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Audio Tapes

(2001 - )


Mihai Crisan : The beginning of SCI Romania 1991-1994, Interview by Philipp Rodriguez in Antwerp (B), 20.Mai 2001, English, 2 Tapes (ca. 120 min).
Content : Origin, Romania before 1989, in the Army 1988-1989, Student at university in Bucarest, Activist with MER 1990, PAX Christi Study Tour in Romania august 1990, 1st Workcamp in Texel (Netherlands) 1991, Workcamp evaluation weekend february 1992, MTV with SCI Switzerland in Bern 1992, Forming SCI Group in Romania by vols, ECM in Hungary December 1992, Conflict with Youth League 1993, Summer exchange 1993, Application to become a group of SCI 1994



Lotti Baumann : Secretary of SCI Switzerland 1959-1971, Interview by Heinz Gabathuler & Philipp Rodriguez in Zürich (B), 25.Mai 2001, German, 1 Tape (ca. 70 min).
Content : Origin, 1st Workcamps 1956, Activities in SCI local group of Zürich, weekend services, Secretary of SCI Switzerland at Gartenhofstrasse 7 in Zürich 1959 - 1971, Volunteer selection and placement, after 1971



Ruedi Tobler, Interview by Heinz Gabathuler & Philipp Rodriguez at Gartenhofstr.7 Zürich (B), 10. November 2001, German, 2 Tapes (ca. 110 min).
Content : Origin, father Hermann Tobler was SCI member, grown up in Zürich, active in Anti-Nuclear weapon movement, 1st workcamp in Andiast 1965, everyday life in workcamps end of 60s, SCI local group in Zürich, Seminar on workcamps in mountain in area, study camp in Amden 1968 (Toggenburg), Meetings of SCI local group and war resister local group at Gartenhofstrasse 7, Model service in Albinen 1966, Secretary "Waffenausfuhr Initiative" 1969-72, member of Friedensrat, associations at Gartenhof (e.g. Verein Bildung und Arbeit) and family Ragaz, Conscientious objection 1966/67, camp with wife in Tunisia, president of Friedensrat 70s, family, 1968 and role of the peace movement



Interviews for the thesis "Der Nord-Süd-Austausch des SCI Schweiz" (the North-South Exchange od SCI Switzerland) by Christoph Zehnder :
Tape 1-3 : Interview with Theres Bärtschi, Secretary of SCI Switzerland, Bern, 22.02.02 (Swiss German, ca. 270 min)
Tape 4 : Interview with Christa Luginbühl, Secretary of SCI Switzerland, Bern, 22.02.02 (Swiss German, ca. 90 min)
Tape 5 : Interview with Theres Bärtschi, Secretary of SCI Switzerland, Bern, 01.03.02 (Swiss German, ca. 60 min)



Felix Ziegler, Bernhard & Eveline Lerch
Meeting during the study visit of CVS Bulgaria in Zürich, 2 Tapes (ca. 180 min), English, 23.July 2003 :
- Felix Ziegler : Organisator of model service for conscientious objectors in Albinen1966 (Switzerland)
- Bernhard & Eveline Lerch : Initiator and coordinator of SCI centre in Schanfigg Pagig 1971-1976 (Switzerland).



Hans Frieder Dietz, Interview by Philipp Rodriguez at veteran meeting of SCI Germany, Göttingen, 26.-28.September 2003, German 72 min.
Content: Origin, Working seminars, break in SCI 1969, Generation conflict, East West, political position of SCI, workcamp life, SCI impact.



Piet Kruithof, Interview by Philipp Rodriguez at veteran meeting of SCI Germany, Göttingen, 26.-28.September 2003, German 65 min.
Content: Origin, Beginning of dutch branch, long term volunteer after war, AFSC in Germany, Quakers in USA, UNESCO, Bolivia, merging of IVH and SAO, Askov 1947, civil disobediance.



Chris Hollaender, Interview by Philipp Rodriguez at veteran meeting of SCI Germany, Göttingen, 26.-28.September 2003, German 42 min.
Content: Origin, Become teacher, IVH, SCI services in Germany, Poland, East West exchange, Quakers, International president, reconciliation with Germany.



Chronique du bidonville (1959-1962), Monique Hervo, Interview by Radio France Culture, 2009, French ca 100 min.
France-Algeria conflict, Slums of Nanterre



Pierre Ceresole Wanderung, from Schleitheim to Fützen with comments from Philipp Rodriguez, 22.August 2010, German, 50 min.



SCI CH Bureau Genève: Présentation multimédia. Contains audio files with volunteers sharing workcamp experience (in French) and workcamp photos



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