 1975) |
20652.31 |
Correspendence and agreements with authorities including directions of childrens homes. |
(1965 - 1974) |
20652.32 |
Various organizations. |
(1959 - 1975) |
20652.4 |
Publicity. |
(1966 - 1975) |

20653 |
SCI Services in Children Homes of Tunisia 1965-1975 (II) |
(1965 - 1975) |
20653.1 |
Correspondence with Long Term Volunteers, Delegates, Headquarters in Paris and Zurich. |
(1966 - 1969) |
20653.2 |
Correspondence with Long-term Volunteers, Delegates, Headquarters in Paris and Zurich. |
(1970 - 1973) |
20653.31 |
Correspondence with SCI Branches. |
(1966 - 1971) |
20653.32 |
Collection and transport of various goods in and from Switzerland. |
(1958 - 1979) |
20653.33 |
Finances. |
(1966 - 1976) |

20661 |
SCI Services |
(1966) |
20661.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, Germany GDR, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany FRG, |
(1966) |

20662 |
SCI Services |
(1966) |
20662.1 |
Poland, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, East Pakistan, Senegal, Spain, Switzerland (I) |
(1966) |
20662.2 |
Switzerland (II), Thailand |
(1966) |

20671 |
SCI Services |
(1967 - 1967) |
20671.1 |
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, France, Germany FRG, Germany GDR, Great Britain, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy |
(1967) |
20671.2 |
Japan, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan West, Pakistan East, Poland, Senegal, Seychelles.
Switzerland I: Herzberg, Intragna, Plans-sur-Bex, Fanas, Schiers, Anzonico, Varen, Lauenen, Meiental, Utzigen |
(1967) |

20672 |
SCI Services 1967/1968 |
(1967 - 1968) |
20672.1 |
Switzerland II: Toggenburg, Albinen, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Isenfluh, Pfäffikon, Wartau, Lienz
Thailand, USA |
(1967) |

20681 |
SCI Services |
(1968) |
20681.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany FRG, Germany GDR, Great Britain (I) |
(1968) |
20681.2 |
Great Britain (II), India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mauritius, Nepal, Netherlands, East Pakistan, Senegal, Thailand, USA |
(1968) |

20682 |
SCI Services |
(1968) |
20682.1 |
Switzerland: Anières-Genève, Vevey, Langenbruck, Arcegno, Herzberg, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Varen, Faido, Lauenen, Guttet, Gonzen, Hofstatt, Lienz, Utzigen, Mühlebach, Goldacherwald, Inden |
(1968) |

20691 |
SCI Services |
(1969) |
20691.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Ceylon, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East-Pakistan, Germany FRG, Germany GDR, France, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, USA, USSR |
(1969) |

20692 |
SCI Services |
(1969) |
20692.1 |
Switzerland: Cavigliano, Faido, Treyvaux, Anières, Utzigen, Turbach, Reichenburg, Labria, Gonzen, Lauenen, Gurtnellen, Guttet, Inden, Mühlebach, Alt St.Johann,Gams, Stein, Reichenburg, Les Planchettes |
(1969) |

20701 |
SCI Services |
(1970) |
20701.1 |
Switzerland: Lienz, Val d'Illiez, Lauenen, Wartau, Grabs, Realp, Beinwilertal, Waltensburg, Varen, Dornach, Präz, Creux-du-Van |
(1970) |
20701.2 |
Denmark, Germany FRG, India, Japan, Sweden, USA |
(1970) |

20702 |
SCI Service in Schanfigg Pagig (Switzerland) 1969-1976 (I) |
(1969 - 1976) |
20702.1 |
Origin and Begin Long-term project. |
(1971 - 1972) |
20702.2 |
Reports of Long-term project in Schanfigg. |
(1973 - 1976) |
20702.3 |
Local Group Zürich : Problems of population in the mountain areas and working possibilities of SCI, seminar documentation. |
(1969) |

20703 |
SCI Service in Schanfigg Pagig (Switzerland) 1969-1976 (II) |
(1969 - 1976) |
20703.1 |
Minutes of Group Meetings. |
(1972 - 1976) |
20703.2 |
Lists of Middle- and Long-term Volunteers in Projects at Pagig. |
(1972 - 1976) |
20703.3 |
Volunteers individual forms. |
(1972 - 1975) |
20703.4 |
Case of Wijendra de Silva. |
(1975 - 1976) |

20704 |
SCI Service in Schanfigg Pagig (Switzerland) 1969-1976 (III) |
(1969 - 1976) |
20704.1 |
Bulletin "News from SCI Team" No.1-36. |
(1972 - 1976) |
20704.2 |
Bulletin "News from SCI Team" No.1-24 [Spare copies]. |
(1972 - 1974) |
20704.3 |
Bulletin "News from SCI Team" No.25-36 [Spare copies]. |
(1975 - 1976) |

20705 |
SCI Service in Schanfigg Pagig (Switzerland) 1969-1976 (IV) |
(1969 - 1976) |
20705.1 |
Reports of short-term work camps around the Long-term project. |
(1971 - 1975) |
20705.2 |
Information and Circulars. |
(1972 - 1976) |
20705.3 |
Authorities. |
(1972 - 1976) |

20706 |
SCI Service in Schanfigg Pagig (Switzerland) 1969-1976 (V) Model Service |
(1969 - 1976) |
20706.1 |
Information to Newspapers, Newspaper cuttings, Other organisations. |
(1972 - 1976) |
20706.2 |
Correspondence. |
(1972 - 1975) |
20706.3 |
Finances, Cars, Tools. |
(1972 - 1975) |
20706.4 |
Model Service Schanfigg Pagig 1973 : Minutes, Correspondence, Working papers, Leaflets, Pamphlets [Unsuccessfull attempt to organize a Model Service]. |
(1973) |
20706.5 |
Model Service Schanfigg Pagig 1974 : Minutes, Correspondence, Working papers, Leaflets, Pamphlets (July - September 1974). |
(1974) |

20711 |
SCI Services |
(1971) |
20711.1 |
Bangladesh, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, India, Italy, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Sweden, USA, USSR |
(1971) |
20711.2 |
Switzerland: Locarno, Val d'Illiez, St.Luc, Wartau, Trans, Lienz, Champéry, Monthey, Beinwilertal, Villars-Tiercelin, Pagig, Dornach-Gempen, Study Camp Gorneren, Mühlebach, Ried-Mörel, Creux-du-Van, Realp |
(1971) |

20721 |
SCI Services |
(1972) |
20721.1 |
Workcamps in Bangladesh, France, Great Britain, India, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Sweden |
(1972) |
20721.2 |
Switzerland : Pagig, Val d'Illiez, Lienz , Uster, Beinwil, Sankt Peter, Walenstadt, Molinis, Moleno, Massongex, Creux-du-Van, Mühlebach, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Saint Luc, Wartau-Gonzen, Lüen, Saint Barthélemy |
(1972) |

20731 |
SCI Services |
(1973) |
20731.1 |
Switzerland: Trient, Beinwil, Oberbeinwil, Lienz, Peist, Gempen, Ausserurden, Vallée des Ormonts, Handicamp Reinach, Molinis, Monti di Bodio, Unterwasser, Study Camp Lüen, Study Camp Langwies, Creux-du-Van, Northern Ireland Teenage Camp Boudry, Brione, St.Luc, Valbella - Lenzerheide, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Basel, Pfyn, Sepey, Vers l'Eglise |
(1973) |

20732 |
SCI Services |
(1973) |
20732.1 |
Bangladesh, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Norway, Sri Lanka, USA |
(1973) |
20732.2 |
IVH Belgium: Genk, Vilvoorde, Antwerpen, Gent |
(1973) |

20741 |
SCI Services |
(1974) |
20741.1 |
Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, India, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, USA |
(1974) |
20741.2 |
Switzerland: La Chaux-de-Fonds, Champéry, Saint Légier, Creux-du-Van, Oberbeinwil, Monte di Bodio, Horw, Eisten, Brione, Neukirch an der Thur, Etupes (F), Vandoncourt (F) |
(1974) |

20751 |
SCI Services |
(1975) |
20751.1 |
Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greenland, India, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey |
(1975) |
20751.2 |
Switzerland |
(1975) |

20752 |
SCI Model Services in Switzerland 1974 / 1975 Modellzivildienst |
(1974 - 1975) |
20752.1 |
Model Service Zürich together ATD Vierte Welt, July - October 1974. |
(1974) |
20752.21 |
Model Service Genève :
Minutes, Correspondence, Working papers, Leaflets, Pamphlets (October 1974 - July 1975). |
(1974 - 1975) |
20752.22 |
Reports,Working Papers, Leaflets, Pamphlets (July-December 1975). |
(1975) |
20752.23 |
Volunteers : Correspondence, Application Forms. |
(1975) |
20752.24 |
Newspaper Cuttings. |
(1975) |

20761 |
SCI Services |
(1976) |
20761.1 |
Belgium, France, Germany FRG, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Switzerland |
(1976) |

20762 |
SCI Model Service in Basel (Switzerland) 1976 (I) Modellzivildienst |
(1976) |
20762.1 |
Minutes, Correspondence, Working Papers, Leaflets, Pamphlets (November 1975 - December 1976). |
(1975 - 1976) |
20762.2 |
Financial Reports. |
(1976) |

20763 |
SCI Model Service in Basel (Switzerland) 1976 (II) Modellzivildienst (MZD) |
(1976) |
20763.11 |
Enquiries on MZD (Model Service) 76 : Correspondence. |
(1975 - 1976) |
20763.12 |
Volunteers : Application Forms, Correspondence. |
(1976) |
20763.13 |
Newspaper Cuttings.
[P.Rodriguez : Not working in Silence - A look back on the SCI model service on the Kasernenareal in Basel in 1976. Thun (February 2000)] |
(1976) |
20763.14 |
Infoblatt No.1-5, Newsletter MZD76. |
(1976) |
20763.15 |
Public Relation : Communication plan, Press conference and release (July 1976). |
(1976) |
20763.2 |
Interessengemeinschaft Kasernenareal Basel (IKA) : Minutes, Correspondence, Project, Leaflets, Pamphlets |
(1973 - 1976) |

20771 |
SCI Services |
(1977) |
20771.1 |
Bangladesh, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sri Lanka, Sweden, USA,
Switzerland: Brione, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Champéry, Chiesso, Handicamp Dombresson, Monti di Bodio, Solidarity Camp with immigrants Sion, Handicamp Broc, Creux-du-Van |
(1977) |

20781 |
SCI Services |
(1978) |
20781.1 |
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Nothern Ireland, Norway, Sri Lanka, Sweden, USA,
Switzerland: Brione, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Northern Ireland Teenage Camp Zillis, Study Camp on Conscientious Objection, Vandoncourt (F) |
(1978) |

20791 |
SCI Services |
(1979) |
20791.1 |
Belgium,Finland, Germany FRG, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey |
(1979) |

20792 |
SCI Services |
(1979) |
20792.1 |
Switzerland: Anti-nuclear Energy Baden, Vandoncourt (Doubs), Corte di Sotto, Handicamp Broc, Northern Ireland Teenager Camp Zillis, Doro Popolo, Marche Romande, Fontaines, Le Seignolet, Liebvillers |
(1979) |

20801 |
SCI Services |
(1980) |
20801.1 |
Belgium, Finland, France, Germany FRG, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Malysia, Norway, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey |
(1980) |

20802 |
SCI Services |
(1980) |
20802.1 |
Switzerland: Le Seignolet, Flüeli, Corte di Sotto, Handicamp Broc, Ittigen, Lajoux, Doro Popolo, Meyrin, Chur, Zillis, Splügen |
(1980) |

20811 |
SCI Services |
(1981) |
20811.1 |
Bangladesh, France, Germany FRG, Great Britain, India, Italy, Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Ireland, USA |
(1981) |

20812 |
SCI Services |
(1981) |
20812.1 |
SCI Switzerland: Luzern, Lausanne, Doro Popolo, Gempen, Corte di Sotto, Bern, Teenage Camp Zillis, East-West-North-South Camp Lajoux, Handicamp Broc, Villeret, Puidoux (Praz-Constant) |
(1981) |

20821 |
SCI Services |
(1982) |
20821.1 |
Belgium, France, Finland, Germany FRG, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, Mauritius, Netherlands, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tunisia, USA |
(1982) |
20821.2 |
Switzerland: Easter march Bern & Basel, Corte di Sotto, Handicamp Langenbruck, CMLK Lausanne, East-West-North-South Camp Menzberg, East-West-North-South Camp Roveredo, East-West-North-South Camp Les Ormonts/Sépey, Handicamp Wallisellen |
(1982) |

20822 |
SCI Services |
(1982) |
20822.1 |
Switzerland: La Joux, Ces, Handicamp Bern, Doro Popolo, Wasen, Mürren |
(1982) |

20831 |
SCI Services |
(1983) |
20831.1 |
Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Catalonia, France, Germany FRG, Great Britain, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, USA |
(1983) |

20832 |
SCI Services |
(1983) |
20832.1 |
Switzerland: Corte di Sotto, Saxon, Les Plans-sur-Bex, Ces, Luterbach, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Hiroshima-Peace-Camp Bern, Comologno, Villeret |
(1983) |
20832.2 |
Switzerland: Workcamp Diaries
- Saxon 10.7.-30.7.1983
- Esperanto Camp, La Chaux-de-Fonds 15.7.-4.8.1984
- Hiroshima Peace Camp, Bern 1.8.-8.8.1983 |
(1983 - 1984) |

20841 |
SCI Services |
(1984) |
20841.1 |
Switzerland: Les Ormonts, Magasin du Monde Fribourg, Corte di Sotto, Lütisberg - Guggenloch, Lüen, Basel, East-West Camp Oberried |
(1984) |
20841.2 |
Switzerland: Nothern-Ireland Teenager Camp Disentis, Esperanto Camp La Chaux-de-Fonds, East-West Camp Roveredo, Ces, Les Plans-sur-Bex, Plaffeien-Oberschrot, Handicamp Balen |
(1984) |

20842 |
SCI Services |
(1984) |
20842.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Catalonia, France, Finland, Germany FRG (incl GDR Stasi Report), Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Turkey, USA |
(1984) |

20851 |
SCI Services |
(1985) |
20851.1 |
Switzerland: Corte di Sotto, Tesserete, Brione, Spruga/Comologno, L'Ancien Manège La Chaux-de-Fonds, Esperanto Center La Chaux-de-Fonds, East-West Camp Les Plans-sur-Bex |
(1985) |
20851.2 |
Switzerland: Oberschrot, Guggenloch, Work and Study Camp Rothenthurm, Peace Barge Basel, Ollon, Doro popolo, Ces, Casale al Bivio Brione, Oberried, Northern Ireland Teenage Camp Lüen, Handicamp Lavin, Disentis |
(1985) |

20852 |
SCI Services |
(1985) |
20852.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Catalonia, Czechoslovakia, France, Finland, Germany FRG, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Turkey, USA, Yugoslavia |
(1985) |

20861 |
SCI Services |
(1986) |
20861.1 |
Switzerland: Brione, Bremgarten, Corte di Sotto, Eisenwerk Frauenfeld, Northern Ireland Teenage Camp Merishausen, Handicamp Travers, East-West Camp Ollon, Jugend und Kulturzentrum Gaskessel Bern, Froidevaux Soubey, Fleurier, Ancien Manège, Villeret |
(1986) |

20862 |
SCI Services |
(1986) |
20862.1 |
Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Catalonia, France, Finland, Germany FRG, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Turkey, USA |
(1986) |

20871 |
SCI Services |
(1987) |
20871.1 |
Switzerland: Vrin, East-West Camp Ollon, Internationale Kinderbeiz Bern, Northern Ireland Teenage Camp Merishausen, Corte di Sotto, Villa Kassandra Damvant |
(1987) |
20871.2 |
Switzerland: La Grande Cariçaie, Kulturfabrik Burgdorf, La Coudraie, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Wolfenschiessen, Arche Ruchenberg, Gersau, Villeret, Handicamp Travers |
(1987) |

20872 |
SCI Services |
(1987) |
20872.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Greece, India, Malaysia |
(1987) |

20881 |
SCI Services |
(1988) |
20881.1 |
SCI Switzerland : Arche Ruchberg, Corte di Sotto, Villeret, East-West Workcamp Vrin, Villa Kassandra, Grande Cariçaie |
(1988) |
20881.2 |
SCI Switzerland : La Condraie, Ces, Grimentz, Campo Cortoi, Schattweid Reitschule Bern, Handicamp Brittnau, Handicamp Basel |
(1988) |

20882 |
SCI Services |
(1988) |
20882.1 |
Australia, Belgium, Catalonia, Finland, Germany (incl GDR Stasi Report), Greece, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Spain, Turkey, Yugoslavia |
(1988) |

20891 |
SCI Services |
(1989) |
20891.1 |
SCI Switzerland : Handicamp Bergün, Villa Kassandra Damvant, Pestalozzidorf Trogen, East-West Camp Montézillon, Corte di Sotto, Doro Popolo, Les Grangettes, Salecina, La Grande Cariçaie, Grimentz, Villeret, Ces, Schattweid, Arche Ruchenberg, Basel/Velo |
(1989) |

20892 |
SCI Services |
(1989) |
20892.1 |
Austria, Belgium, Catalonia, Finland, France |
(1989) |
20892.2 |
Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Yugoslavia |
(1989) |

20901 |
SCI Services |
(1990) |
20901.1 |
European Cycle Tour F-B-NL-D; Yugoslavia; Greece; Hungary; Great Britain; Switzerland : Villeret, Davos, Bern, Ces, Langnau |
(1990) |
20901.2 |
Switzerland : Pfäfers, Grimentz, Schattweid, Acquacalda, Tavannes, Lachen, Herzberg, Ces, Gersau, Lihn (Filzbach), Wetzikon |
(1990) |

20911 |
SCI Services |
(1991) |
20911.1 |
Switzerland : Morschach, Neuchlen-Anschwilen, Kaltbrunn, Pfäfers, Val Madris (Thusis), Bünzen AG, Hinwil, Acquacalda, Oberwil, Herzberg, Ratzenbergli |
(1991) |
20911.2 |
Switzerland : Berzona, Wetzikon, Ces, Undervelier Longo Mai, St.Gallen, Solothurn, Lihn, Poschiavo, Corte di Sotto, La Chaux-de-Fonds |
(1991) |
20911.3 |
Northern Ireland : Glebe House ; Romania : Medias/Bazna |
(1991) |

20921 |
SCI Services |
(1992) |
20921.1 |
Switzerland : Ces, Flüeli-Ranft, St.Gallen I-II, Chavornay, Zurich (Yugoslavia Solidarity Workcamp), Bern (Eurotour), Fribourg, Ondallaz, Gerra/Brione, Ludiano, Cerniévillers, Braggio, Lachen SZ, Pitasch, Arzier, L'Etivaz, Oberbeinwil (Waldenstein), Corte di Sotto (Women's camp), Berzona (Swiss Romania Camp), St.Barthélemy, Mergoscia, Asp (Gay), Oberehrendingen, Undervelier, Glarisegg |
(1992) |
20921.2 |
India : Infosheets ; Romania : Bazna, Sighisoara, Popricani-Iasi |
(1992) |

20931 |
SCI Services |
(1993) |
20931.1 |
SCI Belgium, SCI France, IVS USA : Infosheets ; Switzerland : Kemptthal, Chavornay, Zürich (Gartenhof Str.7), Pinchat, Hedingen (Handicamp), Gstaad, Bärau, Ondallaz, Oberbeinwil / Waldenstein, Cimalmotto, Scareglia, Brione, Alp Stabiorell, Duvin, Arth-Goldau, Soubey / Bergers de Froideaux, Berzona, Bern / Via Felsenau, St.Gallen I-II, Crissier, Corte di Sotto, Confignon, Les Ecorcheresses, Undervelier, Ces |
(1993) |
20931.2 |
Croatia: Volunteer Project Pakrac: Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence, Newsletter, Newspaper Cuttings |
(1993 - 1996) |
20931.3 |
Croatia: Volunteer Project Pakrac: Printed matters |
(1993 - 1996) |
20931.4 |
Astrid Astolfi: Le projet de reconstruction sociale à Pakrac (Croatie). Une intervention civile dans une situation de guerre. Report of a research undertaken in the frame of studies at the Ecole Supérieure de Travail Social, Geneva [see also 11116.06] |
(1998) |

20941 |
SCI Services |
(1994 - 1997) |
20941.1 |
USA; Slovenia : Infosheets ; Switzerland : Refugee Centre Köniz, Refugee Centre Zürich, Zürich-Oerlikon, Basel Longo Mai, Ex-Yugoslavia Solidarity Zürich, Handicamp Saas Balen, Bärau, Seiltanz Basel |
(1994) |
20941.2 |
Switzerland : Waldenstein Oberbeinwil I+II, Scareglia, Brione, Pfäfers, Soubey Froidevaux, Says, Romanian Switzerland cultural exchange Switzerland, Berzona, Radio Lora Zürich, Undervelier I+II, Rudolf Steiner School Crissier, Rasa, Les Ecorcheresses, Brienzwiler, Oberehrendingen, Walkringen, Rudolf Steiner School Solothurn |
(1994) |
20941.3 |
Switzerland: Medium & Long Term Volunteer Projects: Bex-Leysin, Beinwil, Berzona, Essertfallon, Genève Mandat International, Köniz, Says, Scareglia, Soubey, Undervelier, Weisstannen |
(1994 - 1997) |

20951 |
SCI Services |
(1995) |
20951.1 |
Switzerland : Oberbuchsiten, Gams, Chavornay, Refugee Centre Zürich, Oerlikon, Euthal, Morschach, Wienacht, Bärau, Handicamp Ondallaz |
(1995) |
20951.2 |
Switzerland : Soubey Froidevaux, Waldenstein Beinwil, Estavannens, Gruebisbalm Vitznau, Diemtigen, Menzonio, Lessoc I+II, Essertfallon, Berzona, Walkringen, Herzberg Asp, Rudolf Steiner Schule Crissier, Mergoscia, Gay Lesbian Bern, Rudolf Steiner Schule St.Gallen, Oberehrendingen |
(1995) |
20951.3 |
Belarus: Zubrionok |
(1995) |

20961 |
SCI Services |
(1996) |
20961.1 |
Switzerland : Ardon, Saint Gingolph, Oerlikon, Anzère, Charvornay, Köniz, Euthal, Oberbuchswil, Ostermundigen, St.Croix, Broc, Matt, Handicamp, Ondallaz |
(1996) |
20961.2 |
Switzerland : Mergoscia, Brione, Vitznau, Massongex, Ces, Souboz, Menzonio, Wohlen (Hinterkappelen), Walenstadtberg, Pratteln, Berzona, Berzona, Soubey, Beinwil, Esserfallon, Crissier, Herzberg (Asp), St.Gallen Steiner School, Saurenhorn |
(1996) |

20971 |
SCI Services |
(1997) |
20971.1 |
Switzerland : Ardon, Bourg St.Patrick, Oerlikon, Zürich, Anzère, Gruenwald, Genève, Anti Arm -Street Theater, Handicamp Adelboden, Ondallaz, Ces, Brione, Oberwil, Vitznau, Niedermuhlern, Lengwil, Ces, Massongex, Souboz, Hinterkappelen, Essertfallon, Walenstadtberg, Berzona, Soubey, Beinwil, Crissier, Herzberg, St.Gallen Steiner School, Detligen |
(1997) |

20981 |
SCI Services |
(1998) |
20981.1 |
France. Switzerland Workcamps: Anzère, Köniz, Zürich, Oberbuchsiten, Genève / Globalisation and Resistance Seminar, Broc, Walzenhausen, Martin Stiftung Erlenbach, Frenkendorf, Non-violence trainings, Cavigliano, Vitznau, Scareglia, Brione, Alpe Loasa I / II, Guggisberg, Oberehrendingen, Menzonio, Souboz, Walenstadtberg, Berzona I / II / III, Soubey I / II, Arlesheim, Herzberg, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Randa ,Genève / Mandat |
(1998) |

20991 |
SCI Services |
(1999) |
20991.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps and LTV projects: Anzère, Solothurn Peacewalk, Broc, Martin Stiftung Erlenbach, Porrentruy, Alpe Loasa, Guggisberg, Menzonio, Hinterkappelen, Berzona, Soubey I / II, Genève / Maison des associations, Genève / Mandat, Herzberg, La Chaux-de-fonds, Lignières, Vitznau |
(1999) |

21001 |
SCI Services |
(2000) |
21001.1 |
Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Japan, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, USA. |
(2000) |

21002 |
SCI Services |
(2000) |
21002.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Anzère, Genève Mandat I / II / III and Tchoukball, Solothurn Peacewalk, Broc, Bern Culture of Peace, Prêles Martin Stiftung Erlenbach, Vitznau I / II, Ces I / II, Rheinau, Lengwil, Oberehrendingen, Menzonio, Hinterkappelen, Dangio, Scareglia, Berzona, Monte Lema, Genève Maison des Associations |
(2000) |
21002.2 |
Switzerland LTV Projects |
(2000) |

21011 |
SCI Services |
(2001) |
21011.1 |
Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Catalonia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Latvia, Morocco, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, USA, Ukraine. |
(2001) |

21012 |
SCI Services |
(2001) |
21012.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Vitznau Strudel, Anzère, Embrach, Genève Mandat, Mannenbach PBI, Neuchâtel Biosem, Rheinau I / II, Bex, Vitznau, Lengwil, Guggisberg, Hinterkappelen, Menzonio, Ces, Muzzano, Zürich Gassenküche, Lugano Il Molino, Berzona I / II, Zürich Dynamo, Genève Village Alternatif, Montmirail |
(2001) |
21012.2 |
Switzerland LTV Projects |
(2001) |

21021 |
SCI Services |
(2002) |
21021.1 |
Netherlands: Empty Workcamp; Great Britain: Sandford; Finland: Turku New Wind; Germany: Jänkendorf |
(2002) |
21021.2 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Alpe Loasa Strudel, Eichlitten, Anzère, Embrach, Genève Mandat I / II, Broc, Lenz Martin Stiftung Erlenbach, Neuchâtel Biosem, Robasacco, Hinterkappelen, Lengwil, Guggisberg, Willisau, Vitznau, Menzonio, Muzzano, Zürich Dynamo, Berzona I / II, Lugano Il Molino, Davos Public Eye (only application forms, project cancelled) |
(2002) |

21031 |
SCI Services |
(2003) |
21031.1 |
France: Douarnenez; Slovenia: Izola
(2003) |
21031.2 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Zürich Bombach, St-Gingolph, Embrach, Hinteregg, Val d'Hérens Film festival against racism, Genève Mandat, Broc, Oberehrendingen, Saas Grund Martin Stiftung Erlenbach, Aranno, Genéve Jardins de Cocagne, Robasacco I / II, Vitznau, Acquacalda, Menzonio, Meraggia, Hinterkappelen, Muzzano, Berzona I / II, Zürich Dynamo, Montmirail |
(2003) |

21041 |
SCI Services |
(2004) |
21041.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps: St-Gingolph, Bex, Leysin, Hinteregg, Embrach, Stoos Strudel, Zürich Bombach, Genève Mandat
Sleeping Accomodation List, Camp Coordinator Materials |
(2004) |
21041.2 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Broc, Oberehrendingen, Vitznau I / II, Aranno, Genève Jardins de Cocagne, Menzonio, Breno, Zürich Dynamo, Cabbiolo, Berzona |
(2004) |
21041.3 |
Workcamp Switzerland, International Year of Rice: Documentation and report |
(2004) |

21042 |
SCI Services |
(2004) |
21042.1 |
Switzerland LTV Projects |
(2004) |

21051 |
SCI Services |
(2005) |
21051.1 |
France: Le Tiocan. Switzerland Workcamps: Volketswil, Luzein Strudel, Embrach, St-Gingolph, Genève Mandat, Broc, Oberehrendingen, Vitznau, Genève Jardins de Cocagne, Breno, Menzonio, Hinterkappelen, Zürich Dynamo, Berzona, Genève Tchoukball, Eco Bike Tour Switzerland Bulgaria |
(2005) |
21051.2 |
Switzerland LTV Projects |
(2005) |

21061 |
SCI Services |
(2006) |
21061.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Frutigen Strudel, Volketswil, Haute-Nendaz, Embrach, Genève Mandat, Broc, Oberehrendingen, Zürich Bachwiesen, Trogen, Genève Jardins de Cocagne, Vitznau, Souboz Belle Etoile, Breno, Herzberg, Menzonio, Hinterkappelen, Zürich Dynamo |
(2006) |
21061.2 |
Switzerland LTV Projects |
(2006) |

21071 |
SCI Services |
(2007) |
21071.1 |
Italy PVP Camp Casale Monferrato; Switzerland Workcamps [incomplete]: Volketswil, Embrach, Genève Mandat, Oberehrendingen, Vitznau, Wimmis Landschaft und Kies, Etang de la Gruère, Breno, Menzonio, Môtiers Hors Tribu, Zürich Dynamo, Genève Loisirs, Vaumarcus |
(2007) |

21081 |
SCI Services |
(2008) |
21081.1 |
Switzerland Workcamps: Volketswil, Vétroz, Embrach, Broc, Oberehrendingen, Zürich Mühlehalde, Genève Jardins de Cocagne, Belp Landschaft und Kies, Herzberg, Souboz Belle Etoile, Breno, Menzonio, Uettligen Oekotopia, Hinterkappelen, Zürich Dynamo, Môtiers Hors Tribu, Genève Loisirs |
(2008) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
30201 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1924 - ) |
30201.1 |
Origin, Appeals, Circulars, Correspondence, Forms. |
(1924 - 1944) |
30201.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies. |
(1927 - 1944) |
30201.3 |
Constitution of Swiss Branch. Amendment 1931, 1934, 1946, 1954, 1975, 1995, 2004. Mission Statement 2007 |
(1931 - ) |
30201.4 |
List of Secretaries, Presidents and Committee Members |
(1931 - ) |

30202 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1945 - 1947) |
30202.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1945 - 1947) |

30203A |
SCI Switzerland |
(1948 - 1952) |
30203A.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1948 - 1951) |
30203A.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1952) |

30203B |
SCI Switzerland |
(1953 - 1955) |
30203B.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1953) |
30203B.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1954 - 1955) |

30204A |
SCI Switzerland |
(1956 - 1958) |
30204A.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1956 - 1957) |
30204A.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1958) |

30204B |
SCI Switzerland |
(1959 - 1960) |
30204B.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1959 - 1960) |

30205 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1960 - 1961) |
30205.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1960) |
30205.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1961) |

30206 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1962 - 1963) |
30206.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence.
Extra Ordinary Assembly on constitutional matters 19th-20th October |
(1962) |
30206.2 |
Handbook for Secretariats. |
(1963) |

30207 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1963) |
30207.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1963) |

30208 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1964 - 1966) |
30208.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1964) |
30208.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1965 - 1966) |

30209 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1967 - 1969) |
30209.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1967 - 1968) |
30209.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1969) |

30210 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1969 - 1970) |
30210.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements, Correspondence. |
(1970) |
30210.2 |
Local Group in Zurich : Problem der Bergbevölkerung und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten des Internationalen Zvildienstes. Dokumentaion zum Seminar [...] veranstaltet von der Ortsgruppe Zürich [...] (Seminar on the problems in the mountain area). |
(1969 - 1970) |

30211 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1945 - 1969) |
30211.1 |
Memos, Reports, Infosheets, Bulletins No. 0-28 |
(1945 - 1953) |
30211.2 |
Memos, Reports, Infosheets, Bulletins No. 29-46 |
(1954 - 1957) |
30211.3 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No. 47-92 |
(1958 - 1969) |

30212 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1924 - 1969) |
30212.1 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1924 - 1949) |
30212.2 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1950 - 1959) |
30212.3 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1960 - 1969) |

30213 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1970 - 1993) |
30213.1 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1970 - 1985) |
30213.2 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1986 - 1990) |
30213.3 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1991 - 1993) |

30214 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1994 - 2004) |
30214.1 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(1994 - 2000) |
30214.2 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(2001 - 2002) |
30214.3 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(2003 - 2004) |

30215 |
SCI Switzerland : Local Groups |
(1948 - 2008) |
30215.1 |
Circulars letters from SCI office |
(1950 - 1975) |
30215.2 |
Secrétariat romand. |
(1962 - 1964) |
30215.3 |
Local Group Bern: Minutes, Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1949 - 2008) |
30215.4 |
Bern: Gatherings at SCI office |
(1994 - 1999) |

30216A |
SCI Switzerland: Local Group Basel |
(1949 - 1999) |
30216A.1 |
Minutes, Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1949 - 1974) |
30216A.2 |
Minutes, Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1975 - 1999) |

30216B |
SCI Switzerland: Local Group Basel |
(1975 - 1998) |
30216B.1 |
Work with Turkish Immigrants. |
(1975 - 1983) |
30216B.2 |
Local Group Basel / Info Koordinationsgruppe : Klämmerli, Bulletin No.0 - 147 |
(1978 - 1998) |

30217 |
SCI Switzerland: Local Groups |
(1949 - 1980) |
30217.1a |
Local Group Chur/Coire. |
(1969) |
30217.1b |
Local Group Lausanne. |
(1949 - 1970) |
30217.1c |
Local Group Lucerne. |
(1968 - 1980) |
30217.1d |
Local Group Neuchâtel/Neuenburg. |
(1950 - 1970) |
30217.1e |
Local Group St.Gallen. |
(1950 - 1970) |
30217.1f |
Local Group Ticino/Tessin. |
(1968 - 1970) |
30217.1g |
Local Group Winterthur.[Only 1950 & 1970] |
(1950 - 1970) |
30217.2 |
Local Group Zurich. [First part] |
(1949 - 1960) |
30217.3 |
Local Group Montagnes Neuchâtelois (La Chaux-de-Fonds, Le Locle) |
(1945 - 1978) |

30218 |
SCI Switzerland: Local Groups |
(1961 - 1975) |
30218.1a |
Local Group Zurich. [Second part] |
(1961 - 1966) |
30218.1b |
Local Group Zurich. [Third part] |
(1967 - 1975) |

30219 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1949 - 1956) |
30219.1 |
General Correspondence A-F. |
(1949 - 1956) |
30219.2 |
General Correspondence G-Z. |
(1949 - 1956) |

30220 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1957 - 1958) |
30220.1 |
General Correspondence A-J. |
(1957 - 1958) |
30220.2 |
General Correspondence K-Z. |
(1957 - 1958) |

30221 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1959 - 1961) |
30221.1 |
General Correspondence A-L. |
(1959 - 1961) |
30221.2 |
General Correspondence M-Z. |
(1959 - 1961) |

30222 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1962 - 1977) |
30222.1 |
General Correspondence A-L. |
(1962 - 1977) |
30222.2 |
General Correspondence M-Z. |
(1962 - 1977) |

30223 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1926 - 1979) |
30223.1 |
Newspaper cuttings. |
(1926 - 1955) |
30223.2 |
General Activities : Letters to Editors and Newspaper cuttings. |
(1956 - 1972) |
30223.3 |
General Activities : Letters to Editors and Newspaper cuttings. |
(1973 - 1979) |

30224 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (I) |
(1922 - 1965) |
30224.1 |
Minutes, Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence.
- National petition for an Alternative Service, 1922-1924
- SCI CH Ballot on Alternative Service, 1946 |
(1922 - 1949) |
30224.2 |
Resolution of SCI regarding the right of conscientious objectors to military service to the U.N. |
(1949 - 1950) |
30224.3 |
COs with SCI CH. |
(1959 - 1964) |

30225 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (II) |
(1950 - 1969) |
30225.1 |
Minutes, Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence. |
(1950 - 1964) |
30225.2 |
Minutes, Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence. |
(1965 - 1969) |

30226 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1980 - ) |
30226.1 |
Various newspaper cuttings and media activities. |
(1980 - 2004) |
30226.2 |
Press releases |
(1996 - 2004) |
30226.3 |
Staff recruitment process: Job descriptions, vacancy announcements |
(1984 - 1999) |

30227 |
SCI Switzerland : Workcamp training & evaluation |
(1935 - 1968) |
30227.1 |
Instructions for SCI presentations, Workcamp leader training seminars, preparation & evaluation meetings (Herbsttagung). |
(1935 - 1964) |
30227.2 |
Workcamp leader training seminars, preparation & evaluation meetings. [successor file see 30262] |
(1965 - 1968) |

30228 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1964 - 1981) |
30228.1 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No.93-127/128. |
(1970 - 1973) |
30228.2 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No.129-163. |
(1974 - 1977) |
30228.3 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No.164-182. |
(1978 - 1981) |
30228.4 |
Bulletin Material : Content Overview 1964-1978, Picture and photos published in the Bulletin, Drawings. |
(1964 - 1978) |

30229 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1982 - 1996) |
30229.1 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No.183-206. |
(1982 - 1986) |
30229.2 |
Service Civil International, Bulletins No.207-233. |
(1987 - 1992) |
30229.3 |
SCI Switzerland, Bulletins No.234-249 |
(1993 - 1996) |

30230 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1997 - 2016) |
30230.1 |
SCI Switzerland, Bulletins No.250-269 |
(1997 - 2001) |
30230.2 |
SCI Newsletter No.270-298 [no No.271] |
(2002 - 2008) |
30230.3 |
SCI Newsletter No.299-330 |
(2009 - 2016) |

30231 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1971 - 1973) |
30231.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1971) |
30231.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1972) |
30231.3 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1973) |

30232 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1974 - 1976) |
30232.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assembly, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1974) |
30232.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1975 - 1976) |

30233 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1977 - 1982) |
30233.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1977 - 1978) |
30233.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1979 - 1982) |

30234 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1983 - 1988) |
30234.1 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1983 - 1985) |
30234.2 |
Minutes of Committee Meetings & Annual General Assemblies, Circulars, Reports, Financial Statements. |
(1986 - 1988) |

30235 |
SCI Switzerland : Long-term Projects |
(1963 - 1980) |
30235.1 |
Swiss Middle- and Long-term Volunteers in other countries (A-H). |
(1963 - 1976) |
30235.2 |
Swiss Middle- and Long-term Volunteers in other countries (I-N). |
(1964 - 1980) |

30236 |
SCI Switzerland : Long-term Projects |
(1963 - 1985) |
30236.1 |
Swiss Middle- and Long-term Volunteers in other countries (O-Z). |
(1963 - 1980) |
30236.2 |
Subsidies to Swiss SCI Branch for Swiss Long-term Volunteers abroad, offered by Foreign Ministry of Swiss Government (Direction de la Coopération et l'aide Humanitaire). |
(1973 - 1985) |

30237 |
SCI Switzerland : Long-term Projects |
(1962 - 1984) |
30237.1 |
Foreign Middle- and Long-term Volunteers in Switzerland.
Leaders of Long-term activities in Tunisia where mostly Long-term Volunteers were working.
General documents on Long-term activities. [All in one block] |
(1962 - 1976) |
30237.2 |
Survey 1971, filed questionnaires. |
(1971) |
30237.3 |
Looking for Projects. |
(1970 - 1984) |

30238 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1996 - ) |
30238.1 |
Books, pamphlets, leaflets. |
(2005 - ) |
30238.2 |
Mailings to members |
(2018 - ) |
30238.3 |
Promotional activities in third party publications |
(1996 - 2004) |

30239 |
SCI Switzerland : Genossenschaft Volontabri and Boutique Internationale The Boutique International in Basel sold art crafts products from SCI projects (e.g. Servia, Greece) and later from other producers in the South, in order to get funds for SCI and its projects in the South. The shop was closed in spring 1995. |
(1960 - 1996) |
30239.1 |
Genossenschaft Volontabri : Accomodation for long term volunteers. |
(1975 - 1980) |
30239.2 |
Boutique Internationale Basel : Minutes of Annual Assemblies and Committee Meetings, Reports, Correspondence, Financial statements. |
(1960 - 1985) |
30239.3 |
Minutes of Annual Assemblies and Committee Meetings, Reports, Correspondence, Financial statements. |
(1986 - 1996) |
30239.4 |
Correspodence about Boutique Fund |
(1994 - 1996) |

30240 |
SCI Switzerland : Local Group Geneva see also 30273 |
(1951 - 1980) |
30240.1 |
Local Group Geneva: Minutes, Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1951 - 1980) |

30241 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (III) |
(1970 - 1974) |
30241.1 |
Minutes of Working Group Meetings, Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1970 - 1974) |
30241.2 |
Poll at 19 Swiss Cantons justice departements on alternative possiblities for COs in prison (April 1973 - June 1973). |
(1973) |

30242 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (IV) |
(1974 - 1975) |
30242.1 |
Minutes of Working Group Meetings, Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1975) |
30242.2 |
Project search for model services in hospitals (November 1974 - June 1975). |
(1974 - 1975) |
30242.3 |
Positionen zum Zivildienst, Evaluation of comments of political lobbies to the report of the parlimentarian army commission (18.9.74) (July - December 1975) |
(1975) |

30243 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2017 - ) |
30243.1 |
SCI Newsletter No. 331- |
(2017 - ) |
30243.2 |
Annual reports 2019- [for older Annual reports see Bulletin / Newsletter] |
(2020 - ) |

30245 |
SCI Switzerland : Working Groups |
(1966 - 1990) |
30245.1a |
Asia Working Group. |
(1966 - 1987) |
30245.1b |
Africa Working Group. |
(1975 - 1987) |
30245.2 |
Commission "Casale al Bivio" at Brione (Ticino) :
Unsuccessful attempt for peace work in the "Casale al Bivio".
A - Stiftung Casale al Bivio
B - Genossenschaft Casale al Bivio.
C - Minutes of the Work Group Casale al Bivio 30.5.1987-5.5.1988.
D - Meeting, Correspondence with representatives of Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk (SAH) 30.5.1987-21.12 1987.
E - Finances, Circulars, Correspondence. |
(1986 - 1989) |
30245.3 |
Finance Working Group. |
(1985 - 1993) |
30245.4 |
Donations for activities in North Africa : Cash Book |
(1971 - 1980) |

30246 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1955 - 1980) |
30246.1 |
General Correspondence. |
(1955 - 1971) |
30246.2 |
General Correspondence. |
(1972 - 1980) |
30246.3 |
Correspondence of Swiss Branch with European and International Secretariats |
(1954 - 1965) |

30247 |
SCI Switzerland : Cooperation with other Swiss NGOs |
(1962 - ) |
30247.1a |
Europarat, Pro Juventute Aktion 7, Forum Helveticum, Schweizerischer Friedensrat, Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Heimatdienst |
(1962 - 1979) |
30247.1b |
SAJV / CSAJ, Omnia Mundi, Virus, Arbeitskreis Tourismus und Entwicklung, Unité, Fédération romande des mouvements non-violents, AAB Schulen für Zimbabwe, DEH Development Cooperation, Intermundo Youth Exchange |
(1963 - 2004) |
30247.2 |
Circular Letters and newspaper cuttings on general activities and problems. |
(1980 - 1996) |

30248 |
SCI Switzerland : Handicamp Working Group |
(1970 - 1995) |
30248.1 |
Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Booklets. |
(1970 - 1995) |
30248.2 |
Tomi Riner, Armin Kull : Vorschläge fuer Artikel, die in einem Arbeitsdienst (z.B. Handicamp) hergestellt werden können, um nachher an einem Bazar verkauft zu werden. (March 1974) |
(1974) |
30248.3 |
Armin Kull : Organisation of a handicamp in order to make a city guide for handicapped people, Documentation (1976?). |
(1976) |

30249 |
SCI Switzerland : Working Groups |
(1982 - 1989) |
30249.1 |
East-West Working Group : Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pampflets. |
(1982 - 1989) |
30249.2 |
SCI/SFR : Seminar "Erfahrungen im Ost/west Dialog" 14./15.6.1985, Baden (CH). |
(1985) |
30249.31 |
Women Working Group : Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, Newspaper Cuttings. |
(1980 - 1983) |
30249.32 |
Debate on 'Mitwirkung der Frau in der Gesamtverteidigung" [Involvment of women in the army] : Reports, Correspondence, Newspaper Cuttings. |
(1982 - 1983) |
30249.4 |
Documentation about women and pacifism : Booklets, Leaflets, Pamphlets. |
(1980 - 1983) |

30250 |
SCI Switzerland : Files of the National security For years SCI Switzerland was observed by the Swiss national security. After a Scandal in 1990 and a wide public protest against state observation of civilians, the State security was obliged to open the files. SCI Switzerland applied for perusals for the files and dossier |
(1935 - 1997) |
30250.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1990 - 1997) |
30250.2 |
Files. |
(1935 - 1989) |
30250.3 |
Dossier. |
(1935 - 1966) |

30251 |
SCI Switzerland : Files of the National security |
(1967 - 1989) |
30251.1 |
Dossier. |
(1967 - 1969) |
30251.2 |
Dossier. |
(1970 - 1979) |
30251.3 |
Dossier. |
(1980 - 1989) |

30252 |
SCI Switzerland : Volunteer Application Forms in Alphabetical Order (from holdings of Swiss Social Archive) |
(1950 - 1961) |
30252.1 |
Volunteer Applications Forms A-F |
(1950 - 1961) |
30252.2 |
Volunteer Applications Forms G-K |
(1950 - 1961) |
30252.3 |
Volunteer Applications Forms L-R |
(1950 - 1961) |
30252.4 |
Volunteer Applications Forms S-Z |
(1950 - 1961) |

30253 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1989 - 2007) |
30253.1 |
General Assemblies |
(1989 - 1994) |
30253.2 |
General Assemblies |
(1995 - 1999) |
30253.3 |
General Assemblies |
(2000 - 2007) |

30254 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1989 - 1993) |
30254.1 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes |
(1989 - 1990) |
30254.2 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes |
(1991 - 1993) |

30255 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1994 - 1999) |
30255.1 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes |
(1994 - 1996) |
30255.2 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes |
(1997 - 1999) |

30256 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2000 - 2002) |
30256.1 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes / General mailings. |
(2000) |
30256.2 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes / Herbstfest / General mailings. |
(2001) |
30256.3 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes / Herbstfest / General mailings. |
(2002) |

30257 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (V) Working Group Alternative Service : Concept for an Alternative Service I |
(1973 - 1974) |
30257.11 |
Reports, Working papers, Correspondence (July 1973 - April 1974). |
(1973 - 1974) |
30257.12 |
Zivildienstkonzept - Conception du Service Civil alternatif - Concept for an Alternativ Service - 1st Draft (October 1973). |
(1973) |
30257.13 |
Zivildienstkonzept - Conception du Service Civil alternatif - Concept for an Alternativ Service - 2nd Draft (January 1974). |
(1974) |
30257.14 |
Zivildienstkonzept - Conception du Service Civil alternatif - Concept for an Alternativ Service - Final Version (March 1974). |
(1974) |
30257.21 |
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Internationalen Zivildienst [SCI CH] : Zivildienstkonzept, Vorschläge zur Schaffung eines Zivildienstes in der Schweiz.
Basel (1974) |
(1974) |
30257.22 |
Association suisse pour le Service Civil International [SCI CH] : Proposition pour un service civil.
La Chaux-de-Fonds (1974) |
(1974) |

30258 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (VI) Working Group Alternative Service : Concept for an Alternative Service II |
(1974 - 1978) |
30258.11 |
Press conference on concept, Bern (23.April). |
(1974) |
30258.12 |
Newspaper Cuttings on press conference, Swiss German Newspapers (April - May). |
(1974) |
30258.13 |
Schweizerische Staatsbürgerliche Gesellschaft : Open letter to SCI Switzerland & response (June) |
(1974) |
30258.14 |
Newspaper Cuttings on press conference, Swiss French and Italian Newspapers (April - May). |
(1974) |
30258.15 |
Press conference on Model Service 1974, Bern (22.October). |
(1974) |
30258.16 |
Newspaper Cuttings on press conference, Swiss German Newspapers (October - December). |
(1974) |
30258.17 |
Newspaper Cuttings on press conference, Swiss French and Italian Newspapers (October - December). |
(1974) |
30258.21 |
Schweizerische Zivildienstkonferenz [SZK] : Minutes of conference, Reports, Working papers, Correspondence. |
(1975 - 1978) |
30258.22 |
Schweizerische Zivildienstkonferenz, Local Group Bern : Minutes, Reports, Working papers, Correspondence. |
(1976 - 1977) |

30259 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (VII) |
(1976 - 1979) |
30259.1 |
Minutes of Working Group Meetings (till 1977), Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1976 - 1979) |
30259.2 |
SCI Branch ballot on 'Münchensteiner Initiative' : Ballot counting, Summary, Press releases, Comments (May-August). |
(1977) |
30259.3 |
Ernstfall Frieden - Eine Ausstellung zum Thema Zivildienst, Mobile exihibition [see also 65100.1]. |
(1979) |
30259.4 |
COs with SCI Switzerland. |
(1978 - 1984) |

30260 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (VIII) |
(1978 - 1991) |
30260.1 |
Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1980 - 1982) |
30260.2 |
Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1983 - 1990) |
30260.3 |
Documents on military tax boycott. |
(1980 - 1985) |
30260.4 |
Printed matters, Booklets. |
(1978 - 1991) |

30262 |
SCI Switzerland : Workcamp training & evaluation |
(1969 - 2000) |
30262.1 |
Workcamp leader training seminars, preparation & evaluation meetings (Herbsttagung). [see precursor file 30227.2] |
(1969 - 1982) |
30262.2 |
Workcamp leader training seminars, preparation & evaluation meetings. |
(1983 - 1987) |
30262.3 |
Workcamp leader training seminars, preparation & evaluation meetings. |
(1988 - 2000) |
30262.4 |
Camp situations used in volunteer preparation weekends |
(1991 - 2000) |

30263 |
SCI Switzerland : Workcamp training & evaluation |
(1996 - 2004) |
30263.1 |
Workcamp evaluation forms from Swiss volunteers. |
(1996) |
30263.2 |
Workcamp evaluation forms from Swiss volunteers. |
(1998) |
30263.3 |
Workcamp evaluation forms from Swiss volunteers. |
(2001) |
30263.4 |
Volunteer statistics. |
(1998 - 2004) |

30264 |
SCI Switzerland : Alternative Service for Conscientious objectors (IX) |
(1991 - ) |
30264.1 |
Reports, Circulars, Newspaper cuttings, Correspondence, Leaflets and Pamphlets. |
(1991 - 1995) |

30265 |
SCI Switzerland : Working Groups |
(1975 - ) |
30265.11 |
Asia & Africa / North South Working Group. |
(1988 - ) |
30265.12 |
Medium & Long Term Volunteering Working Group. |
(1993 - 1999) |
30265.13 |
Refugee Working Group. |
(1994 - 1998) |
30265.14 |
Environment Working Group. |
(1997 - 1998) |
30265.2 |
Long Term Working Group / LTV Procedures |
(2004 - ) |
30265.3 |
Newsletter Working Group |
(1975 - 2000) |

30266 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2003 - 2004) |
30266.1 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes / Herbstfest / General mailings. |
(2003) |
30266.2 |
Committee: Mailings, reports, correspondence, minutes / Herbstfest / General mailings. |
(2004) |

30267 |
SCI Switzerland: Local Groups |
(1993 - 2003) |
30267.1 |
Freiwilligenbüro Zürich: Minutes, Correspondence, Gatherings at Gartenhof. |
(1993 - 2003) |
30267.2 |
Freiwilligenbüro Zürich: SCI song book for workcamps |
(1996) |
30267.3 |
Ticino – Search for project partners, Meetings, Training and evaluation activities |
(1995 - 1999) |

30268 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2005 - 2006) |
30268.1 |
Committee: Mailings, minutes, correspondence |
(2005) |
30268.2 |
Committee: Mailings, minutes, correspondence, other documents |
(2006) |

30269 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2003 - ) |
30269.1 |
Diaspora Internship Project (Exchange Switzerland Sri Lanka): Application, correspondence, minutes, participants’ applications and reports |
(2004 - 2005) |
30269.1a |
Markus Bütler: Potentials and limitations of the second-generation Tamil diaspora to engage in the Srilankan peace process. An empirical research in the context of the Swiss Diaspora Internship Project (DIP). Master Thesis Alice Salomon Fachhochschule Berlin, March 2006. |
(2006) |
30269.1b |
Christof Arnold: Zum Einfluss der tamilischen Diaspora in der Schweiz auf den Konflikt in Sri Lanka. Eine Fallstudie zum Konflikttransformationspotential von Diasporagemeinschaften. Lizentiatsarbeit Institut für Politikwissenschaft Universität Bern, März 2007. |
(2007) |
30269.2 |
Jucker Mauderli Fund / Boutique Fund: Applications, reports [see also 30278.2/3] |
(2003 - ) |
30269.3 |
Participation in Human Rights Messenger Project |
(2003) |

30270 |
SCI Switzerland : East-West Work |
(1990 - 1999) |
30270.11 |
East-West Working Group: Minutes, Reports, Working Papers, Correspondence |
(1990 - 1999) |
30270.12 |
East-West exchange: Outgoing volunteer evaluation |
(1993) |
30270.13 |
East-West exchange: Incoming volunteer evaluation |
(1993) |
30270.2 |
Ex Yugoslavia Working Group: Minutes, Reports, Working papers, Correspondence |
(1992 - 1999) |
30270.3 |
Romania Working Group. |
(1992 - 1996) |
30270.4 |
Ex Yugoslavia Working Group: Newsletter, printed matters. |
(1993 - 1996) |

30271 |
SCI Switzerland: East-West Work |
(1992 - 2000) |
30271.1 |
Youth projects in Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Switzerland (funded by SAJV / CSAJ and Intermundo): Reports, Financial reports, Working papers, Correspondence. |
(1992 - 2000) |

30272 |
SCI Switzerland : Workcamp training & evaluation |
(2001 - ) |
30272.1 |
Workcamp leader & volunteer training seminars. [see precursor file 30262.3] |
(2001 - ) |
30272.2 |
Evaluation weekends / Herbstfest |
(1990 - 2005) |

30273 |
SCI Switzerland : Local Group Geneva see also 30240, Association dissolved in 2003 |
(1973 - 2003) |
30273.1 |
Minutes, Reports, Circulars |
(1981 - 2003) |
30273.2 |
Correspondence |
(1976 - 1983) |

30274 |
SCI Switzerland : Local Group Geneva |
(1970 - 2003) |
30274.1 |
Newspaper Cuttings |
(1970 - 2003) |
30274.2 |
Week-end services |
(1973 - 1989) |
30274.3 |
Leaflet, Pamphlet |
(1965 - 1999) |
30274.4 |
Maison du SCI Genève [Chemin des Voirons 25, Petit-Lancy] : Minutes, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1985 - 2003) |
30274.5 |
Maison du SCI Genève Livre d'Or, Guestbook |
(1981 - 1998) |

30275 |
SCI Switzerland : Local Group Romandie |
(1995 - ) |
30275.1 |
Minutes, Correspondence, Working Papers, Fundraising efforts |
(1995 - ) |
30275.2 |
Leaflet, Pamphlets, printed matters |
(2000 - ) |

30276 |
SCI Switzerland |
(1981 - 2005) |
30276.1 |
General Correspondence secretariat internal reports and fundraising efforts. |
(1981 - 1998) |
30276.2 |
Correspondence about research for new projects. |
(1991 - 1991) |
30276.3 |
Correspondence about search for new projects with refugee centres, Canton Basel-Land |
(1996) |
30276.4 |
Bundesamt für Kultur / Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen: Grants |
(1994 - 2005) |

30277 |
SCI Switzerland |
(2007 - ) |
30277.1 |
Committee: Mailings, minutes, correspondence |
(2007) |
30277.2 |
Committee: Mailings, minutes, correspondence |
(2008) |

30278 |
SCI Switzerland: East-West Work |
(2000 - 2011) |
30278.1 |
East-West Working Group: Minutes, reports, correspondence |
(2000 - 2011) |
30278.2 |
Youth projects in Belarus, Kosova (CCTD), Serbia, Albania (funded by Ostprojekt): Reports, Financial reports, Working papers, Correspondence. |
(2000 - 2008) |
30278.3 |
Projects with SVIT Ukraine |
(2004 - 2007) |

30279 |
SCI Switzerland: Workcamp training & evaluation |
(2002 - ) |
30279.1 |
Workcamp evaluation forms from Swiss volunteers |
(2002 - 2004) |

30280A |
SCI Switzerland: Volunteer Application Forms |
(1980 - 1986) |
30280A.1 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps 1980 - 1983 |
(1980 - 1983) |
30280A.2 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps 1984 - 1986 |
(1984 - 1986) |

30280B |
SCI Switzerland: Volunteer Application Forms |
(1987 - 1991) |
30280B.1 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps 1987 & 1988. |
(1987 - 1988) |
30280B.2 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps 1989 & 1990. |
(1989 - 1990) |
30280B.3 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps 1991. |
(1991) |

30281 |
SCI Switzerland: Volunteer Application Forms |
(2000 - 2001) |
30281.1 |
Volunteer Application Forms and Reports from Swiss LTVs |
(2001) |
30281.2 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps |
(2000) |

30282 |
SCI Switzerland: Kosova Project |
(2000 - 2007) |
30282.1 |
Background information, Project preparation, Volunteer information and preparation, PR work media and exhibition |
(2000 - 2003) |
30282.2 |
WG minutes Switzerland, End reports from LTVs, Strategy papers |
(2000 - 2004) |
30282.3 |
Applications to funders, Financial reports |
(2000 - 2003) |
30282.4 |
Follow-up: Relations with Youth Action for Kosovo (YAK) |
(2003 - 2007) |

30283 |
SCI Switzerland: Kosova Project |
(2001 - 2003) |
30283.1 |
Weekly team reports |
(2001 - 2003) |
30283.2 |
Interim team reports |
(2001 - 2003) |
30283.3 |
Special team reports, and Correspondence |
(2002 - 2003) |
30283.4 |
Administrative documents Kosova, Short term project evaluations, German Language Club, Seminar documents, Community Building Mitrovica Project |
(2001 - 2003) |

30284 |
SCI Switzerland: Kosova Project |
(2001 - 2003) |
30284.1 |
KIDS – internal organisation and members sent abroad |
(2001 - 2003) |
30284.2 |
Summer programme for youth |
(2001) |
30284.3 |
Summer programme for youth |
(2002 - 2005) |

30285 |
SCI Switzerland: Kosova Project [Classified] |
(2000 - 2003) |
30285.1 |
Short and Long Term foreign volunteers: Recruitment, Staff documents A-Z [Classified] |
(2000 - 2003) |
30285.2 |
Local Staff – Translators, English Teacher, Coordination Person: Staff documents
[Classified] |
(2001 - 2003) |

30286 |
SCI Switzerland: Volunteer Application Forms |
(2005 - ) |
30286.1 |
Volunteer Application Forms Workcamps |
(2005) |

30287 |
SCI Switzerland: Volunteer Application Forms |
(2004 - ) |
30287.1 |
Volunteer Application Forms and Reports from Swiss LTVs and EVS |
(2004 - 2008) |
30287.2 |
Volunteer Application Forms and Grant Contracts from Swiss LTVs and EVS |
(2007 - ) |

30288 |
SCI Switzerland: CVS Bulgaria projects. [NEW BOX] |
(2000 - 2006) |
30288.1 |
Ostprojekt project No 1: Application, report [for evaluation of CVS workcamps see 34201.4] [NEW FILE] |
(2000 - 2001) |
30288.2 |
Ostprojekt project No 2: Application, LTV applicatioins, reports, correspondence. [NEW FILE] |
(2001 - 2002) |
30288.3 |
CVS.05 Preparation activities, Ostprojekt project No 3 |
(2002 - 2005) |
30288.4 |
CVS.05 Application, basic contracts with Ostprojekt and CVS [NEW FILE] |
(2002 - 2005) |
30288.5 |
CVS.05 SCI Switzerland internal decision making: Steering Group CVS.05, internal evaluation meeting [NEW FILE] |
(2003 - 2006) |

30289 |
SCI Switzerland: CVS Bulgaria projects [classified] [NEW BOX] |
(2002 - 2005) |
30289.1 |
CVS.05 Documents related to staff and LTVs [classified] [NEW FILE] |
(2003 - 2005) |
30289.2 |
CVS.05 Documentation and correspondence related to funders [NEW FILE] |
(2003 - 2005) |
30289.3 |
CVS.05 Initial Strategy Planning Seminar, General project steps [NEW FILE] |
(2002 - 2003) |

30290 |
SCI Switzerland: CVS Bulgaria projects. [NEW BOX] |
(2003 - 2006) |
30290.1 |
CVS.05: General project steps. [NEW FILE] |
(2004) |
30290.2 |
CVS.05: General project steps. Final evaluation. [NEW FILE] |
(2005 - 2006) |
30290.3 |
CVS.05 : Budgets and finance [NEW FILE] |
(2003 - 2005) |
30290.4 |
CVS.05: PR and media activities. [NEW FILE] |
(2003 - 2005) |

30291 |
SCI Switzerland: CVS Bulgaria projects. [NEW BOX] |
(2002 - 2003) |
30291.1 |
CVS.05: Bulgarische Kulturwoche, Bern (documents part 1).[see also 65303.3] [NEW FILE] |
(2002 - 2003) |
30291.2 |
CVS.05: Bulgarische Kulturwoche, Bern (documents part 2).[see also 65303.3] [NEW FILE] |
(2003) |
30291.3 |
CVS.05: Bulgarische Kulturwoche, Bern (documents part 3).[see also 65303.3] [NEW FILE] |
(2003) |
30291.4 |
Bulgarische Kulturwoche, Bern: CD with traditional Bulgarian music by Irfan [NEW FILE] |
(2003) |

30293 |
SCI Switzerland: CVS Bulgaria projects. [NEW BOX] |
(2005) |
30293.1 |
CVS.05: Eco bike tour. Preparation: Meetings, correspondence, sponsoring, PR activities. [NEW FILE] |
(2005) |
30293.2 |
CVS.05: Eco bike tour. Workcamp documents, evaluation, presentation, pictures on CD. [NEW FILE] |
(2005) |
30293.3 |
CVS.05 Eco bike tour : Small materials [NEW FILE] |
(2005) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
40001 |
SCI Statistics |
(1920 - 1990) |
40001.1 |
Historical timelines and statistics of services |
(1920 - 1969) |
40001.2 |
Exchange statistics Europe and North America |
(1970 - 1990) |

40002 |
SCI Statistics |
(1991 - 2004) |
40002.1 |
SCI Statistics |
(1991 - 1996) |
40002.2 |
SCI Statistics |
(1998 - 2004) |

40011 |
SCI International Archives |
(1984 - 1997) |
40011.1 |
General correspondence.
[see also 40531.1 and 40531.2] |
(1985 - 1996) |
40011.2 |
Correspondence with IVS Great Britain. |
(1992 - 1996) |
40011.3 |
Correspondence with SCI Italy. |
(1989 - 1995) |
40011.4 |
Correspondence with SCI Germany. |
(1984 - 1997) |
40011.5 |
Correspondence with IVS-SCI USA. |
(1988 - 1995) |
40011.6 |
SCI History – conceptualisation papers and chronologies. |
(1954 - 2016) |

40012 |
SCI International Archives |
(1996 - 1998) |
40012.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(1997) |
40012.2 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(1998) |
40012.3 |
Archives Catalogue of SCI International Archives.
Compiled by R.Hegnauer (1996) |
(1996) |

40013 |
SCI International Archives |
(1998 - 1999) |
40013.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(1999) |
40013.2 |
Project : Archives Workcamp I in L a Chaux-de-Fonds (5.7.-25.7.1998). |
(1998) |
40013.3 |
Project : Archives Workcamp II in La Chaux-de-Fonds (26.9.-15.10.1999). |
(1999) |

40014 |
SCI International Archives |
(1999 - 2001) |
40014.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, research. |
(2000) |
40014.2 |
Ralph Hegnauer book project by friends of SCI Italy: Correspondence, finances, working papers. |
(1999 - 2001) |

40015 |
SCI International Archives |
(1997 - 2001) |
40015.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(2001) |
40015.2 |
Archives consultations. |
(1997 - 2001) |

40016 |
SCI International Archives |
(1998 - 2004) |
40016.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(2002 - 2004) |
40016.2 |
Bibliothèque de la ville: Annual report. |
(1998 - 2001) |

40017 |
SCI International Archives |
(1997 - 2009) |
40017.1 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(2005) |
40017.2 |
Reports, correspondence, financial statements, archives acquisition, requests, projects. |
(2006 - 2009) |
40017.3 |
Project: Integration SCI Asian Archives |
(2007 - 2008) |
40017.4 |
Archives Status: Progress reports, Development Strategy, Status documents |
(1997 - 2008) |
40017.5 |
Sandrine Zaslawsky et al.: Répertoire des fonds archivistiques de la Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds |
(2007) |

40018 |
SCI International Archives |
(2010 - ) |
40018.1 |
Project: 90 years Anniversary and Pierre Ceresole Exhibition - Correspondence and different Materials |
(2010 - 2013) |
40018.2 |
Project: 90 years Anniversary and Pierre Ceresole Exhibition - Printed matters |
(2009 - 2012) |
40018.3 |
Pierre Ceresole Exhibition - Electronic Documents |
(2010 - 2010) |

40019 |
SCI International Archives |
(2010 - ) |
40019.1 |
Reports, Publications, Newsletters, Finances, Acquisitions, Requests |
(2010 - 2013) |
40019.2 |
Reports, Newsletters, Publications, Finances, Acquisitions, Requests and Debates |
(2014 - 2018) |

40050 |
International Constitutions and Constitutional Documents |
(1946 - ) |
40050.1 |
International Constitutions, drafts, amendments (incomplete) |
(1946 - ) |
40050.2 |
International Constitutional Documents: Rules of procedure, Terms of reference etc (incomplete) |
(1963 - ) |

40101 |
International Delegates |
(1945 - 1968) |
40101.1 |
International Delegates Meetings No.1-10 (IDM).
1st 3-4 December 1945 London (GB)
2nd 5-12 June 1946 Herzberg near Aarau (CH)
3rd 3-9 April 1947 Paris (F)
4th 14-19 April 1949 Bièvres near Paris (F)
5th 23-26 March 1951 Ludweiler (D)
6th 24-26 October 1952 Rotberg near Basel (CH)
7th 16-18 April 1954 Stams near Insbruck (A)
8th 30-31 March 1956 Rambouillet near Paris (F)
9th 3 November 1962 Noisy sur Oise (F)
10th 3 November 1968 Marly-le-Roi near Paris (F) |
(1945 - 1968) |

40201 |
International Committee |
(1948 - 1964) |
40201.1 |
International Committee Meetings No.1-30 |
(1948 - 1962) |
40201.2 |
International Committee Meetings No.31-34 |
(1963 - 1964) |

40202 |
International Committee |
(1965 - 1972) |
40202.1 |
International Committee Meetings No.35-40 |
(1965 - 1967) |
40202.2 |
International Committee Meetings No.41-44 |
(1968 - 1972) |

40203 |
International Committee |
(1973 - 1981) |
40203.1 |
International Committee Meetings No.45-49. |
(1973 - 1981) |

40204 |
International Committee |
(1983 - 1989) |
40204.1 |
International Committee Meetings No.50-53. |
(1983 - 1989) |

40205 |
International Committee |
(1990 - 1997) |
40205.1 |
International Committee Meetings No.54-57. |
(1990 - 1997) |
40205.2 |
SCI Strategic Review, Restructuration of International Coordination |
(1991 - 1997) |

40206 |
International Committee |
(1998 - 1999) |
40206.1 |
International Committee Meeting No.58 |
(1998) |
40206.2 |
Virtual International Committee Meeting (spring 1999) |
(1999) |
40206.3 |
International Committee Meeting No. 59 |
(1999) |

40207 |
International Committee |
(2000 - 2001) |
40207.1 |
International Committee Meeting No. 60 |
(2000) |
40207.2 |
International Committee Meeting No. 61 |
(2001) |

40208 |
International Committee |
(2002 - 2003) |
40208.1 |
International Committee Meeting No. 62 |
(2002) |
40208.2 |
International Committee Meeting No. 63 |
(2003) |

40209 |
International Committee |
(2004 - 2007) |
40209.1 |
International Committee Meeting No. 64 [mailings missing] |
(2004) |
40209.2 |
International Committee Meeting No. 65 |
(2005) |
40209.3 |
International Committee Meeting No. 66 |
(2006) |
40209.4 |
International Committee Meeting No. 67 [mailings incomplete] |
(2007) |

40210 |
International Committee |
(2008 - ) |
40210.1 |
International Committee Meeting No. 68 |
(2008) |
40210.2 |
International Committee Meeting No. 69 |
(2009) |

40301 |
International Executive Committee |
(1963 - 1979) |
40301.1 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.1- 30. |
(1963 - 1972) |
40301.2 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.31-50. |
(1973 - 1979) |

40302 |
International Executive Committee |
(1980 - 1995) |
40302.1 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.51-75. |
(1980 - 1988) |
40302.2 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.76-97 |
(1989 - 1995) |

40303 |
International Executive Committee |
(1996 - 2005) |
40303.1 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.98-109 |
(1996 - 1999) |
40303.2 |
International Executive Committee Meetings (IECM) No.110-120 |
(2000 - 2005) |

40341 |
International Executive Committee |
(1976 - ) |
40341.1 |
Correspondence of International Treasurer
[see also 40402.1] |
(1976 - ) |
40341.2 |
Partnership policy documents |
(1996 - 2002) |
40341.3 |
Strategic Planning process |
(2002 - 2004) |

40351 |
International Secretariat |
(1946 - 1952) |
40351.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1946 - 1950) |
40351.2 |
Correspondence. |
(1951 - 1952) |

40352 |
International Secretariat |
(1953 - 1957) |
40352.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1953 - 1954) |
40352.2 |
Correspondence. |
(1955 - 1957) |

40353 |
International Secretariat |
(1958 - 1960) |
40353.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1958 - 1959) |
40353.2 |
Correspondence |
(1959 - 1960) |

40354 |
International Secretariat |
(1961 - 1966) |
40354.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1961 - 1963) |
40354.2 |
Correspondence |
(1964 - 1966) |

40355 |
International Secretariat |
(1967 - 1978) |
40355.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1967 - 1969) |
40355.2 |
Correspondence |
(1970 - 1978) |

40356 |
International Secretariat |
(1979 - 1999) |
40356.1 |
Correspondence. |
(1979 - 1985) |
40356.2 |
Correspondence |
(1985 - 1999) |
40356.3 |
Correspondence Ralph Hegnauer on Finance issues |
(1982 - 1983) |
40356.4 |
Correspondence International Finance Office Antwerpen
[For Correspondence on Insurance Matters see also 53103.5 and 53104.5] |
(1988 - 1999) |

40357 |
International Secretariat |
(2000 - ) |
40357.1 |
Circulars, Correspondence |
(2000 - ) |
40357.2 |
Branch infosheets |
(2000) |
40357.3 |
Various Fundraising efforts with private donors |
(2000 - ) |
40357.4 |
International Peace Calendar Project. Drafts, fundraising efforts. |
(2004 - 2005) |

40376 |
International Secretariat |
(1945 - ) |
40376.1 |
Leaflets, Pamphlets, Printed matters. |
(1945 - 1969) |
40376.2 |
Leaflets, Pamphlets, Printed matters. |
(1970 - 1989) |
40376.3 |
Leaflets, Pamphlets, Printed matters. |
(1990 - 2016) |
40376.4 |
Various printed matters. |
(2017 - ) |

40401 |
Other International Meetings |
(1946 - 1963) |
40401.1 |
International Secretaries Meetings No.1-25. |
(1946 - 1963) |

40402 |
Other International Meetings |
(1972 - ) |
40402.1 |
Meetings on financial matters: European Commission on Fundraising, Finance Officers Meeting, Treasurers' Meeting, Financial Advisory Group / Committee |
(1972 - ) |

40501 |
International Secretariat |
(1946 - 1956) |
40501.1 |
Circular letters. |
(1946 - 1950) |
40501.2 |
Circular letters. |
(1951 - 1956) |

40502 |
International Secretariat |
(1958 - 1987) |
40502.1 |
International, Asian and European staff. [Classified] |
(1958 - 1987) |

40503 |
International Secretariat |
(1957 - 1983) |
40503.1 |
Circular letters. |
(1957 - 1960) |
40503.2 |
Circular letters. |
(1961 - 1965) |
40503.3 |
SCI IS: Five Years Development Plan. |
(1965) |
40503.4 |
Correspondence International Secretary and International Bookkeeper |
(1980 - 1983) |

40504 |
International Secretariat |
(1966 - 1975) |
40504.1 |
Circular letters. |
(1966 - 1970) |
40504.2 |
Circular letters. |
(1971 - 1975) |

40505 |
International Secretariat |
(1976 - 1998) |
40505.1 |
Circular letters. |
(1976 - 1984) |
40505.2 |
Circular letters. |
(1985 - 1993) |
40505.3 |
Circular letters. |
(1994 - 1999) |

40511 |
International Secretariat |
(1984 - 2000) |
40511.1 |
Meetings of international staff [classified] |
(1989 - 1998) |
40511.2 |
Staff matters Europe incl SEED [classified] |
(1984 - 1999) |
40511.3 |
Staff and office matters transition period [classified] |
(1997 - 1998) |
40511.4 |
Staff handbook SCI |
(2000) |

40512 |
International Secretariat |
(2000 - 2005) |
40512.1 |
Antwerp and General Staff Meetings [classified] |
(2000 - 2005) |
40512.2 |
Workplans and individual staff documents Antwerp [classified] |
(2000 - 2004) |

40513 |
International Secretariat |
(1999 - 2005) |
40513.1 |
Applications for LTV positions in Antwerp office [classified] |
(1999 - 2002) |
40513.2 |
Applications for LTV positions in Antwerp office [classified] |
(2003 - 2005) |

40514 |
International Secretariat |
(2006 - ) |
40514.1 |
Applications for LTV positions in Antwerp office [classified] |
(2006 - 2008) |

40528 |
International Secretariat |
(1971 - 1993) |
40528.1 |
Annual reports. |
(1972 - 1975) |
40528.2 |
Review - Revue 1971-1974 |
(1974) |
40528.3 |
SCI International Handbook. |
(1979) |
40528.4 |
Biennial reports, Progress reports |
(1983 - 1993) |

40529 |
International Secretariat |
(1971) |
40529.1 |
SCI Plebiscite. Enquiry among activists about fundamental issues within SCI. IVS Great Britain |
(1971) |
40529.2 |
SCI Plebiscite. Enquiry among activists about fundamental issues within SCI. SCI IVS USA |
(1971) |
40529.3 |
SCI Plebiscite. Enquiry among activists about fundamental issues within SCI. SCI France |
(1971) |
40529.4 |
SCI Plebiscite. Enquiry among activists about fundamental issues within SCI. Various branches |
(1971) |

40530 |
International Secretariat |
(1997 - ) |
40530.1 |
Annual Reports |
(1997 - 2000) |
40530.2 |
Annual Reports |
(2001 - 2008) |
40530.3 |
Annual Reports |
(2016 - ) |

40531 |
International Secretariat |
(1948 - 1997) |
40531.1 |
Various correspondence of keeper of SCI International Archives with individuals. |
(1984 - 1997) |
40531.2 |
Correspondence of keeper of International Archives with La Chaux-de-Fonds Town Library and with SCI bodies |
(1977 - 1997) |
40531.3 |
Efforts to make a film about SCI. |
(1982 - 1983) |
40531.4 |
Efforts to nominate SCI for Nobel Peace Price. |
(1948 - 1969) |

40601 |
International Periodicals |
(1935 - 1956) |
40601.1 |
Le Service Civil, Bulletins No.1-73. |
(1935 - 1956) |

40602 |
International Periodicals |
(1957 - 1986) |
40602.1 |
Zivildienst / Service Civil International / International Voluntary Service, Bulletins No.74-92 [some missing in English] |
(1957 - 1966) |
40602.2 |
IS news No. -10 / Action No. 11-77 |
(1970 - 1986) |

40603 |
International Periodicals |
(1987 - 2004) |
40603.1 |
Action No. 78-102 |
(1987 - 1994) |
40603.2 |
Action No. 103-127 / New Action 0.0 |
(1995 - 2004) |

40645 |
International Periodicals |
(1973 - 2006) |
40645.1 |
International News. |
(1973 - 1976) |
40645.2 |
New Information from IS. |
(1981 - 1986) |
40645.3 |
International Coordination Newsletter. |
(1988) |
40645.4 |
IS Newsletter. |
(2000 - 2006) |

40711 |
International Training Programme & Seminars |
(1965 - 1970) |
40711.1 |
International Commission for Training : Ariège Commission, International Training Sub-Committee. |
(1965 - 1970) |
40711.2 |
Commissions and Seminars on Leader Training. |
(1950 - 1967) |

40712 |
International Training Programme & Seminars |
(1983 - 1995) |
40712.1 |
Seminars: Reports, Correspondence |
(1983 - 1995) |
40712.2 |
Seminars: Reports, Correspondence |
(1983 - 1995) |

40721A |
Strategic Plan Implementation |
(2004 - 2005) |
40721A.1 |
Workcamp Survey "Before Questionnaires" |
(2005) |
40721A.2 |
Workcamp Survey "Before Questionnaires" |
(2005) |
40721A.3 |
Workcamp Survey "Before Questionnaires" |
(2004) |
40721A.4 |
Workcamp Survey "Before Questionnaires" SCI CH unclear if evaluated
(2004) |

40721B |
Strategic Plan Implementation |
(2004 - 2005) |
40721B.1 |
Workcamp Survey "After Questionnaires" |
(2005) |
40721B.2 |
Workcamp Survey "After Questionnaires" |
(2005) |
40721B.3 |
Workcamp Survey "After Questionnaires" |
(2004) |
40721B.4 |
Workcamp Survey „After Questionnaires“ SCI CH unclear if evaluated
(2004) |

40731 |
International Exchange Programme |
(1998 - 1999) |
40731.1 |
European Voluntary Service (EVS): Correspondence, preparatory meetings on EVS Short term programme, policy papers [for EVS see also 50452.1, 50601.1 and 50601.4] |
(1998 - 1999) |
40731.2 |
“The short experience through the EVS-looking glass”. EVS Short term seminar in Antwerpen, December 1998 |
(1998) |
40731.3 |
Words Become Deeds: EVS in Action. Seminar in Viittakivi, Finland, March 1999. Application, report, other documents |
(1999) |
40731.4 |
EVS Short term programme: Correspondence, grant agreememt, workcamp list, final report |
(1999) |

40732 |
International Exchange Programme |
(1999) |
40732.1 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents (part 1) |
(1999) |
40732.2 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents (part 2) |
(1999) |

40733 |
International Exchange Programme |
(2000) |
40733.1 |
EVS Short term programme: Correspondence, grant application, workcamp list, EVS insurance guidelines, report |
(2000) |
40733.2 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents |
(2000) |
40733.3 |
Sheltered Placement Programme: Application, project agreements with branches, correspondence, reporting [see also 46304.1] |
(2000) |

40734 |
International Exchange Programme |
(2001) |
40734.1 |
EVS Short term programme: Correspondence, grant application, workcamp list, general documents, report |
(2001) |
40734.2 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents (part 1) |
(2001) |

40735 |
International Exchange Programme |
(2001) |
40735.1 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents (part 2) |
(2001) |
40735.2 |
EVS Short term programme: Volunteer related documents (part 3) |
(2001) |

40736 |
International Exchange Programme |
(2003) |
40736.1 |
Intergenerational Peace Project: Rejected EU grant application for involving persons aged 55+ into SCI projects |
(2003) |

40751 |
International Seminars and Workshops |
(1954 - 1978) |
40751.1a |
Work & Study Camp, Engers, Koblenz (Germany) 14.-28.7.1957 |
(1957) |
40751.1b |
Moslem Society, Past and Present, Orient-Occident study camp, Tunis (Tunisia) 6.-20.7.1958 |
(1958) |
40751.1c |
Orient-Occident study camp, Lausanne (Switzerland) 16.-30.8.1959 |
(1959) |
40751.1d |
Study workcamp on non-violence, Sandvika (Norway) 2.-26.7.1959 |
(1959) |
40751.1f |
Work and Study camp on North Africa, Rockanje (Netherlands) 29.7.-18.8.1962 |
(1962) |
40751.1g |
Social and political implication of SCI action, Orange Hill State, Kadawatte (Ceylon) 18.-20.5.1969 |
(1969) |
40751.1h |
SCI Seminar on politics, Uddel (Netherlands) 5.-7.4.1969 |
(1969) |
40751.1i |
Uddel II, Thiange-Huy (Belgium) 29.-31.3.1970 |
(1970) |
40751.1k |
Potentization for communities involved at local group level, Singapore, 5.5.1970 |
(1970) |
40751.1l |
Local group seminar, Bonn (Germany) 20.-21.6.1970 |
(1970) |
40751.1m |
Social iniatives, community development and non violence, Local group conference, Spaarnberg (Netherlands) 21.-22.11.1970 |
(1970) |
40751.2a |
Local group seminar, London (Great Britain) 1.-2.5.1971 |
(1971) |
40751.2b |
Reconciliation India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, Duptam (Bangladesh) 18.-30.9.1972 |
(1972) |
40751.2c |
International voluntary service in the SCI & European context, Strasbourg (France) 18.-22.4.1975 |
(1975) |
40751.2d |
Seminar, Strasbourg (France) February 1976 |
(1976) |
40751.2e |
Youth and the armed forces in the 80s, Strasbourg (France) 6.-11.11.1977 |
(1977) |

40752 |
International Seminars and Workshops |
(1979 - 1987) |
40752.1a |
General presentation of SCI work in Africa, Asia & Europe, New Delhi (India) 16.-18.1.1979 |
(1979) |
40752.1b |
Certain educational aspects of short term voluntary services. Strasbourg (France) 11.-18.11.1979 |
(1979) |
40752.1c |
Peace work in Northern Ireland, Gleencree (Ireland) 11.-15.2.1980 |
(1980) |
40752.1d |
Les conflits, la non-violence et la construction de la paix, C.U.N. du Larzac, Rhône-Alpes (France) 7.-14.9.1980 |
(1980) |
40752.1e |
Youth and the drug problem in Western european societies, Strasbourg (France) 2.-9.11.1980 |
(1980) |
40752.1f |
Working with people, Hothorpe Hall (Great Britain) 29.-31.
3.1981 |
(1981) |
40752.1g |
European voluntary organisations and relations with third world countries, Strasbourg (France) 18.-25.10.1981 |
(1981) |
40752.1h |
SCI and non-violence, Strasbourg (France) 10.-17.10.1982 |
(1982) |
40752.1i |
Unemployment & voluntary work, Castlepolland (Northern Ireland) 9.-14.4.1982 |
(1982) |
40752.2a |
The role of voluntary service organisation in the promotion of peace, Tamil Nadu (India) 10.10.1983 |
(1983) |
40752.2aa |
Seminar about Voluntary Service in Northern and Southern Europe, Barcelona (Spain) 16.-21.12.1983 |
(1983) |
40752.2b |
Peace and development, Katmandu (Nepal) 20.-21.10.1984 |
(1984) |
40752.2c |
Ecological crisis and voluntary work, 17.-24.11.1985 |
(1985) |
40752.2d |
Animation, Madras (India) 24.-26.9.1986 |
(1986) |
40752.2e |
Eco-séminaire, Ariège Pyrénées (France) 12.-19.10.1986 |
(1986) |
40752.2f |
SCI, MCP, Université de la Paix (Namur, Belgium) : Le dialogue comme principe d'éducation, Strasbourg (France) 22.-26.10.1986 |
(1986) |
40752.2g |
European youth policy - actual trends and perspectives, Putten (Netherlands) 23.-28.8.1987 |
(1987) |

40753 |
International Seminars and Workshops |
(1983 - 1986) |
40753.1 |
Seminar about voluntary service in Northern and Southern Europe, Barcelona (Spain) 16.-21.12.1983 |
(1983) |
40753.2 |
SCI meets SCI, a comparison of working methods strategies to improve international cooperation, Dworp (Belgium) 8.-13.1.1985 |
(1985) |
40753.3 |
Seminar on Workcamps, Linlithgow (Scotland); International Projects Seminar, Benurb (Northern Ireland) |
(1985 - 1986) |

40754 |
International Seminars and Workshops |
(1986 - 1999) |
40754.1 |
Various seminars: reports |
(1988 - 1996) |
40754.1a |
International workshop on conflict resolution, Haarlem (Netherlands) 2.-4.12.1988 |
(1988) |
40754.1b |
Ecological imbalance and afforestation, Dhaka (Bangladesh) 24.3.1989 |
(1989) |
40754.1c |
Racism awareness training for trainers, Paris (France) 26.8.-2.9.1992 |
(1992) |
40754.2 |
Various Seminars: reports |
(1990 - 1995) |
40754.3 |
Various Seminars: reports |
(1996 - 1999) |
40754.4 |
International Workcampleader Training Seminars "Animate": Reports. |
(1986 - 1995) |

40755 |
International Seminars and Workshops |
(1998 - 2003) |
40755.1 |
“Ideology Seminar”, Leusden, Netherlands, October 1998. Application, participants’ evaluation, reports |
(1998) |
40755.2 |
Sustainable Funding for SCI: Seminar in Reichenau, Austria, October 2000. Application, Programme, Report, Handbook [see also 30912.2] |
(2000 - 2001) |
40755.3 |
Global Impact – assessment of the impact of International Workcamps to Peace and International Understanding: Seminar in Rihu, Finland, November / December 2002. Application, Correspondence, Participants’ applications, Reports, Follow-up |
(2002 - 2003) |
40755.4 |
Sustainable lifestyle – a way to the future: Report from Seminar, O Pelouro, Spain, September 2002. Rejected EU grant application for International public awareness raising campaign by IS and several branches |
(2002) |
40755.5 |
„Green volunteering“: Seminar held in Ankaran, Slovenia, November 2000. Application, correspondence, printed report |
(2000 - 2002) |
40755.6a |
Strategic Planning Seminar in Warrington (UK), December 2001: Application, correspondence, minutes, reporting |
(2001 - 2003) |
40755.6b |
Strategic Planning Seminar in Warrington (UK), December 2001: Participants Report |
(2001) |

40761 |
International Resource Centre attached to International Secretariat |
(1986 - 1994) |
40761.1 |
Reports, Circulars, Correspondence. |
(1986 - 1994) |
40761.2 |
Printed Reports. |
(1988 - 1992) |

Archives no. | Content | Period |
40801 |
East-West Co-ordination : Origin |
(1952 - 1970) |
40801.1 |
Origin, Minutes, Reports, Correspondence
Cooperation with World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). |
(1952 - 1970) |

40802 |
East-West Co-ordination : East-West Commissions, SCI-SIVSAJ, CCYMSC East West Commissions (1972 - November 1975)
SCI-SIVSAJ (November 1975-March 1976)
Commission for Co-operation with Youth Movement in Socialist Countries (CCYMSC) ( March 1976-1990) |
(1971 - 1980) |
40802.1 |
East-West Commission, SCI-SIVSAJ, CCYMSC : Minutes, Financial Statements, Reports. |
(1971 - 1977) |
40802.2 |
CCYMSC : Minutes, Financial Statements, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1977 - 1980) |

40803 |
East-West Co-ordination : CCYMSC |
(1981 - 1983) |
40803.1 |
CCYMSC : Minutes, Financial Statements, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1981 - 1983) |

40804 |
East-West Co-ordination : CCYMSC |
(1984 - 1985) |
40804.1 |
CCYMSC : Minutes, Financial Statements, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1984 - 1985) |

40805 |
East-West Co-ordination : CCYMSC |
(1986 - 1989) |
40805.1 |
CCYMSC : Minutes, Financial Statements, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1986 - 1989) |

40806 |
East-West Co-ordination : Cooperation with SIVSAJ and other organisation Service International de Solidarité et Amitié de la Jeunesse/International Voluntary Service for Solidarity and Friendship of Youth (SIVSAJ) |
(1973 - 2002) |
40806.1 |
East-West Coordination: Printed Matters |
(1979 - 2002) |
40806.2 |
SIVSAJ : Reports, Correspondence |
(1973 - 1989) |
40806.3 |
Cooperation with Nicaragua and Ethiopia: Reports, Correspondence |
(1979 - 1988) |
40806.4 |
CCYMSC: Correspondence on North-South Exchange |
(1986 - 1990) |

40807 |
East-West Co-ordination : Bulletins & Newsletter |
(1977 - 1987) |
40807.1 |
Circulars, Internal News. |
(1981 - 1987) |
40807.2 |
Newsletter |
(1977 - 1979) |
40807.3 |
CCYMSC-Bulletins |
(1980 - 1981) |
40807.4 |
East-West Express |
(1982 - 1985) |
40807.5 |
East-West Newsletter |
(1984 - 1987) |

40808 |
East-West Co-ordination : GATE, EWWG GATE - Group for Action in Europe (1991 till 1997)
EWWG - East West Working Group (1998 - 2004) |
(1990 - 1995) |
40808.1 |
GATE : Meetings and Correspondence. |
(1990 - 1994) |
40808.2 |
GATE: Meetings and Correspondence. |
(1995) |

40809 |
East-West Co-ordination : Bulletins |
(1988 - 1993) |
40809.1 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.1-10 & suplement. |
(1988 - 1989) |
40809.2 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.11-19 |
(1990 - 1991) |
40809.3 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.20-26 |
(1992 - 1993) |

40810 |
East-West Co-ordination : Seminars |
(1972 - 1992) |
40810.1 |
Seminars :
IVS GB : East-West Seminar 1972
SCI FRG : East-West Seminar, Berg (Germany) 26.02-1.03.1973
SCI FRG : Preparatory Seminar for volunteers going to socialist countries, Bonn (Germany) 30.06-1.07.73
SCI FRG : The role of voluntary service in the light of present political trends in Europe as a whole, Bonn (Germany) 1.-4.06.1974
SCI FRG : The actual and potential contribution on voluntary service in Europe and youth organization Kendenich (Germany) 2.-5.05.1975
SCI F : Rencontre Est Ouest, Workcamp, St.Girons (France) 16.8-13.9.1981
CCYMSC, EC : Campleader training - an all-European approach, Helsinki (Finland) 15.-17.10.1986
SCI/SIVSAJ : Working for peace together, Study Tour, 24.9.-4.10.1987
SCI/EYE : Youth Peace Seminar, Strasbourg (France) 19.-26.6.1988
CCYMSC : Volunteer Service in changing world, Strasbourg (France) 3.-9.4.1989 |
(1972 - 1989) |
40810.2 |
Seminars :
CCYMSC : Study Tour to Eastern Europe, 23.9.-7.10.1984
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, Dworp (Belgium) 15.-17.3.1985
CCYMSC : East-West Seminar, La Forge (France) 22.10.-25.10.1985
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, West-Berlin (Germany) 11.-13.4.1986
CCYMSC: Campleader Training, Helsinki (Finland) 17.-25.10.1986
SCI/SIVSAJ: Bilateral Seminar, Bad Hönningen (Germany) 23.-26.4.1987
SCI ES: Youth Peace Seminar, Strasbourg (France) 5.-6.3.1988
CCYMSC: Working for Peace together, Study Tour Western Europe, 24.9.-4.10.1987
CCYMSC: Volunteer Service in a Changing World, Strasbourg (France) 3.-9.4.1989
CCYMSC: Seminar of voluntary services from East and West, Sachsenhause (GDR) 11.-17.1990
SCI/MCP/HPC/IYNF: Which peace for which Europe, Budapest (Hungary) 8-14.10.1990
EWWG : Training Seminar, Perm (Russia) 22-29.11.1992 |
(1984 - 1992) |

40811 |
East-West Co-ordination : Bulletins |
(1994 - 2004) |
40811.1 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.27 - 32. Yellow Pages Light No. 1-3 |
(1994 - 1995) |
40811.2 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.33 -42. [No. 40 missing] |
(1996 - 2000) |
40811.3 |
Yellow Pages, Bulletins No.43-50 |
(2001 - 2004) |

40812 |
East-West Co-ordination : Seminars |
(1990 - 1997) |
40812.1 |
Reports of Seminars. |
(1990 - 1993) |
40812.2 |
Reports of Seminars. |
(1994 - 1997) |

40813 |
East-West Co-ordination : Seminars & Projects |
(1989 - 2002) |
40813.1 |
Reports of seminars |
(1998 - 1999) |
40813.2 |
Baltic Sea Campaign "Save the Baltic Sea" : Correspondence, Reports. |
(1989 - 1992) |
40813.3 |
Baltic Sea Campaign "Save the Baltic Sea" : Printed matters |
(1990) |
40813.4 |
Seminar & Project Reports. |
(2000 - 2002) |

40814 |
East-West Co-ordination : Seminars & Projects |
(1971 - 2002) |
40814.1 |
Council of Europe : Funds Application, Correspondence |
(1971 - 1973) |
40814.2 |
European Youth Foundation: Applications, correspondence. |
(1973 - 2000) |
40814.3 |
European Youth Foundation: Applications, correspondence. |
(2001 - 2004) |

40815 |
East-West Co-ordination: GATE, EWWG |
(1996 - 1997) |
40815.1 |
GATE: Meetings and Correspondence
[for Technical Meetings see also 42403.3 and 42404.1, for Joint EEC / GSG Meetings see also 42302.1 and 42302.2] |
(1996) |
40815.2 |
GATE: Meetings and Correspondence |
(1997) |

40816 |
East-West Co-ordination: GATE, EWWG East-West Co-ordination: GATE, EWWG |
(1998 - 2000) |
40816.1 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings and Correspondence [see also 40825.2] |
(1998) |
40816.2 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings and Correspondence |
(1999) |
40816.3 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings and Correspondence |
(2000) |
40816.4 |
East-East Forum Meetings |
(1999) |

40817 |
East-West Co-ordination: GATE, EWWG |
(2001 - 2003) |
40817.1 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings and Correspondence |
(2001) |
40817.2 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings |
(2002) |
40817.3 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings |
(2003) |

40818 |
East-West Co-ordination: GATE, EWWG |
(1999 - 2005) |
40818.1 |
GATE / EWWG: Meetings and Correspondence |
(2004) |
40818.2 |
GATE / EWWG: Finances |
(1999 - 2005) |
40818.3 |
GATE / EWWG: Office and staff matters [classified] |
(1999 - 2004) |
40818.4 |
GATE / EWWG: Staff and LTV documents, applications [classified] |
(2000 - 2004) |

40819 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1996 - 1999) |
40819.1 |
Polmaro pre-history: Refugee seminar Budapest Nov 1996 |
(1996) |
40819.2 |
Polmaro: Project papers, correspondence, reports [see also 33701]. |
(1996 - 1997) |
40819.3 |
Polmaro: Project papers, correspondence, reports [see also 33701]. |
(1998 - 1999) |
40819.4 |
Polmaro: Newsletter Polmarek No. 1-18 [missing No. 17]. |
(1997 - 1998) |

40820 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1996 - 1998) |
40820.1 |
POET: Printed reports. |
(1998 - 2000) |
40820.2 |
POET: Applications and correspondence. |
(1996 - 1997) |
40820.3 |
POET: Correspondence, reports, minutes. |
(1998) |

40821 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1998 - 2000) |
40821.1 |
POET: Correspondence, reports, minutes |
(1999) |
40821.2 |
POET: Newsletter, correspondence, reports |
(1999) |
40821.3 |
POET: Correspondence on Translation of a handbook [see also 11116.22] |
(1998 - 2000) |

40822 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1999 - 2001) |
40822.1 |
POET: Trainings, LTV exchange and reports. |
(1999) |
40822.2 |
POET: Correspondence, reports, LTV exchange, seminars. |
(2000) |
40822.3 |
POET: Steering group meetings, final events and reports, LTV reports. |
(2000 - 2001) |

40823 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1996 - 2000) |
40823.1 |
POET: EVS Baltic countries – applications, correspondence. |
(1999 - 2000) |
40823.2 |
Study visit Baltic countries: Application, correspondence, report. |
(1996 - 2000) |
40823.3 |
Urals Summer School: Application, correspondence, participants [see also 40813.1]. |
(1998) |

40824 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1997 - 1999) |
40824.1 |
Summer School West; Project Management Seminar, Warsaw: Applications, correspondence [see also 40812.2]. |
(1997) |
40824.2 |
Seminar “Women's role in modern society”, Minsk. Application, correspondence [see also 40813.1]. |
(1997 - 1998) |
40824.3 |
Unsuccessful application for women's seminar in Georgia. |
(1999) |
40824.4 |
Study visit Georgia: Application, correspondence, participants [see also 40813.1] |
(1998) |
40824.5 |
Study visit Azerbaijan on refugee issues [see also 40813.1] |
(1999) |

40825 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1995 - 2004) |
40825.1 |
Unsuccessful applications for EU LIEN programme Phare / Tacis. DP Russia 2: Various documents. |
(1995 - 1997) |
40825.2 |
Seminar “Complementary activities for Long-Term exchanges with Eastern Europe”, Perm (Russia). Application, correspondence. [see also 40816.1]
(1998) |
40825.3 |
Seminar “A Training for Trainers on Fundraising Techniques and Methods”, Kaluga (Russia). Application, report to funders |
(1999 - 2000) |
40825.4 |
Far-east study visit (Russia). Report to funders. [see also 40813.4] |
(2000) |
40825.5 |
EVS Azerbaijan (1): Demiryol Refugee Project. Applications, reports. |
(1999 - 2001) |
40825.6 |
EVS Azerbaijan (2): Orphanage Project / “Give a Hand to a Child”. Applications, reports, photos. |
(2002 - 2004) |

40826 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1999 - 2002) |
40826.1 |
EVS Russia: Projects in different cities. Applications, reports. |
(1999 - 2002) |
40826.2 |
Seminar “EVS with Third Countries”. St Petersburg |
(2001 - 2002) |

40827 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(1999 - 2003) |
40827.1 |
Polmaro follow-up / Central European Co-operation: Meetings, project applications. |
(1999 - 2001) |
40827.2 |
GATE / Sava Summer Schools: Germany 2000 (programme); Netherlands and UK 2001 (application, reports, correspondence) [see also 40813.4] |
(2000 - 2003) |
40827.3 |
Seminar “Back to the roots”, Prague, May 2001. Applications and reports [see also 40813.4] |
(2000 - 2003) |
40827.4 |
Seminar on Conflict resolution, Saint Petersburg, 2001. Applications and correspondence [see also 40813.4] |
(2000 - 2002) |

40828 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(2001 - 2005) |
40828.1 |
Summer School Ukraine, August 2001. Application and reports |
(2001 - 2003) |
40828.2 |
Unsuccessful Application “Travelling Training Course on Conflict Resolution” |
(2002) |
40828.3 |
Seminar “Empowering Youth Leaders with Mediation Skills”, Malyovitsa, Bulgaria, September 2002. Application and report |
(2001 - 2003) |
40828.4 |
Seminar “Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Resolution”, Tbilisi, Georgia, January 2004. Application and report |
(2003 - 2005) |
40828.5 |
Seminar “Best Peace Practice”, Baku, Azerbaijan, November 2003. Application and report |
(2003 - 2005) |
40828.6 |
Study visit to Russia, September 2004. Correspondence, application, report |
(2003 - 2005) |
40828.7 |
Summer School East, Artemovsk, Ukraine, 2004 (project did not take place). Correspondence and application |
(2003 - 2005) |

40829 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(2000 - 2005) |
40829.1 |
“Peace Messengers are Coming”. Training seminar in Poland, May 2002. Application, programme, report. [see also 40813.4] |
(2000 - 2003) |
40829.2 |
Human Rights Messengers: Training courses May / July 2003. Applications and correspondence. |
(2002 - 2004) |
40829.3 |
Human Rights Messengers: EVS Projects 2003. Applications and correspondence, final reports. |
(2002 - 2005) |
40829.4 |
Human Rights Messengers: Applications for prep team, internal agreements, training documents, reports [see also 30504.4]. |
(2003) |

40830 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(2003) |
40830.1 |
Human Rights Messengers: EVS individual applications and reports [see also 30269.3]. |
(2003) |
40830.2 |
Best Practice in Human Rights Work (Seminar in Moldova). Application |
(2003) |

40831 |
Partner Organisations : Czechoslovakia |
(1946 - 1975) |
40831.1 |
Origins, Reports, Correspondence. |
(1946 - 1947) |
40831.2 |
Reports of visits, Correspondence, Group in Prag. |
(1965 - 1975) |

40832 |
Partner Organisations : Poland |
(1947 - 1979) |
40832.1 |
Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1953 - 1975) |
40832.2 |
Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1976 - 1979) |

40833 |
Partner Organisations : Poland [For SCI Branch in Poland see 30700] |
(1980 - 1993) |
40833.1 |
Reports, Circulars, Correspondence |
(1980 - 1993) |
40833.2 |
Printed matters |
(1960 - 1990) |

40834 |
Partner Organisations : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic |
(1956 - 2001) |
40834.1 |
Correspondence with Co-operating Organisations. |
(1956 - 1991) |
40834.2 |
New initiative Czech Republic: Correspondence, study visit, workcamp. |
(2001) |

40841 |
Partner Organisations : Baltic countries |
(1990 - ) |
40841.1 |
Estonia. |
(1990 - ) |
40841.2 |
Latvia. |
(1990 - ) |
40841.3 |
Lithuania. |
(1990 - ) |

40851 |
Partner Organisations : Soviet Union |
(1954 - 1991) |
40851.1 |
Correspondance with Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR (KMO & CYO), Reports. |
(1954 - 1971) |
40851.2 |
Circulars, Reports and Correspondence. |
(1972 - 1991) |
40851.3 |
Printed matters. |
(1958 - 1991) |

40861 |
Partner Organisations : German Democratic Republic (GDR) [see also 11412-11414] |
(1956 - 1990) |
40861.1 |
German Democratic Republic: Reports, Correspondence |
(1954 - 1990) |
40861.2 |
SCI Germany (FRG): Reports, Correspondence on negotiations about co-operation with GDR |
(1961 - 1967) |

40865 |
Partner Organisations : Hungary [for SCI Group in Hungary see 33601ff]. |
(1954 - 1991) |
40865.1 |
Reports, Correspondence. |
(1954 - 1991) |
40865.2 |
Printed matters |
(1981 - 1991) |
40865.3 |
Documentation Hungary |
(1973 - 1991) |

40871 |
Partner Organisations : Bulgaria, Romania |
(1954 - 1991) |
40871.1 |
Bulgaria : Reports, Correspondence. |
(1954 - 1991) |
40871.2 |
Bulgaria : Printed matters. |
(1980 - 1991) |
40871.3 |
Romania : Correspondence. [for SCI Group in Romania see 33801ff] |
(1960 - 1989) |

40872 |
Partner Organisations : Yugoslavia |
(1947 - 1990) |
40872.1 |
Yugoslavia: Reports, correspondence |
(1947 - 1990) |
40872.2 |
Slovenia: Reports, Correspondence [for SCI Slovenia see 33500] |
(1983 - 1990) |
40872.3 |
Documentation Yugoslavia |
(1980 - 1990) |
40872.4 |
Yugoslavia: printed matters |
(1972 - 1990) |

40873 |
Partner Organisations : Ex Yugoslavia [see also 34100 and 34200 in for SCI in Croatia and Serbia. For SCI working group in South Eastern Europe see 46310] |
(1990 - ) |
40873.11 |
Croatia (Suncokret and others): Report, Correspondence, Newsletter |
(1992 - 1996) |
40873.12 |
Workcamps in Refugee Centers |
(1993 - 1996) |
40873.13 |
Volunteer reports |
(1993 - 1996) |
40873.2 |
Serbia: Correspondence |
(1991 - ) |
40873.3 |
Kosova: Correspondence
[see also 46311.1] |
(1999 - 2004) |

40874 |
Partner Organisations : Former Soviet Union, CIS |
(1991 - ) |
40874.1 |
Ukraine |
(1996 - ) |
40874.2 |
Azerbaijan. |
(1998 - ) |
40874.3 |
Armenia |
(1989 - ) |
40874.4 |
Georgia |
(1999 - ) |
40874.5 |
Russia |
(1992 - ) |
40874.6 |
Lithuania |
(1990 - ) |
40874.7 |
Kazachstan |
(1992 - ) |

40881 |
East-West Volunteer Exchange |
(1987) |
40881.1 |
Application forms |
(1987) |

40882 |
East-West Volunteer Exchange |
(1988 - 1989) |
40882.1 |
Application forms |
(1988) |
40882.2 |
Application forms |
(1989) |

40883 |
East-West Volunteer Exchange |
(1990) |
40883.1 |
Application forms |
(1990) |
40883.2 |
Application forms |
(1990) |

40884 |
East-West Volunteer Exchange |
(1998 - 1999) |
40884.1 |
Application forms |
(1998) |
40884.2 |
Application forms |
(1999) |

40885 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(2000 - 2005) |
40885.1 |
Poconet: Application and correspondence |
(2000 - 2005) |
40885.2 |
Poconet: Final report. |
(2004) |
40885.3 |
Poconet: Trainers Pool – Applications, meetings, other documents |
(2001 - 2004) |

40886 |
East-West Co-ordination: Projects |
(2001 - 2004) |
40886.1 |
Poconet: Various events – participants lists, applications, reports. |
(2001 - 2003) |
40886.2 |
Poconet: Internal documents, finances incl branch guarantee letters |
(2001 - 2004) |

40890 |
East-West Co-ordination post GATE: Various activities |
(2005 - ) |
40890.1 |
East West Seminar, organised by SCI Switzerland, Bern (CH), February 2005: Invitation, concept papers. |
(2005) |
40890.2 |
East West Platform Meeting, Broc (CH), December 2005: Application, mailing, minutes. |
(2005) |
